import { useMemo } from 'react'
import { useBridgeState } from '@/slices/bridge/hooks'
import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
import { useTranslations } from 'next-intl'
import { useCoingeckoPrice } from '@hooks/useCoingeckoPrice'
import { formatBigIntToString } from '@/utils/bigint/format'
import { formatBigIntToPercentString } from '@/utils/bigint/format'
import { getValidAddress, isValidAddress } from '@/utils/isValidAddress'
import { EMPTY_BRIDGE_QUOTE } from '@/constants/bridge'
import { CHAINS_BY_ID } from '@constants/chains'
import * as CHAINS from '@constants/chains/master'
import { useBridgeQuoteState } from '@/slices/bridgeQuote/hooks'
import { getSignificantDecimals } from '@/utils/getSignificantDecimals'
export const BridgeExchangeRateInfo = () => {
/* TODO:
* Upgrade to collapsable element
* Convert from div to details (conflict on mobile for details/summary)
* Use dark:border-zinc-800 in <section> className
return (
<div className="mt-1 mb-2 text-sm">
<div className="block px-1 mb-2 text-right cursor-default pointer-events-none">
<TimeEstimate />
<div className="block p-2 leading-relaxed border rounded border-zinc-300 dark:border-separator">
{' '}
<GasDropLabel />
<Router />
<Slippage />
<DestinationAddress />
const DestinationAddress = () => {
const { address } = useAccount()
const { destinationAddress } = useBridgeState()
const t = useTranslations('Bridge')
const showAddress =
destinationAddress &&
getValidAddress(address) !== getValidAddress(destinationAddress)
const isInputValidAddress: boolean = destinationAddress
? isValidAddress(destinationAddress)
: false
if (showAddress && isInputValidAddress) {
return (
<div className="flex items-center space-x-1">
<div>{t('To')}: </div>
<div className="text-primary">{destinationAddress}</div>
const Slippage = () => {
const { debouncedFromValue } = useBridgeState()
const t = useTranslations('Bridge')
const {
bridgeQuote: { exchangeRate },
} = useBridgeQuoteState()
const { formattedPercentSlippage, safeFromAmount, underFee, textColor } =
useExchangeRateInfo(debouncedFromValue, exchangeRate)
return (
<div className="flex justify-between">
<span className="text-zinc-500 dark:text-zinc-400">{t('Slippage')}</span>
{safeFromAmount !== '0' && !underFee ? (
<span className={textColor}>{formattedPercentSlippage}</span>
) : (
<span className="">−</span>
const Router = () => {
const {
bridgeQuote: { bridgeModuleName },
} = useBridgeQuoteState()
const t = useTranslations('Bridge')
return (
<div className="flex justify-between">
<span className="text-zinc-500 dark:text-zinc-400">{t('Router')}</span>
const TimeEstimate = () => {
const { fromToken } = useBridgeState()
const { bridgeQuote } = useBridgeQuoteState()
const t = useTranslations()
let showText
let showTime
let timeUnit
if (fromToken && bridgeQuote?.estimatedTime > 60) {
showTime = bridgeQuote?.estimatedTime / 60
timeUnit = t('Time.minutes')
showText = `${showTime} ${timeUnit} via ${bridgeQuote.bridgeModuleName}`
if (fromToken && bridgeQuote.estimatedTime <= 60) {
showTime = bridgeQuote?.estimatedTime
timeUnit = t('Time.seconds')
showText = `${showTime} ${timeUnit} via ${bridgeQuote.bridgeModuleName}`
if (
!bridgeQuote ||
bridgeQuote.outputAmount === EMPTY_BRIDGE_QUOTE.outputAmount
) {
showText = (
<span className="text-zinc-500 dark:text-zinc-400">
{t('Bridge.Powered by Synapse')}
if (!fromToken) {
showText = t('Bridge.Select origin token')
return showText
const GasDropLabel = () => {
const { toChainId } = useBridgeState()
const {
bridgeQuote: { gasDropAmount },
} = useBridgeQuoteState()
const t = useTranslations('Bridge')
const symbol = CHAINS_BY_ID[toChainId]?.nativeCurrency.symbol
const stringifiedGasAmount = formatBigIntToString(gasDropAmount, 18)
const significantDecimals = getSignificantDecimals(stringifiedGasAmount)
const formattedGasDropAmount = formatBigIntToString(
const airdropInDollars = getAirdropInDollars(symbol, formattedGasDropAmount)
if (gasDropAmount === EMPTY_BRIDGE_QUOTE.gasDropAmount) {
return null
return (
<span className="text-zinc-500 dark:text-zinc-400">
{t('Will also receive')} {formattedGasDropAmount}
{' '}
{symbol} {airdropInDollars && `($${airdropInDollars})`}
const useExchangeRateInfo = (value, exchangeRate) => {
const safeExchangeRate = typeof exchangeRate === 'bigint' ? exchangeRate : 0n
const safeFromAmount = value ?? '0'
const formattedExchangeRate = formatBigIntToString(safeExchangeRate, 18, 4)
const numExchangeRate = Number(formattedExchangeRate)
const slippage = safeExchangeRate - 1000000000000000000n
const formattedPercentSlippage = formatBigIntToPercentString(slippage, 18)
const underFee = safeExchangeRate === 0n && safeFromAmount !== '0'
const textColor: string = useMemo(() => {
if (numExchangeRate >= 1) {
return 'text-green-500'
} else if (numExchangeRate > 0.975) {
return 'text-amber-500'
} else {
return 'text-red-500'
}, [numExchangeRate])
return {
const getAirdropInDollars = (
symbol: string,
formattedGasDropAmount: string
) => {
const decimals = symbol === 'JEWEL' ? 4 : 2
const price = useCoingeckoPrice(symbol)
if (price) {
const airdropInDollars = parseFloat(formattedGasDropAmount) * price
return airdropInDollars.toFixed(decimals)
} else {
return undefined