package contracttests
import (
counter2 ""
// CounterDeployer deploys a counter.
type CounterDeployer struct {
// NewCounterDeployer creates a deployer for the new counter.
func NewCounterDeployer(registry deployer.GetOnlyContractRegistry, backend backends.SimulatedTestBackend) deployer.ContractDeployer {
return &CounterDeployer{
deployer.NewSimpleDeployer(registry, backend, CounterType),
// Deploy deploys the contract.
func (n *CounterDeployer) Deploy(ctx context.Context) (contracts.DeployedContract, error) {
//nolint: wrapcheck
return n.DeploySimpleContract(ctx, func(transactOps *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, interface{}, error) {
//nolint: wrapcheck
return counter2.DeployCounter(transactOps, backend)
}, func(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (interface{}, error) {
// this is kept separate because we often want to add an address handle to this so it's compatible with vm.ContractRef
//nolint: wrapcheck
return counter2.NewCounterRef(address, backend)
// compile time assertion.
var _ deployer.ContractDeployer = &CounterDeployer{}