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Test Coverage

-- run this on ponder index to get a summary of a test run. use WHERE params to point it at a particular test period.

select to_timestamp(min(depositTs))                                          period_start,
       to_timestamp(max(depositTs))                                          period_end,
       max(depositTs) - min(depositTs)                                       period_seconds,
       round(count(1) * 1.00 / (max(depositTs) - min(depositTs)), 2)         deposits_per_second,
       round(count(1) * 1.00 / (max(depositTs) - min(depositTs)) * 86400, 0) deposits_per_day,
       count(1)                                                              count_deposits,
       count(case when proofSeconds is not null then 1 else null end)        count_proofs,
       count(case when claimSeconds is not null then 1 else null end)        count_claims,
       count(case when disputeId is not null then 1 else null end)           count_disputes,
       round(avg(relaySeconds), 2)                                           relaySeconds_AVG,
       max(relaySeconds)                                                     relaySeconds_MAX,
       round(avg(proofSeconds), 2)                                           proofSeconds_AVG,
       max(proofSeconds)                                                     proofSeconds_MAX,
       round(avg(claimSeconds), 2)                                           claimSeconds_AVG,
       max(claimSeconds)                                                     claimSeconds_MAX
from (
-- this subquery can be executed by itself for detail data
         select xdeposit."blockTimestamp"                                depositTs,
                xrelay."blockTimestamp" - xdeposit."blockTimestamp"      relaySeconds,
                xproof."blockTimestamp" - xrelay."blockTimestamp"        proofSeconds,
                xclaim."blockTimestamp" - xproof."blockTimestamp" - 1800 claimSeconds,
         from "BridgeRequestEvents" xdeposit
                  left join "BridgeRelayedEvents" xrelay on
             xdeposit."transactionId" = xrelay."transactionId"
                  left join "BridgeProofProvidedEvents" xproof on
             xdeposit."transactionId" = xproof."transactionId"
                  left join "BridgeDepositClaimedEvents" xclaim on
             xdeposit."transactionId" = xclaim."transactionId"
                  left join "BridgeProofDisputedEvents" xdispute on
             xdeposit."transactionId" = xdispute."transactionId"
         where xdeposit."originChainId" = 480
           and xdeposit."originAmount" <= 71000000000000

           -- change these to point at a particular test period
           and xdeposit."blockTimestamp" between 1728666774 and 1728667721
        ) sqData;