// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
/// Request is encoded data with "message execution request".
type Request is uint192;
using RequestLib for Request global;
/// Library for formatting _the request part_ of _the base messages_.
/// - Request represents a message sender requirements for the message execution on the destination chain.
/// - Request occupies a single storage word, and thus is stored on stack instead of being stored in memory.
/// > gasDrop field is included for future compatibility and is ignored at the moment.
/// # Request stack layout (from highest bits to lowest)
/// | Position | Field | Type | Bytes | Description |
/// | ---------- | -------- | ------ | ----- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
/// | (024..012] | gasDrop | uint96 | 12 | Minimum amount of gas token to drop to the recipient |
/// | (012..004] | gasLimit | uint64 | 8 | Minimum amount of gas units to supply for execution |
/// | (004..000] | version | uint32 | 4 | Base message version to pass to the recipient |
library RequestLib {
/// @dev Amount of bits to shift to gasDrop field
uint192 private constant SHIFT_GAS_DROP = 12 * 8;
/// @dev Amount of bits to shift to gasLimit field
uint192 private constant SHIFT_GAS_LIMIT = 4 * 8;
/// @notice Returns an encoded request with the given fields
/// @param gasDrop_ Minimum amount of gas token to drop to the recipient (ignored at the moment)
/// @param gasLimit_ Minimum amount of gas units to supply for execution
/// @param version_ Base message version to pass to the recipient
function encodeRequest(uint96 gasDrop_, uint64 gasLimit_, uint32 version_) internal pure returns (Request) {
// Casts below are upcasts, so they are safe
return Request.wrap(uint192(gasDrop_) << SHIFT_GAS_DROP | uint192(gasLimit_) << SHIFT_GAS_LIMIT | version_);
/// @notice Wraps the padded encoded request into a Request-typed value.
/// @dev The "padded" request is simply an encoded request casted to uint256 (highest bits are set to zero).
/// Casting to uint256 is done automatically in Solidity, so no extra actions from consumers are needed.
/// The highest bits are discarded, so that the contracts dealing with encoded requests
/// don't need to be updated, if a new field is added.
function wrapPadded(uint256 paddedRequest) internal pure returns (Request) {
// Casting to uint192 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
return Request.wrap(uint192(paddedRequest));
/// @notice Returns the requested of gas token to drop to the recipient.
function gasDrop(Request request) internal pure returns (uint96) {
// Casting to uint96 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
return uint96(Request.unwrap(request) >> SHIFT_GAS_DROP);
/// @notice Returns the requested minimum amount of gas units to supply for execution.
function gasLimit(Request request) internal pure returns (uint64) {
// Casting to uint64 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
return uint64(Request.unwrap(request) >> SHIFT_GAS_LIMIT);
/// @notice Returns the requested base message version to pass to the recipient.
function version(Request request) internal pure returns (uint32) {
// Casting to uint32 will truncate the highest bits, which is the behavior we want
return uint32(Request.unwrap(request));