// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
// ═════════════════════════════ CONTRACT IMPORTS ══════════════════════════════
import {NumberLib} from "../contracts/libs/stack/Number.sol";
import {GasOracle} from "../contracts/GasOracle.sol";
// ═════════════════════════════ INTERNAL IMPORTS ══════════════════════════════
import {DeployerUtils} from "./utils/DeployerUtils.sol";
import {RawGasData256} from "../test/utils/libs/SynapseStructs.t.sol";
// ═════════════════════════════ EXTERNAL IMPORTS ══════════════════════════════
import {console, stdJson} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {Strings} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
// solhint-disable no-console
// solhint-disable ordering
contract SetupGasOracle003Script is DeployerUtils {
using stdJson for string;
using Strings for uint256;
// Need to follow alphabetic order
struct GasDataJSON {
uint256 amortAttCost;
uint256 dataPrice;
uint256 etherPriceUSDCent;
uint256 execBuffer;
uint256 gasPrice;
uint256 markupPercent;
uint256 summitTip;
string public constant GAS_ORACLE = "GasOracle";
string public gasDataConfig;
GasOracle public gasOracle;
constructor() {
/// @dev Function to exclude script from coverage report
function testScript() external {}
/// @notice Main function with the setup logic.
/// @dev To setup GasOracle on $chainName
/// forge script script/SetupGasOracle003.s.sol -f chainName --broadcast
/// @dev To simulate setup on $chainName
/// forge script script/SetupGasOracle003.s.sol -f chainName
function run() external {
gasDataConfig = loadGlobalDeployConfig("Messaging003GasData");
gasOracle = GasOracle(loadDeployment(GAS_ORACLE));
uint256[] memory domains = gasDataConfig.readUintArray(".domains");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < domains.length; ++i) {
function setupDomainGasData(uint256 domain) internal {
console.log("Checking new gas data for domain: %s", domain);
GasDataJSON memory gasDataJSON =
abi.decode(gasDataConfig.parseRaw(string.concat(".gasData.", domain.toString())), (GasDataJSON));
uint256 ethPriceUSDCent = gasDataConfig.readUint(".ethPriceUSDCent");
RawGasData256 memory gasData256;
gasData256.amortAttCost = gasDataJSON.amortAttCost;
gasData256.dataPrice = gasDataJSON.dataPrice;
gasData256.etherPrice = (gasDataJSON.etherPriceUSDCent << NumberLib.BWAD_SHIFT) / ethPriceUSDCent;
gasData256.execBuffer = gasDataJSON.execBuffer;
gasData256.gasPrice = gasDataJSON.gasPrice;
gasData256.markup = (gasDataJSON.markupPercent << NumberLib.BWAD_SHIFT) / 100;
// Round by keeping only the highest 9 bits
console.log(" amortAttCost: %s", gasData256.amortAttCost);
console.log(" dataPrice: %s", gasData256.dataPrice);
console.log(" etherPrice: %s", gasData256.etherPrice);
console.log(" etherPriceUSDCent: %s", gasDataJSON.etherPriceUSDCent);
console.log(" execBuffer: %s", gasData256.execBuffer);
console.log(" gasPrice: %s", gasData256.gasPrice);
console.log(" markup: %s", gasData256.markup);
console.log(" markupPercent: %s", gasDataJSON.markupPercent);
console.log(" summitTip: %s", gasDataJSON.summitTip);
if (isDataDifferent(domain, gasData256)) {
console.log("Setting up new gas data for domain: %s", domain);
domain: uint32(domain),
gasPrice: gasData256.gasPrice,
dataPrice: gasData256.dataPrice,
execBuffer: gasData256.execBuffer,
amortAttCost: gasData256.amortAttCost,
etherPrice: gasData256.etherPrice,
markup: gasData256.markup
require(!isDataDifferent(domain, gasData256), "Failed to set gas data");
console.log(" Gas data successfully set");
} else {
console.log("Gas data is up to date for domain: %s", domain);
function isDataDifferent(uint256 domain, RawGasData256 memory gasData256) internal view returns (bool) {
uint256 gasPrice,
uint256 dataPrice,
uint256 execBuffer,
uint256 amortAttCost,
uint256 etherPrice,
uint256 markup
) = gasOracle.getDecodedGasData(uint32(domain));
return gasData256.gasPrice != gasPrice || gasData256.dataPrice != dataPrice
|| gasData256.execBuffer != execBuffer || gasData256.amortAttCost != amortAttCost
|| gasData256.etherPrice != etherPrice || gasData256.markup != markup;