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Test Coverage
package nonce_test

import (
    . ""
    evmMocks ""

// MockAccount implements some methods to make testing easier.
type MockAccount struct {
    // Key is the account key
    // nonceManager is the nonce manager, used for testing in methods
    nonceManager nonce.TestManager
    // tb is the testing objcet
    tb testing.TB
    // currentNonce is the correct current nonce
    currentNonce int64
    // nonceSet contains the nonce set
    nonceSet sets.Int64
    // muxSet contains the mutex set
    muxSet sync.Mutex

// NewMockAccount gets a new mock account.
func (n NonceSuite) NewMockAccount(nonceManager nonce.TestManager) *MockAccount {
    key := mocks.MockAccount(n.T())

    return &MockAccount{
        nonceManager: nonceManager,
        tb:           n.T(),
        Key:          key,
        currentNonce: 0,
        nonceSet:     sets.NewInt64(),

// CreateMockAccounts creates count mock accounts.
func (n NonceSuite) CreateMockAccounts(nonceManager nonce.TestManager, count int) (mockAccounts []*MockAccount) {
    for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
        mockAccounts = append(mockAccounts, n.NewMockAccount(nonceManager))
    Equal(n.T(), len(mockAccounts), count)
    return mockAccounts

// GetSignedtx gets a signed tx for the given account. It checks that the nonce does not change
// before signing occurs. This tests both signer types (testing Transactor on even and SignTx on odd).
func (m *MockAccount) GetSignedTx() {
    presignNonce, err := m.nonceManager.GetNextNonce(m.Address)
    Nil(m.tb, err)

    // save the nonce
    currentNonce := uint64(m.currentNonce)

    rawTX := types.NewTx(&types.LegacyTx{
        To:       &m.Address,
        Gas:      params.GWei,
        GasPrice: big.NewInt(params.GWei),

    var signedTX *types.Transaction
    if presignNonce.Uint64()%2 == 0 {
        transactor, err := m.nonceManager.NewKeyedTransactorFromKey(m.Key.PrivateKey)
        Nil(m.tb, err)

        signedTX, err = transactor.Signer(m.Address, rawTX)
        Nil(m.tb, err)
    } else {
        signedTX, err = m.nonceManager.SignTx(rawTX, types.LatestSignerForChainID(m.nonceManager.GetChainID()), m.Key.PrivateKey)
        Nil(m.tb, err)

    fmt.Printf("nonce %d and %d\n", signedTX.Nonce(), m.currentNonce)
    // first one should be 0
    if currentNonce != 0 {
        Greater(m.tb, signedTX.Nonce(), currentNonce)

    m.currentNonce = int64(signedTX.Nonce())

    // use the mux set to make sure we don't have conflicts

func (n NonceSuite) TestNonceManager() {
    mockChain := evmMocks.Chain{}
    // since this should only be alled on the first try, this always returns 0
    mockChain.On("PendingNonceAt", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(uint64(0), nil)

    nonceManager := nonce.NewTestNonceManger(n.GetTestContext(), n.T(), &mockChain)

    // generate nonceCount nonces for accountCount accounts
    const accountCount = 10
    const nonceCount = 50
    // make sure this works paralellized
    mockAccounts := n.CreateMockAccounts(nonceManager, accountCount)

    // paralellize to test locking mechanism
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for _, mockAccount := range mockAccounts {
        for i := 0; i < nonceCount; i++ {
            go func(mockAccount *MockAccount) {


    // make sure all nonces are present
    for _, mockAccount := range mockAccounts {
        Equal(n.T(), nonceCount, mockAccount.nonceSet.Len())
        for i := 0; i < nonceCount; i++ {
            True(n.T(), mockAccount.nonceSet.Has(int64(i)))