// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {FastBridgeV2GasBenchmarkSrcTest} from "./FastBridgeV2.GasBench.Src.t.sol";
// solhint-disable func-name-mixedcase, no-empty-blocks
contract FastBridgeV2GasBenchmarkSrcProtocolFeesTest is FastBridgeV2GasBenchmarkSrcTest {
/// @notice We include an empty "test" function so that this contract does not appear in the coverage report.
function testFastBridgeV2GasBenchmarkSrcProtocolFeesTest() external {}
function configureFastBridge() public virtual override {
fastBridge.grantRole(fastBridge.GOVERNOR_ROLE(), address(this));
fastBridge.setProtocolFeeRate(1e4); // 1%
function createFixtures() public virtual override {
tokenTx.originFeeAmount = 0.01e6;
tokenTx.originAmount = 0.99e6;
tokenTx.destAmount = 0.98e6;
tokenParams.destAmount = 0.98e6;
ethTx.originFeeAmount = 0.01 ether;
ethTx.originAmount = 0.99 ether;
ethTx.destAmount = 0.98 ether;
ethParams.destAmount = 0.98 ether;
// Copy txs to bridged and proven with different nonce
bridgedTokenTx = tokenTx;
provenTokenTx = tokenTx;
bridgedEthTx = ethTx;
provenEthTx = ethTx;
// See FastBridgeV2GasBenchmarkSrcTest.initExistingTxs for why these start from 1, not 0
bridgedTokenTx.nonce = 1;
bridgedEthTx.nonce = 2;
provenTokenTx.nonce = 3;
provenEthTx.nonce = 4;