// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
// ══════════════════════════════ LIBRARY IMPORTS ══════════════════════════════
import {Attestation} from "../libs/memory/Attestation.sol";
import {BaseMessage, BaseMessageLib, MemView} from "../libs/memory/BaseMessage.sol";
import {ByteString, CallData} from "../libs/memory/ByteString.sol";
import {ORIGIN_TREE_HEIGHT, SNAPSHOT_TREE_HEIGHT} from "../libs/Constants.sol";
import {
} from "../libs/Errors.sol";
import {SafeCall} from "../libs/SafeCall.sol";
import {MerkleMath} from "../libs/merkle/MerkleMath.sol";
import {Header, Message, MessageFlag, MessageLib} from "../libs/memory/Message.sol";
import {Receipt, ReceiptLib} from "../libs/memory/Receipt.sol";
import {Request} from "../libs/stack/Request.sol";
import {SnapshotLib} from "../libs/memory/Snapshot.sol";
import {AgentFlag, AgentStatus, MessageStatus} from "../libs/Structures.sol";
import {Tips} from "../libs/stack/Tips.sol";
import {ChainContext} from "../libs/ChainContext.sol";
import {TypeCasts} from "../libs/TypeCasts.sol";
// ═════════════════════════════ INTERNAL IMPORTS ══════════════════════════════
import {AgentSecured} from "../base/AgentSecured.sol";
import {ExecutionHubEvents} from "../events/ExecutionHubEvents.sol";
import {InterfaceInbox} from "../interfaces/InterfaceInbox.sol";
import {IExecutionHub} from "../interfaces/IExecutionHub.sol";
import {IMessageRecipient} from "../interfaces/IMessageRecipient.sol";
// ═════════════════════════════ EXTERNAL IMPORTS ══════════════════════════════
import {Address} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol";
import {SafeCast} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol";
import {ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable} from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/security/ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable.sol";
/// @notice `ExecutionHub` is a parent contract for `Destination`. It is responsible for the following:
/// - Executing the messages that are proven against the saved Snapshot Merkle Roots.
/// - Base messages are forwarded to the specified message recipient, ensuring that the original
/// execution request is fulfilled correctly.
/// - Manager messages are forwarded to the local `AgentManager` contract.
/// - Keeping track of the saved Snapshot Merkle Roots (which are accepted in `Destination`).
/// - Keeping track of message execution Receipts, as well as verify their validity.
abstract contract ExecutionHub is AgentSecured, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, ExecutionHubEvents, IExecutionHub {
using Address for address;
using BaseMessageLib for MemView;
using ByteString for MemView;
using MessageLib for bytes;
using ReceiptLib for bytes;
using SafeCall for address;
using SafeCast for uint256;
using TypeCasts for bytes32;
/// @notice Struct representing stored data for the snapshot root
/// @param notaryIndex Index of Notary who submitted the statement with the snapshot root
/// @param attNonce Nonce of the attestation for this snapshot root
/// @param attBN Summit block number of the attestation for this snapshot root
/// @param attTS Summit timestamp of the attestation for this snapshot root
/// @param index Index of snapshot root in `_roots`
/// @param submittedAt Timestamp when the statement with the snapshot root was submitted
/// @param notaryV V-value from the Notary signature for the attestation
// TODO: tight pack this
struct SnapRootData {
uint32 notaryIndex;
uint32 attNonce;
uint40 attBN;
uint40 attTS;
uint32 index;
uint40 submittedAt;
uint256 sigIndex;
/// @notice Struct representing stored receipt data for the message in Execution Hub.
/// @param origin Domain where message originated
/// @param rootIndex Index of snapshot root used for proving the message
/// @param stateIndex Index of state used for the snapshot proof
/// @param executor Executor who successfully executed the message
struct ReceiptData {
uint32 origin;
uint32 rootIndex;
uint8 stateIndex;
address executor;
// TODO: include nonce?
// 24 bits available for tight packing
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ STORAGE ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @notice (messageHash => status)
/// @dev Messages coming from different origins will always have a different hash
/// as origin domain is encoded into the formatted message.
/// Thus we can use hash as a key instead of an (origin, hash) tuple.
mapping(bytes32 => ReceiptData) private _receiptData;
/// @notice First executor who made a valid attempt of executing a message.
/// Note: stored only for messages that had Failed status at some point of time
mapping(bytes32 => address) private _firstExecutor;
/// @dev All saved snapshot roots
bytes32[] internal _roots;
/// @dev Tracks data for all saved snapshot roots
mapping(bytes32 => SnapRootData) internal _rootData;
/// @dev gap for upgrade safety
uint256[46] private __GAP; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase
// ═════════════════════════════════════════════ MESSAGE EXECUTION ═════════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @inheritdoc IExecutionHub
function execute(
bytes memory msgPayload,
bytes32[] calldata originProof,
bytes32[] calldata snapProof,
uint8 stateIndex,
uint64 gasLimit
) external nonReentrant {
// This will revert if payload is not a formatted message payload
Message message = msgPayload.castToMessage();
Header header = message.header();
bytes32 msgLeaf = message.leaf();
// Ensure message was meant for this domain
if (header.destination() != localDomain) revert IncorrectDestinationDomain();
// Ensure message was not sent from this domain
if (header.origin() == localDomain) revert IncorrectOriginDomain();
// Check that message has not been executed before
ReceiptData memory rcptData = _receiptData[msgLeaf];
if (rcptData.executor != address(0)) revert AlreadyExecuted();
// Check proofs validity
SnapRootData memory rootData = _proveAttestation(header, msgLeaf, originProof, snapProof, stateIndex);
// Check if optimistic period has passed
uint256 proofMaturity = block.timestamp - rootData.submittedAt;
if (proofMaturity < header.optimisticPeriod()) revert MessageOptimisticPeriod();
uint256 paddedTips;
bool success;
// Only Base/Manager message flags exist
if (header.flag() == MessageFlag.Base) {
// This will revert if message body is not a formatted BaseMessage payload
BaseMessage baseMessage = message.body().castToBaseMessage();
success = _executeBaseMessage(header, proofMaturity, gasLimit, baseMessage);
paddedTips = Tips.unwrap(;
} else {
// gasLimit is ignored when executing manager messages
success = _executeManagerMessage(header, proofMaturity, message.body());
if (rcptData.origin == 0) {
// This is the first valid attempt to execute the message => save origin and snapshot proof
rcptData.origin = header.origin();
rcptData.rootIndex = rootData.index;
rcptData.stateIndex = stateIndex;
if (success) {
// This is the successful attempt to execute the message => save the executor
rcptData.executor = msg.sender;
} else {
// Save as the "first executor", if execution failed
_firstExecutor[msgLeaf] = msg.sender;
_receiptData[msgLeaf] = rcptData;
} else {
if (!success) revert AlreadyFailed();
// There has been a failed attempt to execute the message before => don't touch origin and snapshot root
// This is the successful attempt to execute the message => save the executor
rcptData.executor = msg.sender;
_receiptData[msgLeaf] = rcptData;
emit Executed(header.origin(), msgLeaf, success);
if (!_passReceipt(rootData.notaryIndex, rootData.attNonce, msgLeaf, paddedTips, rcptData)) {
// Emit event with the recorded tips so that Notaries could form a receipt to submit to Summit
emit TipsRecorded(msgLeaf, paddedTips);
// ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════ VIEWS ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @inheritdoc IExecutionHub
function getAttestationNonce(bytes32 snapRoot) external view returns (uint32 attNonce) {
return _rootData[snapRoot].attNonce;
/// @inheritdoc IExecutionHub
function isValidReceipt(bytes memory rcptPayload) external view returns (bool isValid) {
// This will revert if payload is not a receipt
// This will revert if receipt refers to another domain
return _isValidReceipt(rcptPayload.castToReceipt());
/// @inheritdoc IExecutionHub
function messageStatus(bytes32 messageHash) external view returns (MessageStatus status) {
ReceiptData memory rcptData = _receiptData[messageHash];
if (rcptData.executor != address(0)) {
return MessageStatus.Success;
} else if (_firstExecutor[messageHash] != address(0)) {
return MessageStatus.Failed;
} else {
return MessageStatus.None;
/// @inheritdoc IExecutionHub
function messageReceipt(bytes32 messageHash) external view returns (bytes memory rcptPayload) {
ReceiptData memory rcptData = _receiptData[messageHash];
// Return empty payload if there has been no attempt to execute the message
if (rcptData.origin == 0) return "";
return _messageReceipt(messageHash, rcptData);
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════ INTERNAL LOGIC ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @dev Passes message content to recipient that conforms to IMessageRecipient interface.
function _executeBaseMessage(Header header, uint256 proofMaturity, uint64 gasLimit, BaseMessage baseMessage)
returns (bool)
// Check that gas limit covers the one requested by the sender.
// We let the executor specify gas limit higher than requested to guarantee the execution of
// messages with gas limit set too low.
Request request = baseMessage.request();
if (gasLimit < request.gasLimit()) revert GasLimitTooLow();
// TODO: check that the discarded bits are empty
address recipient = baseMessage.recipient().bytes32ToAddress();
// Forward message content to the recipient, and limit the amount of forwarded gas
if (gasleft() <= gasLimit) revert GasSuppliedTooLow();
// receiveBaseMessage(origin, nonce, sender, proofMaturity, version, content)
bytes memory payload = abi.encodeCall(
// Pass the base message to the recipient, return the success status of the call
return recipient.safeCall({gasLimit: gasLimit, msgValue: 0, payload: payload});
/// @dev Uses message body for a call to AgentManager, and checks the returned magic value to ensure that
/// only "remoteX" functions could be called this way.
function _executeManagerMessage(Header header, uint256 proofMaturity, MemView body) internal returns (bool) {
// TODO: introduce incentives for executing Manager Messages?
CallData callData = body.castToCallData();
// Add the (origin, proofMaturity) values to the calldata
bytes memory payload = callData.addPrefix(abi.encode(header.origin(), proofMaturity));
// functionCall() calls AgentManager and bubbles the revert from the external call
bytes memory magicValue = address(agentManager).functionCall(payload);
// We check the returned value here to ensure that only "remoteX" functions could be called this way.
// This is done to prevent an attack by a malicious Notary trying to force Destination to call an arbitrary
// function in a local AgentManager. Any other function will not return the required selector,
// while the "remoteX" functions will perform the proofMaturity check that will make impossible to
// submit an attestation and execute a malicious Manager Message immediately, preventing this attack vector.
if (magicValue.length != 32 || bytes32(magicValue) != callData.callSelector()) revert IncorrectMagicValue();
return true;
/// @dev Passes the message receipt to the Inbox contract, if it is deployed on Synapse Chain.
/// This ensures that the message receipts for the messages executed on Synapse Chain are passed to Summit
/// without a Notary having to sign them.
function _passReceipt(
uint32 attNotaryIndex,
uint32 attNonce,
bytes32 messageHash,
uint256 paddedTips,
ReceiptData memory rcptData
) internal returns (bool) {
// Do nothing if contract is not deployed on Synapse Chain
if (localDomain != synapseDomain) return false;
// Do nothing for messages with no tips (TODO: introduce incentives for manager messages?)
if (paddedTips == 0) return false;
return InterfaceInbox(inbox).passReceipt({
attNotaryIndex: attNotaryIndex,
attNonce: attNonce,
paddedTips: paddedTips,
rcptPayload: _messageReceipt(messageHash, rcptData)
/// @dev Saves a snapshot root with the attestation data provided by a Notary.
/// It is assumed that the Notary signature has been checked outside of this contract.
function _saveAttestation(Attestation att, uint32 notaryIndex, uint256 sigIndex) internal {
bytes32 root = att.snapRoot();
if (_rootData[root].submittedAt != 0) revert DuplicatedSnapshotRoot();
// TODO: consider using more than 32 bits for the root index
_rootData[root] = SnapRootData({
notaryIndex: notaryIndex,
attNonce: att.nonce(),
attBN: att.blockNumber(),
attTS: att.timestamp(),
index: _roots.length.toUint32(),
submittedAt: ChainContext.blockTimestamp(),
sigIndex: sigIndex
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════ INTERNAL VIEWS ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @dev Checks if receipt body matches the saved data for the referenced message.
/// Reverts if destination domain doesn't match the local domain.
function _isValidReceipt(Receipt rcpt) internal view returns (bool) {
// Check if receipt refers to this chain
if (rcpt.destination() != localDomain) revert IncorrectDestinationDomain();
bytes32 messageHash = rcpt.messageHash();
ReceiptData memory rcptData = _receiptData[messageHash];
// Check if there has been a single attempt to execute the message
if (rcptData.origin == 0) return false;
// Check that origin and state index fields match
if (rcpt.origin() != rcptData.origin || rcpt.stateIndex() != rcptData.stateIndex) return false;
// Check that snapshot root and notary who submitted it match in the Receipt
bytes32 snapRoot = rcpt.snapshotRoot();
(address attNotary,) = _getAgent(_rootData[snapRoot].notaryIndex);
if (snapRoot != _roots[rcptData.rootIndex] || rcpt.attNotary() != attNotary) return false;
// Check if message was executed from the first attempt
address firstExecutor = _firstExecutor[messageHash];
if (firstExecutor == address(0)) {
// Both first and final executors are saved in receipt data
return rcpt.firstExecutor() == rcptData.executor && rcpt.finalExecutor() == rcptData.executor;
} else {
// Message was Failed at some point of time, so both receipts are valid:
// "Failed": finalExecutor is ZERO
// "Success": finalExecutor matches executor from saved receipt data
address finalExecutor = rcpt.finalExecutor();
return rcpt.firstExecutor() == firstExecutor
&& (finalExecutor == address(0) || finalExecutor == rcptData.executor);
* @notice Attempts to prove the validity of the cross-chain message.
* First, the origin Merkle Root is reconstructed using the origin proof.
* Then the origin state's "left leaf" is reconstructed using the origin domain.
* After that the snapshot Merkle Root is reconstructed using the snapshot proof.
* The snapshot root needs to have been submitted by an undisputed Notary.
* @dev Reverts if any of the checks fail.
* @param header Memory view over the message header
* @param msgLeaf Message Leaf that was inserted in the Origin Merkle Tree
* @param originProof Proof of inclusion of Message Leaf in the Origin Merkle Tree
* @param snapProof Proof of inclusion of Origin State Left Leaf into Snapshot Merkle Tree
* @param stateIndex Index of Origin State in the Snapshot
* @return rootData Data for the derived snapshot root
function _proveAttestation(
Header header,
bytes32 msgLeaf,
bytes32[] calldata originProof,
bytes32[] calldata snapProof,
uint8 stateIndex
) internal view returns (SnapRootData memory rootData) {
// Reconstruct Origin Merkle Root using the origin proof
// Message index in the tree is (nonce - 1), as nonce starts from 1
// This will revert if origin proof length exceeds Origin Tree height
bytes32 originRoot = MerkleMath.proofRoot(header.nonce() - 1, msgLeaf, originProof, ORIGIN_TREE_HEIGHT);
// Reconstruct Snapshot Merkle Root using the snapshot proof
// This will revert if:
// - State index is out of range.
// - Snapshot Proof length exceeds Snapshot tree Height.
bytes32 snapshotRoot = SnapshotLib.proofSnapRoot(originRoot, header.origin(), snapProof, stateIndex);
// Fetch the attestation data for the snapshot root
rootData = _rootData[snapshotRoot];
// Check if snapshot root has been submitted
if (rootData.submittedAt == 0) revert IncorrectSnapshotRoot();
// Check that Notary who submitted the attestation is not in dispute
if (_notaryDisputeExists(rootData.notaryIndex)) revert NotaryInDispute();
// Check that Notary who submitted the attestation isn't in post-dispute timeout
if (_notaryDisputeTimeout(rootData.notaryIndex)) revert DisputeTimeoutNotOver();
/// @dev Formats the message execution receipt payload for the given hash and receipt data.
function _messageReceipt(bytes32 messageHash, ReceiptData memory rcptData)
returns (bytes memory rcptPayload)
// Determine the first executor who tried to execute the message
address firstExecutor = _firstExecutor[messageHash];
if (firstExecutor == address(0)) firstExecutor = rcptData.executor;
// Determine the snapshot root that was used for proving the message
bytes32 snapRoot = _roots[rcptData.rootIndex];
(address attNotary,) = _getAgent(_rootData[snapRoot].notaryIndex);
// ExecutionHub does not store the tips,
// the Notary will have to derive the proof of tips from the message payload.
return ReceiptLib.formatReceipt({
origin_: rcptData.origin,
destination_: localDomain,
messageHash_: messageHash,
snapshotRoot_: snapRoot,
stateIndex_: rcptData.stateIndex,
attNotary_: attNotary,
firstExecutor_: firstExecutor,
finalExecutor_: rcptData.executor