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Test Coverage
package wallet_test

import (
    . ""

// ExampleFromSeedPhrase shows an example creating a wallet from a seed phrase.
func ExampleFromSeedPhrase() {
    const mnemonic = "tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy"
    testWallet, _ := wallet.FromSeedPhrase(mnemonic, accounts.DefaultBaseDerivationPath)

    fmt.Printf("Address: %s\n", testWallet.Address())
    fmt.Printf("Public Key (From Bytes): %s\n", hex.EncodeToString(testWallet.PrivateKeyBytes()))
    fmt.Printf("Public Key Hex: %s\n", testWallet.PublicKeyHex())
    fmt.Printf("Private Key (From Bytes): %s\n", testWallet.PrivateKeyHex())
    fmt.Printf("Private Key Hex: %s\n", hex.EncodeToString(testWallet.PrivateKeyBytes()))

    // output:
    // Address: 0xC49926C4124cEe1cbA0Ea94Ea31a6c12318df947
    // Public Key (From Bytes): 63e21d10fd50155dbba0e7d3f7431a400b84b4c2ac1ee38872f82448fe3ecfb9
    // Public Key Hex: 6005c86a6718f66221713a77073c41291cc3abbfcd03aa4955e9b2b50dbf7f9b6672dad0d46ade61e382f79888a73ea7899d9419becf1d6c9ec2087c1188fa18
    // Private Key (From Bytes): 63e21d10fd50155dbba0e7d3f7431a400b84b4c2ac1ee38872f82448fe3ecfb9
    // Private Key Hex: 63e21d10fd50155dbba0e7d3f7431a400b84b4c2ac1ee38872f82448fe3ecfb9

func (s WalletSuite) TestFromKeyFile() {
    for _, testCase := range s.makeKeyFileTests() {
        testFile := s.makeTestFile(testCase.contents, !testCase.shouldErr)
        testWallet, err := wallet.FromKeyFile(testFile)
        if testCase.shouldErr {
            NotNil(s.T(), err)
        Nil(s.T(), err)

        Equal(s.T(), testWallet.Address(), testCase.address)

func (s WalletSuite) TestFromRandom() {
    newWallet, err := wallet.FromRandom()
    Nil(s.T(), err)

    NotPanics(s.T(), func() {

func (s WalletSuite) makeTestFile(contents []byte, fuzz bool) (fileName string) {
    if fuzz {
        contents = fuzzContents(contents)

    testFile, err := os.Create(path.Join(filet.TmpDir(s.T(), ""), fmt.Sprintf("%s.wallet", gofakeit.UUID())))
    Nil(s.T(), err)

    defer func(testFile *os.File) {
        Nil(s.T(), testFile.Close())

    _, err = testFile.Write(contents)
    Nil(s.T(), err)

    return testFile.Name()

// makeFuzzFile randomly fuzzes a byte slice (representing a file) in a way that should not break
// (e.g. adding a new line at the end, spaces) in a way that does not change the contents.
func fuzzContents(contents []byte) (out []byte) {
    fuzzSetting := gofakeit.Number(0, 3)
    switch fuzzSetting {
    case 0:
        contents = append(contents, []byte(" ")...)
    case 1:
        contents = append(contents, []byte("\n\r")...)
    case 2:
        contents = append(contents, []byte("\f\r")...)
    return contents

type KeyFileTest struct {
    // address is the expected output of the address
    address common.Address
    // shouldErr determines whether an error should be expected when running the test
    shouldErr bool
    // contents of the key file
    contents []byte
    // description of what's being tested
    description string

func (s WalletSuite) makeKeyFileTests() (tests []KeyFileTest) {
    // test an hdwallet, from
    tests = append(tests, KeyFileTest{
        address:     common.HexToAddress("0xC49926C4124cEe1cbA0Ea94Ea31a6c12318df947"),
        shouldErr:   false,
        contents:    []byte("tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy"),
        description: "test the default derivation path",

    tests = append(tests, KeyFileTest{
        address:     common.HexToAddress("0xC49926C4124cEe1cbA0Ea94Ea31a6c12318df947"),
        shouldErr:   false,
        contents:    []byte("63e21d10fd50155dbba0e7d3f7431a400b84b4c2ac1ee38872f82448fe3ecfb9"),
        description: "test the private key as a hex",

    // fuzz
    tests = append(tests, KeyFileTest{
        address:     mocks.MockAddress(),
        shouldErr:   true,
        contents:    nil,
        description: "no file contents",

    tests = append(tests, KeyFileTest{
        address:     mocks.MockAddress(),
        shouldErr:   true,
        contents:    []byte(strings.Join(bip39.GetWordList(), " ")),
        description: "long word list",

    return tests