// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
// ══════════════════════════════ LIBRARY IMPORTS ══════════════════════════════
import {Attestation, AttestationLib} from "../libs/memory/Attestation.sol";
import {
IncorrectAttestation, IncorrectState, IndexOutOfRange, NonceOutOfRange, OutdatedNonce
} from "../libs/Errors.sol";
import {ChainGas, GasData, GasDataLib} from "../libs/stack/GasData.sol";
import {MerkleMath} from "../libs/merkle/MerkleMath.sol";
import {Snapshot, SnapshotLib} from "../libs/memory/Snapshot.sol";
import {State, StateLib} from "../libs/memory/State.sol";
import {ChainContext} from "../libs/ChainContext.sol";
// ═════════════════════════════ INTERNAL IMPORTS ══════════════════════════════
import {AgentSecured} from "../base/AgentSecured.sol";
import {SnapshotHubEvents} from "../events/SnapshotHubEvents.sol";
import {ISnapshotHub} from "../interfaces/ISnapshotHub.sol";
import {IStatementInbox} from "../interfaces/IStatementInbox.sol";
// ═════════════════════════════ EXTERNAL IMPORTS ══════════════════════════════
import {SafeCast} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol";
/// @notice `SnapshotHub` is a parent contract for `Summit`. It is responsible for the following:
/// - Accepting and storing Guard and Notary snapshots to keep track of all the remote `Origin` states.
/// - Generating and storing Attestations derived from Notary snapshots, as well as verifying their validity.
abstract contract SnapshotHub is AgentSecured, SnapshotHubEvents, ISnapshotHub {
using AttestationLib for bytes;
using SafeCast for uint256;
using StateLib for bytes;
/// @notice Struct that represents stored State of Origin contract
/// @param guardIndex Index of Guard who submitted this State to Summit
/// @param notaryIndex Index of Notary who submitted this State to Summit
struct SummitState {
bytes32 root;
uint32 origin;
uint32 nonce;
uint40 blockNumber;
uint40 timestamp;
GasData gasData;
uint32 guardIndex;
uint32 notaryIndex;
// TODO: revisit packing
struct SummitSnapshot {
// TODO: compress this - indexes might as well be uint32/uint64
uint256[] statePtrs;
uint256 sigIndex;
struct SummitAttestation {
bytes32 snapRoot;
bytes32 agentRoot;
bytes32 snapGasHash;
uint40 blockNumber;
uint40 timestamp;
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ STORAGE ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @dev All States submitted by any of the Guards
SummitState[] private _states;
/// @dev All Snapshots submitted by any of the Guards
SummitSnapshot[] private _guardSnapshots;
/// @dev All Snapshots submitted by any of the Notaries
SummitSnapshot[] private _notarySnapshots;
/// @dev All Attestations created from Notary-submitted Snapshots
/// Invariant: _attestations.length == _notarySnapshots.length
SummitAttestation[] private _attestations;
/// @dev Pointer for the given State Leaf of the origin
/// with ZERO as a sentinel value for "state not submitted yet".
// (origin => (stateLeaf => {state index in _states PLUS 1}))
mapping(uint32 => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) private _leafPtr;
/// @dev Pointer for the latest Agent State of a given origin
/// with ZERO as a sentinel value for "no states submitted yet".
// (origin => (agent index => {latest state index in _states PLUS 1}))
mapping(uint32 => mapping(uint32 => uint256)) private _latestStatePtr;
/// @dev Latest nonce that a Notary created
// (notary index => latest nonce)
mapping(uint32 => uint32) private _latestAttNonce;
/// @dev gap for upgrade safety
uint256[43] private __GAP; // solhint-disable-line var-name-mixedcase
// ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════ VIEWS ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @inheritdoc ISnapshotHub
function isValidAttestation(bytes memory attPayload) external view returns (bool isValid) {
// This will revert if payload is not a formatted attestation
Attestation attestation = attPayload.castToAttestation();
return _isValidAttestation(attestation);
/// @inheritdoc ISnapshotHub
function getAttestation(uint32 attNonce)
returns (bytes memory attPayload, bytes32 agentRoot, uint256[] memory snapGas)
if (attNonce >= _attestations.length) revert NonceOutOfRange();
SummitAttestation memory summitAtt = _attestations[attNonce];
attPayload = _formatSummitAttestation(summitAtt, attNonce);
agentRoot = summitAtt.agentRoot;
snapGas = _restoreSnapGas(_notarySnapshots[attNonce]);
/// @inheritdoc ISnapshotHub
function getLatestAgentState(uint32 origin, address agent) external view returns (bytes memory stateData) {
SummitState memory latestState = _latestState(origin, _agentStatus(agent).index);
if (latestState.nonce == 0) return bytes("");
return _formatSummitState(latestState);
/// @inheritdoc ISnapshotHub
function getLatestNotaryAttestation(address notary)
returns (bytes memory attPayload, bytes32 agentRoot, uint256[] memory snapGas)
uint32 latestAttNonce = _latestAttNonce[_agentStatus(notary).index];
if (latestAttNonce != 0) {
SummitAttestation memory summitAtt = _attestations[latestAttNonce];
attPayload = _formatSummitAttestation(summitAtt, latestAttNonce);
agentRoot = summitAtt.agentRoot;
snapGas = _restoreSnapGas(_notarySnapshots[latestAttNonce]);
/// @inheritdoc ISnapshotHub
function getGuardSnapshot(uint256 index)
returns (bytes memory snapPayload, bytes memory snapSignature)
if (index >= _guardSnapshots.length) revert IndexOutOfRange();
return _restoreSnapshot(_guardSnapshots[index]);
/// @inheritdoc ISnapshotHub
function getNotarySnapshot(uint256 index)
returns (bytes memory snapPayload, bytes memory snapSignature)
uint256 nonce = index + 1;
if (nonce >= _notarySnapshots.length) revert IndexOutOfRange();
return _restoreSnapshot(_notarySnapshots[nonce]);
/// @inheritdoc ISnapshotHub
// solhint-disable-next-line ordering
function getNotarySnapshot(bytes memory attPayload)
returns (bytes memory snapPayload, bytes memory snapSignature)
// This will revert if payload is not a formatted attestation
Attestation attestation = attPayload.castToAttestation();
if (!_isValidAttestation(attestation)) revert IncorrectAttestation();
// Attestation is valid => _attestations[nonce] exists
// _notarySnapshots.length == _attestations.length => _notarySnapshots[nonce] exists
return _restoreSnapshot(_notarySnapshots[attestation.nonce()]);
/// @inheritdoc ISnapshotHub
function getSnapshotProof(uint32 attNonce, uint8 stateIndex) external view returns (bytes32[] memory snapProof) {
if (attNonce == 0 || attNonce >= _notarySnapshots.length) revert NonceOutOfRange();
SummitSnapshot memory snap = _notarySnapshots[attNonce];
uint256 statesAmount = snap.statePtrs.length;
if (stateIndex >= statesAmount) revert IndexOutOfRange();
// Reconstruct the leafs of Snapshot Merkle Tree: two for each state
bytes32[] memory hashes = new bytes32[](2 * statesAmount);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < statesAmount; ++i) {
// Get value for "index in _states PLUS 1"
uint256 statePtr = snap.statePtrs[i];
// We are never saving zero values when accepting Guard/Notary snapshots, so this holds
assert(statePtr != 0);
State state = _formatSummitState(_states[statePtr - 1]).castToState();
(hashes[2 * i], hashes[2 * i + 1]) = state.subLeafs();
// Index of State's left leaf is twice the state index
return MerkleMath.calculateProof(hashes, 2 * stateIndex);
// ════════════════════════════════════════ INTERNAL LOGIC: ACCEPT DATA ════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @dev Accepts a Snapshot signed by a Guard.
/// It is assumed that the Guard signature has been checked outside of this contract.
function _acceptGuardSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot, uint32 guardIndex, uint256 sigIndex) internal {
// Snapshot Signer is a Guard: save the states for later use.
uint256 statesAmount = snapshot.statesAmount();
uint256[] memory statePtrs = new uint256[](statesAmount);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < statesAmount; ++i) {
statePtrs[i] = _saveState(snapshot.state(i), guardIndex);
// Guard either submitted a fresh state, or reused state submitted by another Guard
// In any case, the "state pointer" would never be zero
assert(statePtrs[i] != 0);
// Save Guard snapshot for later retrieval
_saveGuardSnapshot(statePtrs, sigIndex);
/// @dev Accepts a Snapshot signed by a Notary.
/// It is assumed that the Notary signature has been checked outside of this contract.
/// Returns the attestation created from the Notary snapshot.
function _acceptNotarySnapshot(Snapshot snapshot, bytes32 agentRoot, uint32 notaryIndex, uint256 sigIndex)
returns (bytes memory attPayload)
// Snapshot Signer is a Notary: construct a Snapshot Merkle Tree,
// while checking that the states were previously saved.
uint256 statesAmount = snapshot.statesAmount();
uint256[] memory statePtrs = new uint256[](statesAmount);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < statesAmount; ++i) {
State state = snapshot.state(i);
uint256 statePtr = _statePtr(state);
// Notary can only used states previously submitted by any fo the Guards
if (statePtr == 0) revert IncorrectState();
statePtrs[i] = statePtr;
// Check that Notary hasn't used a fresher state for this origin before
uint32 origin = state.origin();
if (state.nonce() <= _latestState(origin, notaryIndex).nonce) revert OutdatedNonce();
// Save Notary if they are the first to use this state
if (_states[statePtr - 1].notaryIndex == 0) _states[statePtr - 1].notaryIndex = notaryIndex;
// Update Notary latest state for origin
_latestStatePtr[origin][notaryIndex] = statePtrs[i];
// Derive the snapshot merkle root and save it for a Notary attestation.
// Save Notary snapshot for later retrieval
return _saveNotarySnapshot(snapshot, statePtrs, agentRoot, notaryIndex, sigIndex);
// ════════════════════════════════════ INTERNAL LOGIC: SAVE STATEMENT DATA ════════════════════════════════════════
/// @dev Initializes the saved _attestations list by inserting empty values.
function _initializeAttestations() internal {
// This should only be called once, when the contract is initialized
assert(_attestations.length == 0);
// Insert empty non-meaningful values, that can't be used to prove anything
_attestations.push(_toSummitAttestation(0, 0, 0));
_notarySnapshots.push(SummitSnapshot(new uint256[](0), 0));
/// @dev Saves the Guard snapshot.
function _saveGuardSnapshot(uint256[] memory statePtrs, uint256 sigIndex) internal {
_guardSnapshots.push(SummitSnapshot(statePtrs, sigIndex));
/// @dev Saves the Notary snapshot and the attestation created from it.
/// Returns the created attestation.
function _saveNotarySnapshot(
Snapshot snapshot,
uint256[] memory statePtrs,
bytes32 agentRoot,
uint32 notaryIndex,
uint256 sigIndex
) internal returns (bytes memory attPayload) {
// Attestation nonce is its index in `_attestations` array
// TODO: consider using more than 32 bits for attestation nonces
uint32 attNonce = _attestations.length.toUint32();
bytes32 snapGasHash = GasDataLib.snapGasHash(snapshot.snapGas());
SummitAttestation memory summitAtt = _toSummitAttestation(snapshot.calculateRoot(), agentRoot, snapGasHash);
attPayload = _formatSummitAttestation(summitAtt, attNonce);
_latestAttNonce[notaryIndex] = attNonce;
/// @dev Add a single element to both `_attestations` and `_notarySnapshots`,
/// enforcing the (_attestations.length == _notarySnapshots.length) invariant.
_notarySnapshots.push(SummitSnapshot(statePtrs, sigIndex));
// Emit event with raw attestation data
emit AttestationSaved(attPayload);
/// @dev Saves the state signed by a Guard.
function _saveState(State state, uint32 guardIndex) internal returns (uint256 statePtr) {
uint32 origin = state.origin();
// Check that Guard hasn't submitted a fresher State before
if (state.nonce() <= _latestState(origin, guardIndex).nonce) revert OutdatedNonce();
bytes32 stateHash = state.leaf();
statePtr = _leafPtr[origin][stateHash];
// Save state only if it wasn't previously submitted
if (statePtr == 0) {
// Extract data that needs to be saved
SummitState memory summitState = _toSummitState(state, guardIndex);
// State is stored at (length - 1), but we are tracking "index PLUS 1" as "pointer"
statePtr = _states.length;
_leafPtr[origin][stateHash] = statePtr;
// Emit event with raw state data
emit StateSaved(state.unwrap().clone());
// Update latest guard state for origin
_latestStatePtr[origin][guardIndex] = statePtr;
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════ INTERNAL VIEWS ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @dev Checks if attestation was previously submitted by a Notary (as a signed snapshot).
function _isValidAttestation(Attestation att) internal view returns (bool) {
// Check if nonce exists
uint32 nonce = att.nonce();
if (nonce >= _attestations.length) return false;
// Check if Attestation matches the historical one
return _areEqual(att, _attestations[nonce]);
/// @dev Restores Snapshot payload from a list of state pointers used for the snapshot.
function _restoreSnapshot(SummitSnapshot memory snapshot)
returns (bytes memory snapPayload, bytes memory snapSignature)
uint256 statesAmount = snapshot.statePtrs.length;
State[] memory states = new State[](statesAmount);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < statesAmount; ++i) {
// Get value for "index in _states PLUS 1"
uint256 statePtr = snapshot.statePtrs[i];
// We are never saving zero values when accepting Guard/Notary snapshots, so this holds
assert(statePtr != 0);
// Get the state that Agent used for the snapshot
states[i] = _formatSummitState(_states[statePtr - 1]).castToState();
snapPayload = SnapshotLib.formatSnapshot(states);
snapSignature = IStatementInbox(inbox).getStoredSignature(snapshot.sigIndex);
/// @dev Restores the gas data from the snapshot.
function _restoreSnapGas(SummitSnapshot memory snapshot) internal view returns (uint256[] memory snapGas) {
uint256 statesAmount = snapshot.statePtrs.length;
snapGas = new uint256[](statesAmount);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < statesAmount; ++i) {
// Get value for "index in _states PLUS 1"
uint256 statePtr = snapshot.statePtrs[i];
// We are never saving zero values when accepting Guard/Notary snapshots, so this holds
assert(statePtr != 0);
// Get the state that Agent used for the snapshot
snapGas[i] = ChainGas.unwrap(
gasData_: _states[statePtr - 1].gasData,
domain_: _states[statePtr - 1].origin
/// @dev Returns indexes of agents who provided state data for the Notary snapshot with the given nonce.
function _stateAgents(uint32 nonce, uint8 stateIndex)
returns (uint32 guardIndex, uint32 notaryIndex)
uint256 statePtr = _notarySnapshots[nonce].statePtrs[stateIndex];
return (_states[statePtr - 1].guardIndex, _states[statePtr - 1].notaryIndex);
/// @dev Returns the pointer for a matching Guard State, if it exists.
function _statePtr(State state) internal view returns (uint256) {
return _leafPtr[state.origin()][state.leaf()];
/// @dev Returns the latest state submitted by the Agent for the origin.
/// Will return an empty struct, if the Agent hasn't submitted a single origin State yet.
function _latestState(uint32 origin, uint32 agentIndex) internal view returns (SummitState memory state) {
// Get value for "index in _states PLUS 1"
uint256 latestPtr = _latestStatePtr[origin][agentIndex];
// Check if the Agent has submitted at least one State for origin
if (latestPtr != 0) {
state = _states[latestPtr - 1];
// An empty struct is returned if the Agent hasn't submitted a single State for origin yet.
// ═════════════════════════════════════════════ STRUCT FORMATTING ═════════════════════════════════════════════════
/// @dev Returns a formatted payload for a stored SummitState.
function _formatSummitState(SummitState memory summitState) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
return StateLib.formatState({
root_: summitState.root,
origin_: summitState.origin,
nonce_: summitState.nonce,
blockNumber_: summitState.blockNumber,
timestamp_: summitState.timestamp,
gasData_: summitState.gasData
/// @dev Returns a SummitState struct to save in the contract.
function _toSummitState(State state, uint32 guardIndex) internal pure returns (SummitState memory summitState) {
summitState.root = state.root();
summitState.origin = state.origin();
summitState.nonce = state.nonce();
summitState.blockNumber = state.blockNumber();
summitState.timestamp = state.timestamp();
summitState.gasData = state.gasData();
summitState.guardIndex = guardIndex;
// summitState.notaryIndex is left as ZERO
/// @dev Returns a formatted payload for a stored SummitAttestation.
function _formatSummitAttestation(SummitAttestation memory summitAtt, uint32 nonce)
returns (bytes memory)
return AttestationLib.formatAttestation({
snapRoot_: summitAtt.snapRoot,
dataHash_: AttestationLib.dataHash(summitAtt.agentRoot, summitAtt.snapGasHash),
nonce_: nonce,
blockNumber_: summitAtt.blockNumber,
timestamp_: summitAtt.timestamp
/// @dev Returns an Attestation struct to save in the Summit contract.
/// Current block number and timestamp are used.
// solhint-disable-next-line ordering
function _toSummitAttestation(bytes32 snapRoot, bytes32 agentRoot, bytes32 snapGasHash)
returns (SummitAttestation memory summitAtt)
summitAtt.snapRoot = snapRoot;
summitAtt.agentRoot = agentRoot;
summitAtt.snapGasHash = snapGasHash;
summitAtt.blockNumber = ChainContext.blockNumber();
summitAtt.timestamp = ChainContext.blockTimestamp();
/// @dev Checks that an Attestation and its Summit representation are equal.
function _areEqual(Attestation att, SummitAttestation memory summitAtt) internal pure returns (bool) {
// forgefmt: disable-next-item
att.snapRoot() == summitAtt.snapRoot &&
att.dataHash() == AttestationLib.dataHash(summitAtt.agentRoot, summitAtt.snapGasHash) &&
att.blockNumber() == summitAtt.blockNumber &&
att.timestamp() == summitAtt.timestamp;