import { BigNumber } from '@ethersproject/bignumber'
import { uuidv7 } from 'uuidv7'
import invariant from 'tiny-invariant'
import { BigintIsh } from '../constants'
import { BridgeQuote, BridgeRoute, FeeConfig } from './types'
import { SynapseModule } from './synapseModule'
import { applyOptionalDeadline } from '../utils/deadlines'
import { Query } from './query'
export abstract class SynapseModuleSet {
abstract readonly bridgeModuleName: string
abstract readonly allEvents: string[]
* Returns the estimated time for a bridge transaction to be completed,
* when the transaction is sent from the given chain.
* @param originChainId - The ID of the origin chain.
* @returns The estimated time in seconds.
* @throws Will throw an error if the chain ID is not supported.
abstract getEstimatedTime(originChainId: number): number
* Returns the Synapse transaction ID for a given transaction hash on a given chain.
* This is used to track the status of a bridge transaction.
* @param originChainId - The ID of the origin chain.
* @param txHash - The transaction hash of the bridge transaction.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the Synapse transaction ID.
getSynapseTxId(originChainId: number, txHash: string): Promise<string> {
return this.getExistingModule(originChainId).getSynapseTxId(txHash)
* Checks whether a bridge transaction has been completed on the destination chain.
* @param destChainId - The ID of the destination chain.
* @param synapseTxId - The unique Synapse txId of the bridge transaction.
* @returns A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the bridge transaction has been completed.
destChainId: number,
synapseTxId: string
): Promise<boolean> {
return this.getExistingModule(destChainId).getBridgeTxStatus(synapseTxId)
* Returns the existing Module instance on the given chain.
* Returns undefined if a Module instance does not exist on the given chain.
* @param chainId - The ID of the chain.
* @returns The Module instance, or undefined if it does not exist.
abstract getModule(chainId: number): SynapseModule | undefined
* Returns the existing Module instance for the given address on the given chain.
* If the module address is not valid, it will return undefined.
* @param chainId - The ID of the chain.
* @param moduleAddress - The address of the module.
* @returns The Module instance, or undefined if the module address is not valid.
chainId: number,
moduleAddress: string
): SynapseModule | undefined {
const module = this.getModule(chainId)
if (module?.address.toLowerCase() === moduleAddress.toLowerCase()) {
return module
return undefined
* Returns the existing Module instance for the given chain.
* @param chainId - The ID of the chain.
* @returns The Module instance.
* @throws Will throw an error if the module does not exist.
getExistingModule(chainId: number): SynapseModule {
const module = this.getModule(chainId)
if (!module) {
throw new Error(`No module found for chain ${chainId}`)
return module
* This method find all possible routes for a bridge transaction between two chains.
* @param originChainId - The ID of the original chain.
* @param destChainId - The ID of the destination chain.
* @param tokenIn - The input token.
* @param tokenOut - The output token.
* @param amountIn - The amount of input token.
* @param originUserAddress - The address of the user on the origin chain.
* @returns - A list of BridgeRoute objects with the found routes.
abstract getBridgeRoutes(
originChainId: number,
destChainId: number,
tokenIn: string,
tokenOut: string,
amountIn: BigintIsh,
originUserAddress?: string
): Promise<BridgeRoute[]>
* Retrieves the fee data for a given bridge route.
* @param bridgeRoute - The bridge route to get fee data for.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the fee data.
abstract getFeeData(bridgeRoute: BridgeRoute): Promise<{
feeAmount: BigNumber
feeConfig: FeeConfig
* Retrieves the gas drop amount for a given bridge route.
* User will receive this amount of gas tokens on the destination chain,
* when the module transaction is completed.
* @param bridgeRoute - The bridge route to get gas drop amount for.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the gas drop amount.
abstract getGasDropAmount(bridgeRoute: BridgeRoute): Promise<BigNumber>
* Returns the default deadline periods for this bridge module.
* @returns The default deadline periods.
abstract getDefaultPeriods(): {
originPeriod: number
destPeriod: number
* Returns the deadlines to use for the given module transaction.
* @param originDeadline - The deadline to use on the origin chain (default depends on the module).
* @param destDeadline - The deadline to use on the destination chain (default depends on the module).
* @returns The deadlines to use.
public getModuleDeadlines(
originDeadline?: BigNumber,
destDeadline?: BigNumber
): {
originModuleDeadline: BigNumber
destModuleDeadline: BigNumber
} {
const { originPeriod, destPeriod } = this.getDefaultPeriods()
return {
originModuleDeadline: applyOptionalDeadline(originDeadline, originPeriod),
destModuleDeadline: applyOptionalDeadline(destDeadline, destPeriod),
* Applies the specified slippage to the given queries by modifying the minAmountOut.
* Note: the original queries are preserved unchanged.
* @param originQueryPrecise - The query for the origin chain with the precise minAmountOut.
* @param destQueryPrecise - The query for the destination chain with the precise minAmountOut.
* @param slipNumerator - The numerator of the slippage.
* @param slipDenominator - The denominator of the slippage.
* @returns The modified queries with the reduced minAmountOut.
abstract applySlippage(
originQueryPrecise: Query,
destQueryPrecise: Query,
slipNumerator: number,
slipDenominator: number
): { originQuery: Query; destQuery: Query }
* Finalizes the bridge route by getting fee data and setting default deadlines.
* @param destChainId - The ID of the destination chain.
* @param bridgeRoute - Bridge route to finalize.
* @param originDeadline - The deadline to use on the origin chain (default depends on the module).
* @param destDeadline - The deadline to use on the destination chain (default depends on the module).
* @returns The finalized quote with fee data and deadlines.
async finalizeBridgeRoute(
bridgeRoute: BridgeRoute,
originDeadline?: BigNumber,
destDeadline?: BigNumber
): Promise<BridgeQuote> {
// Check that route is supported on both chains
const originModule = this.getExistingModule(bridgeRoute.originChainId)
bridgeRoute.bridgeModuleName === this.bridgeModuleName,
'Invalid bridge module name'
const uuid = uuidv7()
const { originQuery, destQuery } = bridgeRoute
const { originModuleDeadline, destModuleDeadline } =
this.getModuleDeadlines(originDeadline, destDeadline)
originQuery.deadline = originModuleDeadline
destQuery.deadline = destModuleDeadline
const { feeAmount, feeConfig } = await this.getFeeData(bridgeRoute)
return {
id: uuid,
routerAddress: originModule.address,
maxAmountOut: destQuery.minAmountOut,
estimatedTime: this.getEstimatedTime(bridgeRoute.originChainId),
bridgeModuleName: bridgeRoute.bridgeModuleName,
gasDropAmount: await this.getGasDropAmount(bridgeRoute),
originChainId: bridgeRoute.originChainId,
destChainId: bridgeRoute.destChainId,