import { txErrorHandler } from '../txErrorHandler'
export const formatBigIntToString = (
bi: bigint,
nativePrecision: number,
decimalPlaces?: number
) => {
if (typeof bi !== 'bigint' && !bi) {
try {
// Check if input is zero
if (bi === 0n) {
return '0.0'
// Check if the input is negative
const isNegative = bi < 0n
if (isNegative) {
// Convert to positive for the calculation
bi = -bi
// Convert to string and add padding zeros if necessary
let str = bi.toString().padStart(nativePrecision, '0')
// Insert decimal point
const idx = str.length - nativePrecision
str = `${str.slice(0, idx)}.${str.slice(idx)}`
// Handle values below zero by adding a '0' before the decimal point
if (str.startsWith('.')) {
str = '0' + str
// Trim to desired number of decimal places
if (decimalPlaces !== undefined) {
const decimalIdx = str.indexOf('.')
str = str.slice(0, decimalIdx + decimalPlaces + 1)
// Add the negative sign back if necessary
if (isNegative) {
str = '-' + str
return str
} catch (error) {
console.log(`error`, error)
export const powBigInt = (base, exponent) => {
let result = 1n
for (let i = 0; i < exponent; i++) {
result *= base
return result
export const formatBigIntToPercentString = (
bn: bigint,
nativePrecison: number,
decimalPlaces = 2,
convert = true
) => {
try {
// Calculate the conversion factor based on the native precision and required decimal places
const conversionFactor = powBigInt(
BigInt(nativePrecison - 2 + decimalPlaces)
// Convert the bigint to a floating-point number, preserving the requested number of decimal places
const percentConvert = convert ? 100 : 1
const num = (Number(bn) * percentConvert) / Number(conversionFactor)
// Format the number as a percentage string
return `${num.toFixed(decimalPlaces)}%`
} catch (error) {
console.log(`error`, error)
// Some environments have issues with RegEx that contain back-tracking, so we cannot
// use them.
export const commify = (value: string | number): string => {
const comps = String(value).split('.')
if (
comps.length > 2 ||
!comps[0].match(/^-?[0-9]*$/) ||
(comps[1] && !comps[1].match(/^[0-9]*$/)) ||
value === '.' ||
value === '-.'
) {
console.log('invalid value', 'value', value)
// Make sure we have at least one whole digit (0 if none)
let whole = comps[0]
let negative = ''
if (whole.substring(0, 1) === '-') {
negative = '-'
whole = whole.substring(1)
// Make sure we have at least 1 whole digit with no leading zeros
while (whole.substring(0, 1) === '0') {
whole = whole.substring(1)
if (whole === '') {
whole = '0'
let suffix = ''
if (comps.length === 2) {
suffix = '.' + (comps[1] || '0')
while (suffix.length > 2 && suffix[suffix.length - 1] === '0') {
suffix = suffix.substring(0, suffix.length - 1)
const formatted = []
while (whole.length) {
if (whole.length <= 3) {
} else {
const index = whole.length - 3
whole = whole.substring(0, index)
return negative + formatted.join(',') + suffix
export const commifyBigIntToString = (
big: bigint,
precision: number,
decimals = 2
) => {
return commify(formatBigIntToString(big, precision, decimals))
export const commifyBigIntWithDefault = (big: bigint, decimals: number) => {
return big ? commifyBigIntToString(big, decimals) : '0'
export const stringToBigInt = (rawVal: string, rawDecimals: number) => {
if ((typeof rawVal !== 'string' && !rawVal) || !rawDecimals) {
return 0n
try {
let value = rawVal.replace(/[$,]/g, '')
if (['.', '0.', '', '.0'].includes(value)) {
return 0n
if (value.startsWith('.')) {
value = `0${value}`
// Scale the decimal number up by the appropriate number of decimals.
const scaleFactor = BigInt(10 ** rawDecimals)
// Split the input into whole and fractional parts.
const [wholePart, fractionalPart = '0'] = value.split('.')
// Convert the whole part directly to a BigInt.
const wholeBigInt = BigInt(wholePart) * scaleFactor
// For the fractional part, first scale it up to the right size, then trim any excess decimal places.
const fractionalBigInt = BigInt(
fractionalPart.padEnd(rawDecimals, '0').slice(0, rawDecimals)
return wholeBigInt + fractionalBigInt
} catch (error) {
// console.log(error)