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Test Coverage
package gas_test

import (
    . ""

func (s GasSuite) TestGasPriceEstimator() {
    testChain := simulated.NewSimulatedBackend(s.GetTestContext(), s.T())
    estimator := gas.NewGasPriceEstimator(s.GetTestContext(), testChain)
    height, err := testChain.BlockByNumber(s.GetTestContext(), nil)
    Nil(s.T(), err)

    // below ethconfig.FullNodeGPO.Blocks, price should be default
    price, err := estimator.EstimateGasPrice(s.GetTestContext(), height.NumberU64(), gas.GetConfig())
    Nil(s.T(), err)
    Equal(s.T(), gas.DefaultGasPriceEstimate, price)

    // price at new height should not be the same
    height, err = testChain.BlockByNumber(s.GetTestContext(), nil)
    Nil(s.T(), err)

    price, err = estimator.EstimateGasPrice(s.GetTestContext(), height.NumberU64(), gas.GetConfig())
    Nil(s.T(), err)
    NotEqual(s.T(), gas.DefaultGasPriceEstimate.Uint64(), price.Uint64())
    Less(s.T(), gas.GetConfig().IgnorePrice.Uint64(), price.Uint64())

    // finally, let's make sure the new gas price isn't ignored by our backend (base fee test)
    acct := testChain.GetFundedAccount(s.GetTestContext(), big.NewInt(params.Ether))
    to := common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(0))

    signedTx, err := testChain.SignTx(types.NewTx(&types.LegacyTx{
        Gas:      21000,
        GasPrice: price,
        To:       &to,
        Value:    big.NewInt(params.GWei),
    }), types.LatestSignerForChainID(testChain.Chain.GetBigChainID()), acct.PrivateKey)
    Nil(s.T(), err)

    err = testChain.SendTransaction(s.GetTestContext(), signedTx)
    Nil(s.T(), err)

    testChain.WaitForConfirmation(s.GetTestContext(), signedTx)

// mockGasEvents mocks a bunch of gas events.
func (s GasSuite) mockGasEvents(chain *simulated.Backend) {
    // create a new transactor
    transactor := mocks.MockAccount(s.T())

    // fund the transactor w/ 50 eth
    chain.FundAccount(s.GetTestContext(), transactor.Address, *big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(params.Ether), big.NewInt(50)))

    // get the current height, so we can discard any txes before the height where gas calculations start
    currentBlock, err := chain.BlockByNumber(s.GetTestContext(), nil)
    Nil(s.T(), err)
    height := int(currentBlock.NumberU64())
    // gasHeight is the height at which gas will be calculated back from
    gasHeight := gas.GetConfig().Blocks + height + 20

    var signedTx *types.Transaction

    destAddress := mocks.MockAddress()
    for i := height; i <= gasHeight; i++ {
        // generate a number between 1 and 256 and multiply it by gwei
        gasPrice := big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(params.GWei), big.NewInt(int64(gofakeit.Uint8())+1))
        rawTx := types.NewTx(&types.LegacyTx{
            Gas:      simulated.BlockGasLimit,
            GasPrice: gasPrice,
            To:       &destAddress,
            Value:    big.NewInt(1),
        signedTx, err = chain.SignTx(rawTx, types.LatestSignerForChainID(chain.ChainConfig().ChainID), transactor.PrivateKey)
        Nil(s.T(), err)

        err = chain.Client().SendTransaction(s.GetTestContext(), signedTx)
        Nil(s.T(), err)
    chain.WaitForConfirmation(s.GetTestContext(), signedTx)