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Test Coverage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;

import {Number} from "./Number.sol";

/// GasData in encoded data with "basic information about gas prices" for some chain.
type GasData is uint96;

using GasDataLib for GasData global;

/// ChainGas is encoded data with given chain's "basic information about gas prices".
type ChainGas is uint128;

using GasDataLib for ChainGas global;

/// Library for encoding and decoding GasData and ChainGas structs.
/// # GasData
/// `GasData` is a struct to store the "basic information about gas prices", that could
/// be later used to approximate the cost of a message execution, and thus derive the
/// minimal tip values for sending a message to the chain.
/// > - `GasData` is supposed to be cached by `GasOracle` contract, allowing to store the
/// > approximates instead of the exact values, and thus save on storage costs.
/// > - For instance, if `GasOracle` only updates the values on +- 10% change, having an
/// > 0.4% error on the approximates would be acceptable.
/// `GasData` is supposed to be included in the Origin's state, which are synced across
/// chains using Agent-signed snapshots and attestations.
/// ## GasData stack layout (from highest bits to lowest)
/// | Position   | Field        | Type   | Bytes | Description                                         |
/// | ---------- | ------------ | ------ | ----- | --------------------------------------------------- |
/// | (012..010] | gasPrice     | uint16 | 2     | Gas price for the chain (in Wei per gas unit)       |
/// | (010..008] | dataPrice    | uint16 | 2     | Calldata price (in Wei per byte of content)         |
/// | (008..006] | execBuffer   | uint16 | 2     | Tx fee safety buffer for message execution (in Wei) |
/// | (006..004] | amortAttCost | uint16 | 2     | Amortized cost for attestation submission (in Wei)  |
/// | (004..002] | etherPrice   | uint16 | 2     | Chain's Ether Price / Mainnet Ether Price (in BWAD) |
/// | (002..000] | markup       | uint16 | 2     | Markup for the message execution (in BWAD)          |
/// > See Number.sol for more details on `Number` type and BWAD (binary WAD) math.
/// ## ChainGas stack layout (from highest bits to lowest)
/// | Position   | Field   | Type   | Bytes | Description      |
/// | ---------- | ------- | ------ | ----- | ---------------- |
/// | (016..004] | gasData | uint96 | 12    | Chain's gas data |
/// | (004..000] | domain  | uint32 | 4     | Chain's domain   |
library GasDataLib {
    /// @dev Amount of bits to shift to gasPrice field
    uint96 private constant SHIFT_GAS_PRICE = 10 * 8;
    /// @dev Amount of bits to shift to dataPrice field
    uint96 private constant SHIFT_DATA_PRICE = 8 * 8;
    /// @dev Amount of bits to shift to execBuffer field
    uint96 private constant SHIFT_EXEC_BUFFER = 6 * 8;
    /// @dev Amount of bits to shift to amortAttCost field
    uint96 private constant SHIFT_AMORT_ATT_COST = 4 * 8;
    /// @dev Amount of bits to shift to etherPrice field
    uint96 private constant SHIFT_ETHER_PRICE = 2 * 8;

    /// @dev Amount of bits to shift to gasData field
    uint128 private constant SHIFT_GAS_DATA = 4 * 8;

    // ═════════════════════════════════════════════════ GAS DATA ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════

    /// @notice Returns an encoded GasData struct with the given fields.
    /// @param gasPrice_        Gas price for the chain (in Wei per gas unit)
    /// @param dataPrice_       Calldata price (in Wei per byte of content)
    /// @param execBuffer_      Tx fee safety buffer for message execution (in Wei)
    /// @param amortAttCost_    Amortized cost for attestation submission (in Wei)
    /// @param etherPrice_      Ratio of Chain's Ether Price / Mainnet Ether Price (in BWAD)
    /// @param markup_          Markup for the message execution (in BWAD)
    function encodeGasData(
        Number gasPrice_,
        Number dataPrice_,
        Number execBuffer_,
        Number amortAttCost_,
        Number etherPrice_,
        Number markup_
    ) internal pure returns (GasData) {
        // Number type wraps uint16, so could safely be casted to uint96
        // forgefmt: disable-next-item
        return GasData.wrap(
            uint96(Number.unwrap(gasPrice_)) << SHIFT_GAS_PRICE |
            uint96(Number.unwrap(dataPrice_)) << SHIFT_DATA_PRICE |
            uint96(Number.unwrap(execBuffer_)) << SHIFT_EXEC_BUFFER |
            uint96(Number.unwrap(amortAttCost_)) << SHIFT_AMORT_ATT_COST |
            uint96(Number.unwrap(etherPrice_)) << SHIFT_ETHER_PRICE |

    /// @notice Wraps padded uint256 value into GasData struct.
    function wrapGasData(uint256 paddedGasData) internal pure returns (GasData) {
        // Casting to uint96 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return GasData.wrap(uint96(paddedGasData));

    /// @notice Returns the gas price, in Wei per gas unit.
    function gasPrice(GasData data) internal pure returns (Number) {
        // Casting to uint16 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return Number.wrap(uint16(GasData.unwrap(data) >> SHIFT_GAS_PRICE));

    /// @notice Returns the calldata price, in Wei per byte of content.
    function dataPrice(GasData data) internal pure returns (Number) {
        // Casting to uint16 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return Number.wrap(uint16(GasData.unwrap(data) >> SHIFT_DATA_PRICE));

    /// @notice Returns the tx fee safety buffer for message execution, in Wei.
    function execBuffer(GasData data) internal pure returns (Number) {
        // Casting to uint16 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return Number.wrap(uint16(GasData.unwrap(data) >> SHIFT_EXEC_BUFFER));

    /// @notice Returns the amortized cost for attestation submission, in Wei.
    function amortAttCost(GasData data) internal pure returns (Number) {
        // Casting to uint16 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return Number.wrap(uint16(GasData.unwrap(data) >> SHIFT_AMORT_ATT_COST));

    /// @notice Returns the ratio of Chain's Ether Price / Mainnet Ether Price, in BWAD math.
    function etherPrice(GasData data) internal pure returns (Number) {
        // Casting to uint16 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return Number.wrap(uint16(GasData.unwrap(data) >> SHIFT_ETHER_PRICE));

    /// @notice Returns the markup for the message execution, in BWAD math.
    function markup(GasData data) internal pure returns (Number) {
        // Casting to uint16 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return Number.wrap(uint16(GasData.unwrap(data)));

    // ════════════════════════════════════════════════ CHAIN DATA ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════

    /// @notice Returns an encoded ChainGas struct with the given fields.
    /// @param gasData_ Chain's gas data
    /// @param domain_  Chain's domain
    function encodeChainGas(GasData gasData_, uint32 domain_) internal pure returns (ChainGas) {
        // GasData type wraps uint96, so could safely be casted to uint128
        return ChainGas.wrap(uint128(GasData.unwrap(gasData_)) << SHIFT_GAS_DATA | uint128(domain_));

    /// @notice Wraps padded uint256 value into ChainGas struct.
    function wrapChainGas(uint256 paddedChainGas) internal pure returns (ChainGas) {
        // Casting to uint128 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return ChainGas.wrap(uint128(paddedChainGas));

    /// @notice Returns the chain's gas data.
    function gasData(ChainGas data) internal pure returns (GasData) {
        // Casting to uint96 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return GasData.wrap(uint96(ChainGas.unwrap(data) >> SHIFT_GAS_DATA));

    /// @notice Returns the chain's domain.
    function domain(ChainGas data) internal pure returns (uint32) {
        // Casting to uint32 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
        return uint32(ChainGas.unwrap(data));

    /// @notice Returns the hash for the list of ChainGas structs.
    function snapGasHash(ChainGas[] memory snapGas) internal pure returns (bytes32 snapGasHash_) {
        // Use assembly to calculate the hash of the array without copying it
        // ChainGas takes a single word of storage, thus ChainGas[] is stored in the following way:
        // 0x00: length of the array, in words
        // 0x20: first ChainGas struct
        // 0x40: second ChainGas struct
        // And so on...
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            // Find the location where the array data starts, we add 0x20 to skip the length field
            let loc := add(snapGas, 0x20)
            // Load the length of the array (in words).
            // Shifting left 5 bits is equivalent to multiplying by 32: this converts from words to bytes.
            let len := shl(5, mload(snapGas))
            // Calculate the hash of the array
            snapGasHash_ := keccak256(loc, len)