@startuml BridgingWorkflowSimplified
skinparam BoxPadding 10
skinparam ParticipantPadding 25
skinparam NoteTextAlignment center
title Bridging Workflow (simplified with SDK)
box "Origin Chain" #White
actor "User" as OU
participant "Synapse\nRouter" as OSR
end box
box " Synapse " #bb77ff
database " " as SYN
end box
box "Destination Chain" #White
participant "BridgeModule\nContract" as DBM
actor "User" as DU
end box
OU --> SYN: Getting a Bridge Quote
note over SYN #White
SDK returns
the best quotes for
**tokenIn ⟶ tokenOut**
end note
SYN --> OU
note right of OU #White
User selects
a returned quote
end note
OU -> OSR: **tokenIn**
note over OSR #White
Origin token
is taken
from the user
end note
note over SYN #White
Bridge Magic happens
end note
note over DBM #White
Destination token
is transferred
to the user
end note
DBM -> DU: **tokenOut**