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Test Coverage
package deployer

import (

// ContractDeployer is a contract deployer for a single contract type.
type ContractDeployer interface {
    // Deploy deploys the contract and returns an error if it cannot be deployed
    Deploy(ctx context.Context) (contracts.DeployedContract, error)
    // ContractType gets the type of the deployed contract
    ContractType() contracts.ContractType
    // Dependencies gets the dependencies of this contract
    Dependencies() []contracts.ContractType

// GetOnlyContractRegistry is a contract registry that only allows gets.
type GetOnlyContractRegistry interface {
    // Get gets a contract by type. If the contract is not deployed, a new contract of type is deployed.
    // In cases where an error is present, this error is triggered via the test object in the constructor
    Get(ctx context.Context, contractType contracts.ContractType) contracts.DeployedContract
    // GetRegisteredDeployer gets the deployer for a given contract, returs nil if it doesn't exist
    GetRegisteredDeployer(contractType contracts.ContractType) ContractDeployer
    // GetDeployedContracts gets all deployed contracts in the registry.
    GetDeployedContracts() (res map[int]contracts.DeployedContract)

// ContractRegistry handles contract deployment/storage for a specific chain.
//go:generate go run --name ContractRegistry --output ./mocks --case=underscore
type ContractRegistry interface {
    // Deploy deploys the contract type, but does not register it
    Deploy(ctx context.Context, contractType contracts.ContractType) contracts.DeployedContract
    // Register registers the contract with the contract registry. If you use Get() this isn't
    // required. This method is idempotent and will overwrite any contracts deployed
    Register(contractType contracts.ContractType, contract contracts.DeployedContract)
    // RegisterContractDeployer registers contract types that can be used for deployment. This allows extensibility by
    // non-synapse libraries. This will overwrite previous contract deployers with the same type
    RegisterContractDeployer(deployers ...ContractDeployer)
    // IsContractDeployed checks if a contract is deplyoed yet
    IsContractDeployed(contractType contracts.ContractType) bool
    // RegisteredDeployers gets all deployers registered
    RegisteredDeployers() []ContractDeployer

// contractRegistryImpl handles registration/fetching of deployed contracts.
type contractRegistryImpl struct {
    // backend stores the backend of the contract registry
    backend backends.SimulatedTestBackend
    // t is the testing object
    tb testing.TB
    // structMux prevents race conditions in the contract deployer
    structMux sync.RWMutex
    // deployMutex is a keyed mutex that prevents race conditions while deploying contracts (e.g. two contracts are created/
    // returned on the same chain). Note this only runs on Getters
    //nolint: structcheck, unused
    deployMutex *keymutex.KeyMutex
    // deployers stores the contract deploers
    deployers map[int]ContractDeployer
    // deployedContracts are the deployed contracts
    deployedContracts map[int]contracts.DeployedContract

func (c *contractRegistryImpl) RegisteredDeployers() (deployers []ContractDeployer) {
    defer c.structMux.Unlock()
    for _, deployer := range c.deployers {
        deployers = append(deployers, deployer)
    return deployers

func (c *contractRegistryImpl) IsContractDeployed(contractType contracts.ContractType) bool {
    defer c.structMux.RUnlock()
    _, hasContract := c.deployedContracts[contractType.ID()]
    return hasContract

// NewContractRegistry creates a new contract registry.
func NewContractRegistry(tb testing.TB, backend backends.SimulatedTestBackend) ContractRegistry {

    return &contractRegistryImpl{
        backend:           backend,
        tb:                tb,
        structMux:         sync.RWMutex{},
        deployMutex:       keymutex.New(47),
        deployers:         make(map[int]ContractDeployer),
        deployedContracts: make(map[int]contracts.DeployedContract),

// Get gets the deployed contract.
func (c *contractRegistryImpl) Get(ctx context.Context, contractType contracts.ContractType) contracts.DeployedContract {

    // contractLock this deployedContract
    defer c.contractUnlock(contractType)

    // check if the deployed contract exists
    deployedContract, hasContract := c.deployedContracts[contractType.ID()]

    // if it does return it
    if hasContract {
        return deployedContract

    // if not, deploy a new one
    deployedContract = c.Deploy(ctx, contractType)

    // register it
    c.deployedContracts[contractType.ID()] = deployedContract

    // and return the new contfract
    return deployedContract

func (c *contractRegistryImpl) GetDeployedContracts() (res map[int]contracts.DeployedContract) {
    defer c.structMux.RUnlock()

    return c.deployedContracts

// contractLock creates a contractLock from a contract type and locks the mutex.
func (c *contractRegistryImpl) contractLock(contractType contracts.ContractType) {

// contractUnlock unlocks a contractLock based on the contract type.
func (c *contractRegistryImpl) contractUnlock(contractType contracts.ContractType) {

func (c *contractRegistryImpl) Deploy(ctx context.Context, contractType contracts.ContractType) contracts.DeployedContract {
    deploymentHandle := c.deployers[contractType.ID()]

    deployedContract, err := deploymentHandle.Deploy(ctx)
    require.Nil(c.tb, err)

    c.backend.WaitForConfirmation(ctx, deployedContract.DeployTx())
    err = c.backend.VerifyContract(contractType, deployedContract)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Warnf("got error %s while verifying contract, skipping", err)
    logger.Debugf("added contract %s of types %s in tx %s on chain id %s", deployedContract.Address(), contractType.Name(), deployedContract.DeployTx().Hash().String(), deployedContract.ChainID().String())

    return deployedContract

func (c *contractRegistryImpl) Register(contractType contracts.ContractType, contract contracts.DeployedContract) {
    // contractLock this deployedContract
    defer c.contractUnlock(contractType)
    defer c.structMux.Unlock()

    c.deployedContracts[contractType.ID()] = contract

func (c *contractRegistryImpl) RegisterContractDeployer(deployers ...ContractDeployer) {
    defer c.structMux.Unlock()
    for _, contract := range deployers {
        c.deployers[contract.ContractType().ID()] = contract

func (c *contractRegistryImpl) GetRegisteredDeployer(contractType contracts.ContractType) ContractDeployer {
    defer c.structMux.RUnlock()
    for contract, deployer := range c.deployers {
        if contractType.ID() == contract {
            return deployer
    return nil

var _ ContractRegistry = &contractRegistryImpl{}