package util_test
import (
. ""
// make sure are examples don't panic.
func TestChunkExamples(t *testing.T) {
NotPanics(t, func() {
// ExampleChunk demonstrates ascending and descending chunking.
func ExampleChunk() {
// a ascending chunk iterator
chunkIterator := util.NewChunkIterator(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(10), 1, true)
var minMaxChunk, startEndChunks string
for {
nextChunk := chunkIterator.NextChunk()
if nextChunk == nil {
minMaxChunk += fmt.Sprintf("[%d-%d],", nextChunk.MinBlock(), nextChunk.MaxBlock())
startEndChunks += fmt.Sprintf("[%d-%d],", nextChunk.StartBlock, nextChunk.EndBlock)
fmt.Println(strings.TrimSuffix(minMaxChunk, ","))
fmt.Println(strings.TrimSuffix(startEndChunks, ","))
// a descending chunk iterator
chunkIterator = util.NewChunkIterator(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(10), 1, false)
minMaxChunk = ""
startEndChunks = ""
for {
nextChunk := chunkIterator.NextChunk()
if nextChunk == nil {
minMaxChunk += fmt.Sprintf("[%d-%d],", nextChunk.MinBlock(), nextChunk.MaxBlock())
startEndChunks += fmt.Sprintf("[%d-%d],", nextChunk.StartBlock, nextChunk.EndBlock)
fmt.Println(strings.TrimSuffix(minMaxChunk, ","))
fmt.Println(strings.TrimSuffix(startEndChunks, ","))
// output:
// [1-2],[3-4],[5-6],[7-8],[9-10]
// [1-2],[3-4],[5-6],[7-8],[9-10]
// [9-10],[7-8],[5-6],[3-4],[1-2]
// [10-9],[8-7],[6-5],[4-3],[2-1]
// TestChunks runs a test to make sure chunks do not produce dulpicates and correctly end on the last block
// covering start-startBlock fully.
func TestChunks(t *testing.T) {
ascendingTestCases := []bool{false}
for _, isAcending := range ascendingTestCases {
// capture the function literal
isAcending := isAcending
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("ascending: %v", isAcending), func(t *testing.T) {
testRange(t, isAcending)
// testRange tests a block range.
func testRange(tb testing.TB, isAcending bool) {
startBlock := big.NewInt(100)
endBlock := big.NewInt(500000)
// we use an intset to make sure we hit every chunk
intSet := collection.Set[int]{}
chunkIterator := util.NewChunkIterator(startBlock, endBlock, 100, isAcending)
for {
nextChunk := chunkIterator.NextChunk()
if nextChunk == nil {
chunkStart := nextChunk.StartBlock.Uint64()
chunkEnd := nextChunk.EndBlock.Uint64()
// make sure min is always less then or equal to max
True(tb, nextChunk.MaxBlock().Cmp(nextChunk.MinBlock()) >= 0)
if isAcending {
for i := chunkStart; i <= chunkEnd; i++ {
// the item should not be in the intset
False(tb, intSet.Contains(int(i)))
if nextChunk.EndBlock.Cmp(endBlock) != 0 {
Equal(tb, chunkEnd-chunkStart, uint64(100))
} else {
for i := chunkEnd; i <= chunkStart; i++ {
// the item should not be in the intset
False(tb, intSet.Contains(int(i)))
if nextChunk.EndBlock.Cmp(startBlock) != 0 {
Equal(tb, chunkStart-chunkEnd, uint64(100))
if isAcending {
Equal(tb, uint64(len(intSet)-1), big.NewInt(0).Sub(endBlock, startBlock).Uint64())
} else {
Equal(tb, uint64(len(intSet)-1), big.NewInt(0).Sub(startBlock, endBlock).Uint64())