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Test Coverage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;

import {DefaultAdapter} from "./adapters/DefaultAdapter.sol";
import {IRouterAdapter} from "./interfaces/IRouterAdapter.sol";
import {DeadlineExceeded, InsufficientOutputAmount, MsgValueIncorrect, TokenNotETH} from "./libs/Errors.sol";
import {Action, DefaultParams, SwapQuery} from "./libs/Structs.sol";
import {UniversalTokenLib} from "./libs/UniversalToken.sol";

import {SafeERC20, IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts-4.5.0/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";

/// @title DefaultRouter
/// @notice Base contract for all Synapse Routers, that is able to natively work with Default Pools
/// due to the fact that it inherits from DefaultAdapter.
abstract contract DefaultRouter is DefaultAdapter {
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
    using UniversalTokenLib for address;

    /// @dev Performs a "swap from tokenIn" following instructions from `query`.
    /// `query` will include the router adapter to use, and the exact type of "tokenIn -> tokenOut swap"
    /// should be encoded in `query.rawParams`.
    function _doSwap(
        address recipient,
        address tokenIn,
        uint256 amountIn,
        SwapQuery memory query
    ) internal returns (address tokenOut, uint256 amountOut) {
        // First, check the deadline for the swap
        // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
        if (block.timestamp > query.deadline) revert DeadlineExceeded();
        // Pull initial token from the user to specified router adapter
        amountIn = _pullToken(query.routerAdapter, tokenIn, amountIn);
        tokenOut = query.tokenOut;
        address routerAdapter = query.routerAdapter;
        if (routerAdapter == address(this)) {
            // If the router adapter is this contract, we can perform the swap directly and trust the result
            amountOut = _adapterSwap(recipient, tokenIn, amountIn, tokenOut, query.rawParams);
        } else {
            // Otherwise, we need to call the router adapter. Adapters are permissionless, so we verify the result
            // Record tokenOut balance before swap
            amountOut = tokenOut.universalBalanceOf(recipient);
            IRouterAdapter(routerAdapter).adapterSwap{value: msg.value}({
                recipient: recipient,
                tokenIn: tokenIn,
                amountIn: amountIn,
                tokenOut: tokenOut,
                rawParams: query.rawParams
            // Use the difference between the recorded balance and the current balance as the amountOut
            amountOut = tokenOut.universalBalanceOf(recipient) - amountOut;
        // Finally, check that the recipient received at least as much as they wanted
        if (amountOut < query.minAmountOut) revert InsufficientOutputAmount();

    /// @dev Pulls a requested token from the user to the requested recipient.
    /// Or, if msg.value was provided, check that ETH_ADDRESS was used and msg.value is correct.
    function _pullToken(
        address recipient,
        address token,
        uint256 amount
    ) internal returns (uint256 amountPulled) {
        if (msg.value == 0) {
            // Record token balance before transfer
            amountPulled = IERC20(token).balanceOf(recipient);
            // Token needs to be pulled only if msg.value is zero
            // This way user can specify WETH as the origin asset
            IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, recipient, amount);
            // Use the difference between the recorded balance and the current balance as the amountPulled
            amountPulled = IERC20(token).balanceOf(recipient) - amountPulled;
        } else {
            // Otherwise, we need to check that ETH was specified
            if (token != UniversalTokenLib.ETH_ADDRESS) revert TokenNotETH();
            // And that amount matches msg.value
            if (amount != msg.value) revert MsgValueIncorrect();
            // We will forward msg.value in the external call later, if recipient is not this contract
            amountPulled = msg.value;