import { AddressZero, Zero } from '@ethersproject/constants'
import { BigNumber } from '@ethersproject/bignumber'
import { PopulatedTransaction } from '@ethersproject/contracts'
export const handleNativeToken = (tokenAddr: string) => {
return tokenAddr === '' || tokenAddr === AddressZero
: tokenAddr
export const isNativeToken = (tokenAddr: string): boolean => {
return tokenAddr.toLowerCase() === ETH_NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS.toLowerCase()
* Sets the tx.value to the amount if the token is native, otherwise sets it to 0.
* @param tx - The transaction to adjust.
* @param tokenAddr - The address of the token to check for being native.
* @param amountNative - The amount to set if the token is native.
* @param amountOther - The amount to set if the token is not native (optional, defaults to 0).
* @returns The adjusted populated transaction.
export const adjustValueIfNative = (
tx: PopulatedTransaction,
tokenAddr: string,
amountNative: BigNumber,
amountOther: BigNumber = Zero
): PopulatedTransaction => {
tx.value = isNativeToken(tokenAddr) ? amountNative : amountOther
return tx