// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {FastBridgeV2GasBenchmarkDstTest} from "./FastBridgeV2.GasBench.Dst.t.sol";
import {RecipientMock} from "./mocks/RecipientMock.sol";
// solhint-disable func-name-mixedcase, no-empty-blocks
contract FastBridgeV2GasBenchmarkDstZapTest is FastBridgeV2GasBenchmarkDstTest {
// To get an idea about how much overhead the Zap adds to the relaying process, we use a mock
// recipient that has the hook function implemented as a no-op.
// The mocked zapData are chosen to be similar to the real use cases:
// - user address
// - some kind of ID to decide what to do with the tokens next
/// @notice We include an empty "test" function so that this contract does not appear in the coverage report.
function testFastBridgeV2GasBenchmarkDstZapTest() external {}
function setUp() public virtual override {
// In the inherited tests userB is always used as the recipient of the tokens.
userB = address(new RecipientMock());
vm.label(userB, "ContractRecipient");
function createFixturesV2() public virtual override {
bytes memory mockZapData = abi.encode(userA, keccak256("Random ID"));