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Test Coverage
package forker_test

import (
    . ""

func (f *ForkSuite) TestFork() {
    // create an embedded backend
    testContext := f.GetTestContext()
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(f.GetTestContext(), f.T())

    err := forker.Fork(testContext, backend.HTTPEndpoint(), 10, func(client *ethclient.Client) {
        // deploy the counter contract
        deployer := manager.NewDeployerManager(f.T(), contracttests.NewCounterDeployer)
        deployedContract := deployer.Get(testContext, backend, contracttests.CounterType)
        // if you're using these often, it's recommended you extend manager and add type casted getters here, along with the global registry
        //nolint: forcetypeassert
        counterHandle := deployedContract.ContractHandle().(*counter.CounterRef)

        // first up, let's make sure we're at 0
        count, err := counterHandle.GetCount(&bind.CallOpts{Context: testContext})
        Nil(f.T(), err)
        True(f.T(), count.Int64() == 0)

        // let's increment the counter
        authOpts := backend.GetTxContext(testContext, nil)
        tx, err := counterHandle.IncrementCounter(authOpts.TransactOpts)
        Nil(f.T(), err)

        backend.WaitForConfirmation(testContext, tx)

        // we should be at 1
        count, err = counterHandle.GetCount(&bind.CallOpts{Context: testContext})
        Nil(f.T(), err)
        True(f.T(), count.Int64() == 1)

    Nil(f.T(), err)

    // using the original backend, check the counter state is 0