import { PopulatedTransaction } from 'ethers'
import { BigNumber } from '@ethersproject/bignumber'
import { Provider } from '@ethersproject/abstract-provider'
import invariant from 'tiny-invariant'
import { AddressZero } from '@ethersproject/constants'
import { BigintIsh } from '../constants'
import { Query } from '../module/query'
import { DestRequest } from './types'
import { BridgeToken, FeeConfig, SynapseModule } from '../module'
* Abstract class for a router contract deployed on a chain.
* Handles contract interaction: the Router users don't need to know about the contract,
* or the data structures used to interact with it.
* Instead, they use the Router class and generic types such as Query and BridgeToken.
* @property address The address of the router contract.
* @property chainId The chain ID of chain the router is deployed on.
* @property provider The provider used to interact with the chain router is deployed on.
export abstract class Router implements SynapseModule {
abstract readonly address: string
public readonly chainId: number
public readonly provider: Provider
private bridgeTokensCache: { [tokenOut: string]: BridgeToken[] } = {}
constructor(chainId: number, provider: Provider) {
invariant(chainId, 'CHAIN_ID_UNDEFINED')
invariant(provider, 'PROVIDER_UNDEFINED')
this.chainId = chainId
this.provider = provider
abstract getOriginAmountOut(
tokenIn: string,
bridgeTokens: string[],
amountIn: BigintIsh
): Promise<Query[]>
abstract getDestinationAmountOut(
requests: DestRequest[],
tokenOut: string
): Promise<Query[]>
abstract getConnectedBridgeTokens(tokenOut: string): Promise<BridgeToken[]>
abstract getBridgeFees(
token: string,
amount: BigNumber,
isSwap: boolean
): Promise<{ feeAmount: BigNumber; feeConfig: FeeConfig }>
* @inheritdoc SynapseModule.bridge
abstract bridge(
to: string,
chainId: number,
token: string,
amount: BigintIsh,
originQuery: Query,
destQuery: Query
): Promise<PopulatedTransaction>
* @inheritdoc SynapseModule.getSynapseTxId
abstract getSynapseTxId(txHash: string): Promise<string>
* @inheritdoc SynapseModule.getBridgeTxStatus
abstract getBridgeTxStatus(synapseTxId: string): Promise<boolean>
* Fetches bridge tokens for a destination chain and output token.
* Checks the cache first, and fetches from the router if not cached. Filters invalid tokens and caches the result.
* @param destChainId - The destination chain ID.
* @param tokenOut - The output token.
* @param destRouter - The SynapseRouter or SynapseCCTPRouter to use.
* @returns An array of BridgeToken objects for valid bridge tokens.
public async getBridgeTokens(tokenOut: string): Promise<BridgeToken[]> {
// Populate the cache if necessary
if (!this.bridgeTokensCache[tokenOut]) {
// Fetch tokens from the router
const routerBridgeTokens = await this.getConnectedBridgeTokens(tokenOut)
// Filter out invalid tokens and cache the result
this.bridgeTokensCache[tokenOut] = routerBridgeTokens.filter(
(token) => token.symbol && token.token !== AddressZero
// Return cached result
return this.bridgeTokensCache[tokenOut]
* Fetches origin queries from either a SynapseRouter or SynapseCCTPRouter.
* @param tokenIn - The input token
* @param tokenSymbols - The token symbols
* @param amountIn - The input amount
* @returns A promise that resolves to an array of Query objects with the same length as tokenSymbols.
* @throws Will throw an error if unable to fetch origin queries
public async getOriginQueries(
tokenIn: string,
tokenSymbols: string[],
amountIn: BigintIsh
): Promise<Query[]> {
try {
// Don't filter anything, as the amount of returned queries should match the amount of symbols
return this.getOriginAmountOut(tokenIn, tokenSymbols, amountIn)
} catch (error) {
'[SynapseSDK: Router] Failed to fetch origin queries',
throw error
* Fetches destination queries from either a SynapseRouter or SynapseCCTPRouter.
* @param requests - The requests with symbol and amount in.
* @param tokenOut - The output token.
* @returns A promise that resolves to an array of Query objects with the same length as requests.
* @throws Will throw an error if unable to fetch destination queries.
public async getDestinationQueries(
requests: DestRequest[],
tokenOut: string
): Promise<Query[]> {
try {
// Don't filter anything, as the amount of returned queries should match the amount of requests
return this.getDestinationAmountOut(requests, tokenOut)
} catch (error) {
'[SynapseSDK: Router] Failed to fetch destination queries',
throw error