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package submitter

import (



var logger = log.Logger("ethergo-submitter")

// TransactionSubmitter is the interface for submitting transactions to the chain.
type TransactionSubmitter interface {
    // Start starts the transaction submitter.
    Start(ctx context.Context) error
    // SubmitTransaction submits a transaction to the chain.
    // the transaction is not guaranteed to be executed immediately, only at some point in the future.
    // the nonce is returned, and can be used to track the status of the transaction.
    SubmitTransaction(ctx context.Context, chainID *big.Int, call ContractCallType) (nonce uint64, err error)
    // GetSubmissionStatus returns the status of a transaction and any metadata associated with it if it is complete.
    GetSubmissionStatus(ctx context.Context, chainID *big.Int, nonce uint64) (status SubmissionStatus, err error)
    // Address returns the address of the signer.
    Address() common.Address
    // Started returns whether the submitter is running.
    Started() bool

// txSubmitterImpl is the implementation of the transaction submitter.
type txSubmitterImpl struct {
    metrics metrics.Handler
    // signer is the signer for signing transactions.
    signer signer.Signer
    // nonceMux is the mutex for the nonces. It is keyed by chain.
    nonceMux mapmutex.StringerMapMutex
    // statusMux is the mutex for the status of a tx. It is keyed by tx hash.
    statusMux mapmutex.StringMapMutex
    // fetcher is used to fetch the chain client for a given chain id.
    fetcher ClientFetcher
    // db is the database for storing transactions.
    db db.Service
    // retryOnce is used to return 0 on the first call to GetRetryInterval.
    retryOnce sync.Once
    // distinctOnce is used to return 0 on the first call to GetDistinctInterval.
    distinctOnce sync.Once
    // retryNow is used to trigger a retry immediately.
    // it circumvents the retry interval.
    // to prevent memory leaks, this has a buffer of 1.
    // callers adding to this channel should not block.
    retryNow chan bool
    // lastGasBlockCache is used to cache the last gas block for a given chain. A new block should still be fetched, if possible.
    lastGasBlockCache *xsync.MapOf[int, *types.Header]
    // config is the config for the transaction submitter.
    config config.IConfig
    // otelRecorder is the recorder for the otel metrics.
    otelRecorder iOtelRecorder
    // distinctChainIDMux is the mutex for the distinct chain ids.
    distinctChainIDMux sync.RWMutex
    // distinctChainIDs is the distinct chain ids for the transaction submitter.
    // note: this map should not be appended to!
    distinctChainIDs []*big.Int
    // started indicates whether the submitter has started.
    started bool
    // startMux is the mutex for started.
    startMux sync.RWMutex

// ClientFetcher is the interface for fetching a chain client.
//go:generate go run --name ClientFetcher --output ./mocks --case=underscore
type ClientFetcher interface {
    GetClient(ctx context.Context, chainID *big.Int) (client.EVM, error)

// NewTransactionSubmitter creates a new transaction submitter.
func NewTransactionSubmitter(metrics metrics.Handler, signer signer.Signer, fetcher ClientFetcher, db db.Service, config config.IConfig) TransactionSubmitter {
    return &txSubmitterImpl{
        db:                db,
        config:            config,
        metrics:           metrics,
        signer:            signer,
        fetcher:           fetcher,
        nonceMux:          mapmutex.NewStringerMapMutex(),
        statusMux:         mapmutex.NewStringMapMutex(),
        retryNow:          make(chan bool, 1),
        lastGasBlockCache: xsync.NewIntegerMapOf[int, *types.Header](),

// Started returns whether the submitter is running.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) Started() bool {
    defer t.startMux.RUnlock()
    return t.started

// GetRetryInterval returns the retry interval for the transaction submitter.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) GetRetryInterval() time.Duration {
    retryInterval := time.Second * 2
    t.retryOnce.Do(func() {
        retryInterval = time.Duration(0)
    return retryInterval

// GetDistinctInterval returns the interval at which distinct chain ids should be queried.
// this is used for metric updates.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) GetDistinctInterval() time.Duration {
    retryInterval := time.Minute
    t.distinctOnce.Do(func() {
        retryInterval = time.Duration(0)
    return retryInterval

// attemptMarkStarted attempts to mark the submitter as started.
// if the submitter is already started, an error is returned.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) attemptMarkStarted() error {
    defer t.startMux.Unlock()
    if t.started {
        return ErrSubmitterAlreadyStarted
    t.started = true
    return nil

// ErrSubmitterAlreadyStarted is the error for when the submitter is already started.
var ErrSubmitterAlreadyStarted = errors.New("submitter already started")

// Start starts the transaction submitter.
// nolint: cyclop
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) Start(parentCtx context.Context) (err error) {
    err = t.attemptMarkStarted()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    t.otelRecorder, err = newOtelRecorder(t.metrics, t.signer)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not create otel recorder: %w", err)

    // start reaper process
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(parentCtx)
    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
            case <-time.After(t.config.GetReaperInterval()):
                err := t.db.DeleteTXS(ctx, t.config.GetMaxRecordAge(), db.ReplacedOrConfirmed, db.Replaced, db.Confirmed)
                if err != nil {
                    logger.Errorf("could not flush old records: %v", err)

    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
            case <-time.After(t.GetDistinctInterval()):
                tmpChainIDs, err := t.db.GetDistinctChainIDs(ctx)
                if err != nil {
                    logger.Errorf("could not update distinct chain ids: %v", err)
                t.distinctChainIDs = tmpChainIDs

    i := 0
    for {
        shouldExit, err := t.runSelector(ctx, i)
        if err != nil {
        if shouldExit {
            logger.Warn("exiting transaction submitter")
            return nil

func (t *txSubmitterImpl) GetSubmissionStatus(ctx context.Context, chainID *big.Int, nonce uint64) (status SubmissionStatus, err error) {
    nonceStatus, err := t.db.GetNonceStatus(ctx, t.signer.Address(), chainID, nonce)
    if err != nil {
        if errors.Is(err, db.ErrNonceNotExist) {
            return submissionStatusImpl{
                state: NotFound,
            }, nil

        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get nonce status: %w", err)

    if nonceStatus == db.ReplacedOrConfirmed {
        return submissionStatusImpl{
            state: Confirming,
        }, nil

    if nonceStatus == db.Confirmed {
        txs, err := t.db.GetNonceAttemptsByStatus(ctx, t.signer.Address(), chainID, nonce, db.Confirmed)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get nonce attempts by status: %w", err)

        if len(txs) == 0 {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error: no transactions found for nonce %d", nonce)

        return submissionStatusImpl{
            state:  Confirmed,
            txHash: txs[0].Hash(),
        }, nil

    return submissionStatusImpl{
        state: Pending,
    }, nil

func (t *txSubmitterImpl) getNonce(parentCtx context.Context, chainID *big.Int, address common.Address) (_ uint64, err error) {
    ctx, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "submitter.GetNonce", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.Stringer("chainID", chainID),
        attribute.Stringer("address", address),

    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
    // onChainNonce is the latest nonce from eth_transactionCount. db nonce is latest nonce from db + 1
    // locks are not built into this method or the insertion level of the db
    var onChainNonce, dbNonce uint64

    chainClient, err := t.fetcher.GetClient(ctx, chainID)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not get client: %w", err)

    g.Go(func() error {
        onChainNonce, err = chainClient.NonceAt(ctx, address, nil)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not get nonce from chain: %w", err)
        return nil

    g.Go(func() error {
        dbNonce, err = t.db.GetNonceForChainID(ctx, address, chainID)
        if errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoNonceForChain) {
            dbNonce = 0
            return nil
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not get nonce from db: %w", err)


        return nil

    err = g.Wait()
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not get nonce: %w", err)

    if onChainNonce > dbNonce {
        return onChainNonce, nil

    return dbNonce, nil

func (t *txSubmitterImpl) storeTX(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction, status db.Status, UUID string) (err error) {
    ctx, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "submitter.StoreTX", trace.WithAttributes(
        append(txToAttributes(tx, UUID), attribute.String("status", status.String()))...))

    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    err = t.db.PutTXS(ctx, db.TX{
        UUID:        UUID,
        Transaction: tx,
        Status:      status,
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not put tx: %w", err)

    return nil

// ContractCallType is a contract call that can be called safely.
type ContractCallType func(transactor *bind.TransactOpts) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)

// triggerProcessQueue triggers the process queue.
// will not block if the channel is full (the tx will be processed on the next retry).
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) triggerProcessQueue(ctx context.Context) {
    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
    // trigger the process queue now if we can.
    case t.retryNow <- true:
        // do nothing

// ErrNotStarted is the error for when the submitter is not started.
var ErrNotStarted = errors.New("submitter is not started")

// nolint: cyclop
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) SubmitTransaction(parentCtx context.Context, chainID *big.Int, call ContractCallType) (nonce uint64, err error) {
    ctx, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "submitter.SubmitTransaction", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.Stringer("chainID", chainID),
        attribute.String("caller", runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(call).Pointer()).Name()),

    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    if !t.Started() {
        logger.Errorf("%v in a future version, this will hard error", ErrNotStarted.Error())

    // make sure we have a client for this chain.
    chainClient, err := t.fetcher.GetClient(ctx, chainID)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not get client: %w", err)

    // get the underlying transactor
    parentTransactor, err := t.signer.GetTransactor(ctx, core.CopyBigInt(chainID))
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not get transactor: %w", err)

    // then we copy the transactor, this is the one we'll modify w/ no send.
    transactor := copyTransactOpts(parentTransactor)

    var locker mapmutex.Unlocker

    // this should not be modified, we need to modify this only after we set the nonce
    transactor.NoSend = true
    // we set the nonce to the max uint64 + 1. This allows the contract call to not get the nonce
    // since it's set, while allowing us to make sure the tx won't execute until we set a valid nonce.
    // this also prevents a bug in the caller from breaking our lock
    transactor.Nonce = new(big.Int).Add(new(big.Int).SetUint64(math.MaxUint64), big.NewInt(1))

    err = t.setGasPrice(ctx, chainClient, transactor, chainID, nil)
    if err != nil {
        span.AddEvent("could not set gas price", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("error", err.Error())))
    if !t.config.GetDynamicGasEstimate(int(chainID.Uint64())) {
        transactor.GasLimit = t.config.GetGasEstimate(int(chainID.Uint64()))

    transactor.Signer = func(address common.Address, transaction *types.Transaction) (_ *types.Transaction, err error) {
        locker = t.nonceMux.Lock(chainID)
        // it's important that we unlock the nonce if we fail to sign the transaction.
        // this is why we use a defer here. The second defer should only be called if the first defer is not called.
        defer func() {
            if err != nil {

        newNonce, err := t.getNonce(ctx, chainID, address)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not sign tx: %w", err)

        txType := t.txTypeForChain(chainID)

        transaction, err = util.CopyTX(transaction, util.WithNonce(newNonce), util.WithTxType(txType))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not copy tx: %w", err)

        //nolint: wrapcheck
        return parentTransactor.Signer(address, transaction)
    tx, err := call(transactor)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not call contract: %w", err)
    defer locker.Unlock()

    // now that we've stored the tx
    err = t.storeTX(ctx, tx, db.Stored, uuid.New().String())
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not store transaction: %w", err)

    span.AddEvent("trigger reprocess")

    return tx.Nonce(), nil

func (t *txSubmitterImpl) txTypeForChain(chainID *big.Int) (txType uint8) {
    if t.config.SupportsEIP1559(int(chainID.Uint64())) {
        txType = types.DynamicFeeTxType
    } else {
        txType = types.LegacyTxType
    return txType

// setGasPrice sets the gas price for the transaction.
// If a prevTx is specified, a bump will be attempted; otherwise values will be
// set from the gas oracle.
// If gas values exceed the configured max, an error will be returned.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) setGasPrice(ctx context.Context, client client.EVM,
    transactor *bind.TransactOpts, bigChainID *big.Int, prevTx *types.Transaction) (err error) {
    ctx, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "submitter.setGasPrice")

    chainID := int(bigChainID.Uint64())
    useDynamic := t.config.SupportsEIP1559(chainID)

    defer func() {
            attribute.Int(metrics.ChainID, chainID),
            attribute.Bool("use_dynamic", useDynamic),
            attribute.String("gas_price", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasPrice)),
            attribute.String("gas_fee_cap", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasFeeCap)),
            attribute.String("gas_tip_cap", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasTipCap)),
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    t.bumpGasFromPrevTx(ctx, transactor, prevTx, chainID, useDynamic)

    err = t.applyGasFromOracle(ctx, transactor, client, useDynamic)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not populate gas from oracle: %w", err)

    t.applyGasFloor(ctx, transactor, chainID, useDynamic)

    err = t.applyGasCeil(ctx, transactor, chainID, useDynamic)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not apply gas ceil: %w", err)
    return nil

// bumpGasFromPrevTx populates the gas fields from the previous transaction and bumps
// the appropriate values corresponding to the configured GasBumpPercentage.
// Note that in the event of a tx type mismatch, gasFeeCap is copied to gasPrice,
// and gasPrice is copied to both gasFeeCap and gasTipCap in the opposite scenario.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) bumpGasFromPrevTx(ctx context.Context, transactor *bind.TransactOpts, prevTx *types.Transaction, chainID int, currentDynamic bool) {
    if prevTx == nil {

    _, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "submitter.bumpGasFromPrevTx")

    defer func() {
            attribute.String("gas_price", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasPrice)),
            attribute.String("gas_fee_cap", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasFeeCap)),
            attribute.String("gas_tip_cap", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasTipCap)),

    prevDynamic := prevTx.Type() == types.DynamicFeeTxType
    bumpPct := t.config.GetGasBumpPercentage(chainID)
    if currentDynamic {
        if prevDynamic {
            transactor.GasFeeCap = gas.BumpByPercent(core.CopyBigInt(prevTx.GasFeeCap()), bumpPct)
            transactor.GasTipCap = gas.BumpByPercent(core.CopyBigInt(prevTx.GasTipCap()), bumpPct)
        } else {
            transactor.GasFeeCap = gas.BumpByPercent(core.CopyBigInt(prevTx.GasPrice()), bumpPct)
            transactor.GasTipCap = gas.BumpByPercent(core.CopyBigInt(prevTx.GasPrice()), bumpPct)
    } else {
        if prevDynamic {
            transactor.GasPrice = gas.BumpByPercent(core.CopyBigInt(prevTx.GasFeeCap()), bumpPct)
        } else {
            transactor.GasPrice = gas.BumpByPercent(core.CopyBigInt(prevTx.GasPrice()), bumpPct)

var minTipCap = big.NewInt(10 * params.Wei)

// applyGasFloor applies the min gas price from the config if values are unset.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) applyGasFloor(ctx context.Context, transactor *bind.TransactOpts, chainID int, useDynamic bool) {
    _, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "submitter.applyGasFloor")

    defer func() {
            attribute.String("gas_price", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasPrice)),
            attribute.String("gas_fee_cap", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasFeeCap)),
            attribute.String("gas_tip_cap", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasTipCap)),

    gasFloor := t.config.GetMinGasPrice(chainID)
    if useDynamic {
        if transactor.GasFeeCap == nil || transactor.GasFeeCap.Cmp(gasFloor) < 0 {
            transactor.GasFeeCap = gasFloor
        if transactor.GasTipCap == nil || transactor.GasTipCap.Cmp(minTipCap) < 0 {
            transactor.GasTipCap = minTipCap
    } else if transactor.GasPrice == nil || transactor.GasPrice.Cmp(gasFloor) < 0 {
        transactor.GasPrice = gasFloor

// applyGasFromOracle fetches gas values from a RPC endpoint and attempts to set them.
// If values are already specified, they will be overridden if the oracle values are higher.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) applyGasFromOracle(ctx context.Context, transactor *bind.TransactOpts, client client.EVM, useDynamic bool) (err error) {
    ctx, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "submitter.applyGasFromOracle")

    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    if useDynamic {
        suggestedGasFeeCap, err := client.SuggestGasPrice(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not get gas fee cap: %w", err)
        transactor.GasFeeCap = maxOfBig(transactor.GasFeeCap, suggestedGasFeeCap)
        suggestedGasTipCap, err := client.SuggestGasTipCap(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not get gas tip cap: %w", err)
        transactor.GasTipCap = maxOfBig(transactor.GasTipCap, suggestedGasTipCap)
            attribute.String("suggested_gas_fee_cap", util.BigPtrToString(suggestedGasFeeCap)),
            attribute.String("suggested_gas_tip_cap", util.BigPtrToString(suggestedGasTipCap)),
            attribute.String("gas_fee_cap", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasFeeCap)),
            attribute.String("gas_tip_cap", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasTipCap)),
    } else {
        suggestedGasPrice, err := client.SuggestGasPrice(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not get gas price: %w", err)
        transactor.GasPrice = maxOfBig(transactor.GasPrice, suggestedGasPrice)
            attribute.String("suggested_gas_price", util.BigPtrToString(suggestedGasPrice)),
            attribute.String("gas_price", util.BigPtrToString(transactor.GasPrice)),
    return nil

// applyGasCeil evaluates current gas values versus the configured maximum, and
// returns an error if they exceed the maximum.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) applyGasCeil(ctx context.Context, transactor *bind.TransactOpts, chainID int, useDynamic bool) (err error) {
    _, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "submitter.applyGasCeil")

    maxPrice := t.config.GetMaxGasPrice(chainID)

    defer func() {
        span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("max_price", util.BigPtrToString(maxPrice)))
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    if useDynamic {
        if transactor.GasFeeCap.Cmp(maxPrice) > 0 {
            return fmt.Errorf("gas fee cap %s exceeds max price %s", transactor.GasFeeCap, maxPrice)
        if transactor.GasTipCap.Cmp(transactor.GasFeeCap) > 0 {
            transactor.GasTipCap = core.CopyBigInt(transactor.GasFeeCap)
            span.AddEvent("tip cap exceeds fee cap; setting tip cap to fee cap")
    } else {
        if transactor.GasPrice.Cmp(maxPrice) > 0 {
            return fmt.Errorf("gas price %s exceeds max price %s", transactor.GasPrice, maxPrice)
    return nil

func maxOfBig(a, b *big.Int) *big.Int {
    if a == nil {
        return b
    if b == nil {
        return a
    if a.Cmp(b) > 0 {
        return a
    return b

// getGasBlock gets the gas block for the given chain.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) getGasBlock(ctx context.Context, chainClient client.EVM, chainID int) (gasBlock *types.Header, err error) {
    ctx, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "submitter.getGasBlock")
    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    err = retry.WithBackoff(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
        gasBlock, err = chainClient.HeaderByNumber(ctx, nil)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not get gas block: %w", err)

        return nil
    }, retry.WithMin(time.Millisecond*50), retry.WithMax(time.Second*3), retry.WithMaxAttempts(4))

    // if we can't get the current gas block, attempt to load it from the cache
    if err != nil {
        var ok bool
        gasBlock, ok = t.lastGasBlockCache.Load(chainID)
        if ok {
            span.AddEvent("could not get gas block; using cached value", trace.WithAttributes(
                attribute.String("error", err.Error()),
                attribute.String("blockNumber", util.BigPtrToString(gasBlock.Number)),
        } else {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get gas block: %w", err)

    // cache the latest gas block
    t.lastGasBlockCache.Store(chainID, gasBlock)

    return gasBlock, nil

// getGasEstimate gets the gas estimate for the given transaction.
// TODO: handle l2s w/ custom gas pricing through contracts.
func (t *txSubmitterImpl) getGasEstimate(ctx context.Context, chainClient client.EVM, chainID int, tx *types.Transaction) (gasEstimate uint64, err error) {
    if !t.config.GetDynamicGasEstimate(chainID) {
        return t.config.GetGasEstimate(chainID), nil

    ctx, span := t.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "submitter.getGasEstimate", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.Int(metrics.ChainID, chainID),
        attribute.String(metrics.TxHash, tx.Hash().String()),

    defer func() {
        span.AddEvent("estimated_gas", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.Int64("gas", int64(gasEstimate))))
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    // since we checked for dynamic gas estimate above, we can fetch the gas estimate here
    call, err := util.TxToCall(tx)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("could not convert tx to call: %w", err)

    gasEstimate, err = chainClient.EstimateGas(ctx, *call)
    if err != nil {
        span.AddEvent("could not estimate gas", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("error", err.Error())))
        // fallback to default
        return t.config.GetGasEstimate(chainID), nil

    return gasEstimate, nil

func (t *txSubmitterImpl) Address() common.Address {
    return t.signer.Address()

var _ TransactionSubmitter = &txSubmitterImpl{}