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Test Coverage
package util

import (

func MakeOptions(options ...CopyOption) TestCopyOptions {
    return makeOptions(options...)

// TestCopyOptions exports the TestCopyOptions interface for testing.
// this is used to export unexported fields from copyOptions.
type TestCopyOptions interface {
    Nonce() *uint64
    GasPrice() *big.Int
    GasFeeCap() *big.Int
    GasTipCap() *big.Int
    TxType() *uint8

var _ TestCopyOptions = copyOptions{}

func (c copyOptions) Nonce() *uint64 {
    return c.nonce

func (c copyOptions) GasPrice() *big.Int {
    return c.gasPrice

func (c copyOptions) GasFeeCap() *big.Int {
    return c.gasFeeCap

func (c copyOptions) GasTipCap() *big.Int {
    return c.gasTipCap

func (c copyOptions) TxType() *uint8 {
    return c.txType

// NullFieldAttribute is a constant used to test the null field attribute.
// it exports the underlying constant for testing.
const NullFieldAttribute = nullFieldAttribute

func AddressPtrToString(address *common.Address) string {
    return addressPtrToString(address)

const (
    // HashAttr exports hashAttr for testing.
    HashAttr = hashAttr
    // FromAttr exports fromAttr for testing.
    FromAttr = fromAttr
    // ToAttr exports toAttr for testing.
    ToAttr = toAttr
    // DataAttr exports dataAttr for testing.
    DataAttr = dataAttr
    // ValueAttr exports valueAttr for testing.
    ValueAttr = valueAttr
    // NonceAttr exports nonceAttr for testing.
    NonceAttr = nonceAttr
    // GasLimitAttr exports gasLimitAttr for testing.
    GasLimitAttr = gasLimitAttr
    // ChainIDAttr exports chainIDAttr for testing.
    ChainIDAttr = chainIDAttr
    // GasPriceAttr exports gasPriceAttr for testing.
    GasPriceAttr = gasPriceAttr
    // GasFeeCapAttr exports gasFeeCapAttr for testing.
    GasFeeCapAttr = gasFeeCapAttr
    // GasTipCapAttr exports gasTipCapAttr for testing.
    GasTipCapAttr = gasTipCapAttr
    // TxRawAttr exports txRawAttr for testing.
    TxRawAttr = txRawAttr