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Test Coverage
  "Activity": {
    "Activity": "Activity",
    "Your pending and recent transactions will appear here": "Your pending and recent transactions will appear here.",
    "Loading activity": "Loading activity",
    "No transactions in last 30 days": "No transactions in last 30 days.",
    "Recent": "Recent",
    "Explorer": "Explorer",
    "remaining": "remaining",
    "Select": "Select",
    "Selected": "Selected"
  "Bridge": {
    "Bridge": "Bridge",
    "Send your assets across chains": "Send your assets across chains.",
    "Bridge paused": "Bridge paused",
    "Please select Origin Network": "Please select Origin Network",
    "Please select Destination network": "Please select Destination network",
    "Please select an Origin token": "Please select an Origin token",
    "Bridge {symbol}": "Bridge {symbol}",
    "Deposit {symbol}": "Deposit {symbol}",
    "Depositing": "Depositing",
    "Connect Wallet to Bridge": "Connect Wallet to Bridge",
    "Amount must be greater than fee": "Amount must be greater than fee",
    "Error in bridge quote": "Error in bridge quote",
    "Invalid bridge quote": "Invalid bridge quote",
    "Insufficient balance": "Insufficient balance",
    "Invalid Destination address": "Invalid Destination address",
    "Confirm destination address": "Confirm destination address",
    "Switch to {chainName}": "Switch to {chainName}",
    "Switching chains": "Switching chains",
    "Approve {symbol}": "Approve {symbol}",
    "Approving": "Approving",
    "Bridging": "Bridging",
    "Max": "Max",
    "available": "available",
    "Available": "Available",
    "calculating gas": "calculating gas",
    "New": "New",
    "Gas token": "Gas token",
    "Not bridgeable": "Not bridgeable",
    "Successfully initiated bridge from {fromToken} on {originChainName} to {toToken} on {destinationChainName}": "Successfully initiated bridge from {fromToken} on {originChainName} to {toToken} on {destinationChainName}",
    "Slippage": "Slippage",
    "Router": "Router",
    "Powered by Synapse": "Powered by Synapse",
    "Will also receive": "Will also receive",
    "From": "From",
    "FromWithEllipsis": "From…",
    "ToWithEllipsis": "To…",
    "To": "To",
    "In": "In",
    "Out": "Out",
    "Network": "Network",
    "Select origin token": "Select origin token",
    "All chains": "All chains",
    "SendWithEllipsis": "Send…",
    "All sendable tokens": "All sendable tokens",
    "All other tokens": "All other tokens",
    "ReceiveWithEllipsis": "Receive…",
    "All receivable tokens": "All receivable tokens",
    "Route found for bridging {debouncedFromValue} {fromToken} on {fromChainId} to {toToken} on {toChainId}": "Route found for bridging {debouncedFromValue} {fromToken} on {fromChainId} to {toToken} on {toChainId}",
    "No route found for bridging {debouncedFromValue} {fromToken} on {fromChainId} to {toToken} on {toChainId}": "No route found for bridging {debouncedFromValue} {fromToken} on {fromChainId} to {toToken} on {toChainId}",
    "Confirm new quote": "Confirm new quote"
  "Completed": {
    "to": "to",
    "Today": "Today",
    "Completed": "Completed"
  "Destination": {
    "WarningMessage1": "Required:",
    "WarningMessage2": "Verify your destination address to continue.",
    "WarningMessage3": "Do not",
    "WarningMessage4": "send assets to a custodial or exchange address. It may be impossible to recover your funds."
  "FauxBridge": {
    "â–¼": "â–¼",
    "Supported wallets": "Supported wallets",
    "40,668 ETH": "40,668 ETH",
    "Fantom": "Fantom",
    "Ethereum": "Ethereum",
    "Jan 29, 2022 - #1": "Jan 29, 2022 - #1",
    "Max": "Max",
    "Enter Bridge": "Enter Bridge",
    "Bridge": "Bridge"
  "Landing": {
    "BridgeSection": {
      "Powering": "Powering the most popular bridge",
      "Synapse Bridge": "Synapse Bridge",
      "Built on top of": "is built on top of the cross-chain infrastructure enabling users to seamlessly transfer assets across all blockchains. The Bridge has become the most widely-used method to move assets cross-chain, offering low cost, fast, and secure bridging.",
      "Deep Liquidity": "Deep Liquidity",
      "Swap native assets": "Swap native assets using our cross-chain AMM liquidity pools",
      "Wide Support": "Wide Support",
      "Access": "Access over 16 different EVM and non-EVM blockchains with more integrations coming soon",
      "Developer Friendly": "Developer Friendly",
      "Integrate": "Easily integrate cross-chain token bridging natively into your decentralized application"
    "ExplorerSection": {
      "Battle tested": "Battled-test infrastructure",
      "Synapse has processed": "Synapse has processed millions of transactions and tens of billions in bridged assets.",
      "Go to Explorer": "Go to Explorer",
      "Total Value Locked": "Total Value Locked",
      "Total Bridge Volume": "Total Bridge Volume",
      "Total TX Count": "Total TX Count"
    "HeroSection": {
      "title": "Secure cross-chain communication",
      "description": "Synapse is the most widely used, extensible, secure cross-chain communications network. Build truly cross-chain applications using the Synapse Protocol.",
      "buildButton": "Build on Synapse",
      "enterBridgeButton": "Enter Bridge"
    "HowItWorksSection": {
      "How it all works": "How it all works",
      "description": "Smart contracts from one chain use the Synapse Messaging Router to send the message to the destination chain, where a corresponding Messaging Router sends it to the destination contract. Messages are optimistically verified to ensure security and trustlessness."
    "IntegrationSection": {
      "Widely integrated": "Widely integrated",
      "Synapse is": "Synapse is widely integrated across the most-used Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks for a seamless cross-chain experience.",
      "Layer": "Layer"
    "ResourcesSection": {
      "Get started now": "Get started now",
      "Find the resources": "Find the resources you need to create integrations with Synapse.",
      "References": "References",
      "See references": "See references",
      "Documentation": "Documentation",
      "Read detailed": "Read a detailed breakdown of our APIs and smart contracts",
      "Read the docs": "Read the docs",
      "Tutorials": "Tutorials",
      "Watch tutorials": "Watch interactive tutorials to learn how Synapse works",
      "Go to tutorials": "Go to tutorials"
    "UseCasesSection": {
      "title": "Use cases",
      "subtitle": "Here's a preview of what you can do using Synapse.",
      "useCases": [
          "title": "Cross-chain exchange",
          "description": "Swap any asset on any blockchain using Synapse token swaps"
          "title": "Universal money markets",
          "description": "Borrow and lend assets across any blockchain using Synapse pools"
          "title": "Multi-chain gaming",
          "description": "Create unique gaming experiences that access multiple blockchains"
    "SecuritySection": {
      "title": "Securely connect every blockchain",
      "description": {
        "part1": "Synapse is comprised of a",
        "strong1": "cross-chain messaging framework",
        "part2": "and an",
        "strong2": "economically secure method",
        "part3": "to reach consensus on the validity of cross-chain transactions, enabling developers to build truly native cross-chain apps."
      "extensibleHeader": "Extensible",
      "extensibleDescription": "Synapse's cross-chain messaging contracts can be deployed across any blockchain",
      "secureHeader": "Secure",
      "secureDescription": "Synapse employs an Optimistic security model to ensure integrity of cross-chain messages",
      "generalizedHeader": "Generalized",
      "generalizedDescription": "Any arbitrary data can be sent across chains including contract calls, NFTs, snapshots, and more"
  "LanguageSelector": {
    "Language": "Language"
  "Pools": {
    "Actions": "Actions",
    "Approve": "Approve",
    "Back to Pool": "Back to Pool",
    "Back to Pools": "Back to Pools",
    "Switch to": "Switch to",
    "to interact with the": "to interact with the",
    "pool": "pool",
    "Invalid Pool ID": "Invalid Pool ID",
    "Deposit": "Deposit",
    "Withdraw": "Withdraw",
    "Stake": "Stake",
    "Staked": "Staked",
    "Staking": "Staking",
    "Unstake": "Unstake",
    "Unstaked": "Unstaked",
    "Unstaking": "Unstaking",
    "Insufficient balance": "Insufficient balance",
    "Earned": "Earned",
    "Claim": "Claim",
    "Claiming": "Claiming",
    "Approving": "Approving",
    "You will receive": "You will receive",
    "Withdraw Percentage": "Withdraw Percentage",
    "Add Liquidity": "Add Liquidity",
    "Remove Liquidity": "Remove Liquidity",
    "Rewards": "Rewards",
    "base": "base",
    "reward": "reward",
    "Daily APR": "Daily APR",
    "Weekly APR": "Weekly APR",
    "Yearly APR": "Yearly APR",
    "Yearly APY": "Yearly APY",
    "Stake your LP Tokens": "Stake your LP Tokens",
    "Incentivized Pools": "Incentivized Pools",
    "Contributors are rewarded": "Contributors are rewarded for balancing asset pools.",
    "Unincentivized Pools": "Unincentivized Pools",
    "Pools without contributor rewards": "Pools without contributor rewards.",
    "Migrated Pools": "Migrated Pools",
    "Pools migrated to new reward contracts": "Pools migrated to new reward contracts.",
    "Withdrawal completed": "Withdrawal completed",
    "Claim completed": "Claim completed",
    "Completed withdrawal": "Completed withdrawal",
    "Successfully approved on": "Successfully approved on",
    "Stake completed": "Stake completed",
    "Liquidity added": "Liquidity added",
    "Your balances": "Your balances",
    "DepositButton": {
      "insufficientBalance": "Insufficient Balance",
      "connectWallet": "Connect Wallet to Bridge",
      "switchChain": "Switch to {chainName}",
      "switchingChains": "Switching chains",
      "approveTokens": "Approve Token(s)",
      "approving": "Approving",
      "deposit": "Deposit",
      "depositing": "Depositing"
    "WithdrawButton": {
      "insufficientBalance": "Insufficient Balance",
      "connectWallet": "Connect Wallet to Bridge",
      "switchChain": "Switch to {chainName}",
      "switchingChains": "Switching chains",
      "approveToken": "Approve Token",
      "approving": "Approving",
      "withdraw": "Withdraw",
      "withdrawing": "Withdrawing..."
    "Other": {
      "Bonus": "Bonus",
      "Price impact": "Price impact",
      "Currency Reserves": "Currency Reserves",
      "Pool Info": "Pool Info ",
      "Trading Fee": "Trading Fee",
      "Virtual Price": "Virtual Price",
      "Total Liquidity": "Total Liquidity",
      "Total Liquidity USD": "Total Liquidity USD",
      "Requesting approval": "Requesting approval",
      "Starting your deposit": "Starting your deposit...",
      "Starting your claim": "Starting your claim..."
  "Portfolio": {
    "Portfolio": "Portfolio",
    "Loading assets": "Loading assets",
    "Synapse is the most widely used, extensible, and secure cross-chain communications network": "Synapse is the most widely used, extensible, and secure cross-chain communications network.",
    "Get route quotes in the Bridge panel, and connect your wallet when you are ready to submit a transaction": "Get route quotes in the Bridge panel, and connect your wallet when you are ready to submit a transaction.",
    "Gas token": "Gas token",
    "Available": "Available",
    "This chain is not yet supported; New chain or token support can be discussed on": "This chain is not yet supported. New chain or token support can be discussed on",
    "or": "or",
    "Discord": "Discord",
    "Twitter": "Twitter",
    "Viewing": "Viewing",
    "Tokens, chains": "Tokens, chains",
    "Bridge txs": "Bridge txs",
    "Search": "Search"
  "Search": {
    "No other results found for": "No other results found for",
    "No results found for": "No results found for",
    "Want to see it supported on Synapse? Let us know!": "Want to see it supported on Synapse? Let us know!",
    "Find": "Find"
  "Settings": {
    "Settings": "Settings",
    "Close": "Close",
    "Options": "Options",
    "Show withdrawal address": "Show withdrawal address",
    "Allows bridging to another address": "Allows bridging to another address."
  "Swap": {
    "Swap": "Swap",
    "Exchange assets on chain": "Exchange assets on chain.",
    "Successfully swapped from {swapFromToken} to {swapToToken} on {currentChainName}": "Successfully swapped from {swapFromToken} to {swapToToken} on {currentChainName}",
    "available": "available",
    "Expected price on": "Expected price on",
    "Slippage": "Slippage",
    "Swap paused": "Swap paused",
    "Please select Origin network": "Please select Origin network",
    "Swaps are not available on this network": "Swaps are not available on this network",
    "Please select token": "Please select token",
    "Connect Wallet to Swap": "Connect Wallet to Swap",
    "Insufficient balance": "Insufficient balance",
    "Switch to": "Switch to",
    "Switching chains": "Switching chains",
    "Approve": "Approve",
    "Approving": "Approving",
    "Swapping": "Swapping",
    "Route found for swapping {value} {fromSymbol} on {chain} to {toSymbol}": "Route found for swapping {value} {fromSymbol} on {chain} to {toSymbol}",
    "Initiating swap from {fromSymbol} to {toSymbol} on {chain}": "Initiating swap from {fromSymbol} to {toSymbol} on {chain}",
    "Swapping {fromSymbol} on {chain} to {toSymbol}": "Swapping {fromSymbol} on {chain} to {toSymbol}"
  "Time": {
    "d": "d",
    "min": "min",
    "Waiting": "Waiting",
    "Began": "Began",
    "Complete": "Complete",
    "Reverted": "Reverted",
    "Refunded": "Refunded",
    "Transaction reverted, funds returned": "Transaction reverted, funds returned",
    "Transaction refunded, funds returned": "Transaction refunded, funds returned",
    "What's taking so long?": "What's taking so long?",
    "FAQ": "F.A.Q",
    "Support": "Support",
    "minutes": "minutes",
    "seconds": "seconds",
    "m remaining": "m remaining",
    "s remaining": "s remaining",
    "Clear notification": "Clear notification",
    "Clear transaction": "Clear transaction",
    "Contact Support (Discord)": "Contact Support (Discord)"
  "Nav": {
    "Open menu": "Open menu",
    "Close menu": "Close menu",
    "Terms of Use": "Terms of Use",
    "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Policy",
    "|": "|",
    "About": "About",
    "Bridge": "Bridge",
    "Swap": "Swap",
    "Pools": "Pools",
    "Stake": "Stake",
    "Explorer": "Explorer",
    "Interchain Network": "Interchain Network",
    "Stake SYN for CX": "Stake SYN for CX",
    "Solana Bridge": "Solana Bridge",
    "Careers": "Careers",
    "Documentation": "Documentation",
    "GitHub": "GitHub",
    "Blog": "Blog",
    "Discord": "Discord",
    "Twitter": "Twitter",
    "Forum": "Forum",
    "Telegram": "Telegram",
    "Functions": "Functions",
    "Developers": "Developers",
    "$SYN": "$SYN",
    "Support": "Support"
  "ReturnToMonke": {
    "Choose Synapse": "Choose Synapse",
    "Generate Synaptic Profile Picture": "Generate Synaptic Profile Picture",
    "Drag and drop image here": "Drag and drop image here",
    "Select different image?": "Select different image?",
    "Download": "Download",
    "Click to Upload or": "Click to Upload or"
  "Wallet": {
    "Connect": "Connect",
    "Connected": "Connected",
    "Connected to": "Connected to",
    "Connecting": "Connecting",
    "Switch Network": "Switch Network",
    "Connect Wallet": "Connect Wallet",
    "Wrong Network": "Wrong Network",
    "No bridgeable assets found for {address} on {chainName}": "No bridgeable assets found for {address} on {chainName}",
    "Don't see a chain or token you want to bridge?": "Don't see a chain or token you want to bridge?",
    "Let us know on": "Let us know on",
    "or": "or",
    "Connected to an unsupported network; Please switch networks": "Connected to an unsupported network. Please switch networks.",
    "Discord": "Discord",
    "Twitter": "Twitter"
  "Warning": {
    "Warning! The Harmony bridge has been exploited": "Warning! The Harmony bridge has been exploited.",
    "Do not bridge via Harmony unless you understand the risks involved": "Do not bridge via Harmony unless you understand the risks involved.",
    "Warning! The Fantom bridge has been exploited": "Warning! The Fantom bridge has been exploited.",
    "Do not bridge via Fantom unless you understand the risks involved": "Do not bridge via Fantom unless you understand the risks involved.",
    "Alert: Transactions to Dogechain are temporarily paused": "Alert: Transactions to Dogechain are temporarily paused.",
    "You may still bridge funds from Dogechain to any supported destination chain": "You may still bridge funds from Dogechain to any supported destination chain."