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Test Coverage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

interface IAdminV2 {
    event CancelDelayUpdated(uint256 oldCancelDelay, uint256 newCancelDelay);
    event DeployBlockSet(uint256 blockNumber);
    event DisputePenaltyTimeUpdated(uint256 oldDisputePenaltyTime, uint256 newDisputePenaltyTime);
    event FeeRateUpdated(uint256 oldFeeRate, uint256 newFeeRate);
    event FeesSwept(address token, address recipient, uint256 amount);

    event ProverAdded(address prover);
    event ProverRemoved(address prover);
    event DisputePenaltyTimeApplied(address prover, uint256 inactiveUntilTimestamp);

    /// @notice Allows the role admin to add a new prover to the contract.
    function addProver(address prover) external;

    /// @notice Allows the role admin to remove a prover from the contract.
    function removeProver(address prover) external;

    /// @notice Allows the governor to set the cancel delay. The cancel delay is the time period after the transaction
    /// deadline during which a transaction can be permissionlessly cancelled if it hasn't been proven by any Relayer.
    function setCancelDelay(uint256 newCancelDelay) external;

    /// @notice Allows the default admin to set the deploy block.
    /// @dev This is only relevant for chains like Arbitrum that implement the `block.number` as the underlying L1
    /// block number rather than the chain's native block number.
    function setDeployBlock(uint256 blockNumber) external;

    /// @notice Allows the governor to set the dispute penalty time. The dispute penalty time is the time period used to
    /// temporarily deactivate a prover if its proof is disputed: prover will be inactive for the dispute penalty time
    /// after the dispute is submitted.
    function setDisputePenaltyTime(uint256 newDisputePenaltyTime) external;

    /// @notice Allows the governor to set the protocol fee rate. The protocol fee is taken from the origin
    /// amount and is only applied to completed and claimed transactions.
    /// @dev The protocol fee is abstracted away from the relayers; they always operate using the amounts after fees.
    /// The origin amount they see in the emitted log is what they get credited with.
    function setProtocolFeeRate(uint256 newFeeRate) external;

    /// @notice Allows the governor to withdraw the accumulated protocol fees from the contract.
    function sweepProtocolFees(address token, address recipient) external;

    /// @notice Returns the ID of the active prover, or zero if the prover is not currently active.
    function getActiveProverID(address prover) external view returns (uint16);

    /// @notice Returns the information about the prover with the provided address.
    /// @return proverID            The ID of the prover if it has been added before, or zero otherwise.
    /// @return activeFromTimestamp The timestamp when the prover becomes active, or zero if the prover isn't active.
    function getProverInfo(address prover) external view returns (uint16 proverID, uint256 activeFromTimestamp);

    /// @notice Returns the information about the prover with the provided ID.
    /// @return prover              The address of the prover with the provided ID, or zero the ID does not exist.
    /// @return activeFromTimestamp The timestamp when the prover becomes active, or zero if the prover isn't active.
    function getProverInfoByID(uint16 proverID) external view returns (address prover, uint256 activeFromTimestamp);

    /// @notice Returns the list of the active provers.
    function getProvers() external view returns (address[] memory);