// not how this is always scoped outside of the package itself
package relayer_test
import (
signerConfig ""
cctpTest ""
omnirpcHelper ""
// TestHelperSuite defines the basic test suite.
type CCTPRelayerSuite struct {
// testBackends contains a list of all test backends
testBackends []backends.SimulatedTestBackend
// we'll use this later
deployManager *cctpTest.DeployManager
// testOmnirpc setup in SetupTest
testOmnirpc string
// metricsHandler is the metrics handler for the test
metricsHandler metrics.Handler
// testStore is the test store for the test
testStore *base.Store
// testWallet is the test wallet for the test
testWallet wallet.Wallet
// NewTestSuite creates a new test suite.
func NewTestSuite(tb testing.TB) *CCTPRelayerSuite {
return &CCTPRelayerSuite{
TestSuite: testsuite.NewTestSuite(tb),
func (s *CCTPRelayerSuite) SetupSuite() {
// for tracing
localmetrics.SetupTestJaeger(s.GetSuiteContext(), s.T())
// let's create 2 mock chains
chainIDs := []uint64{1, 43114}
// preallocate a slice for testbackends to the size of chainIDs
// this way we can avoid non-deterministic order + needing to acquire/release a lock
s.testBackends = make([]backends.SimulatedTestBackend, len(chainIDs))
g, _ := errgroup.WithContext(s.GetSuiteContext())
for i, chainID := range chainIDs {
pos := i // get position of chain id in array
chainID := chainID // capture func literal
g.Go(func() error {
// we need to use the embedded backend here, because the simulated backend doesn't support rpcs required by scribe
backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackendForChainID(s.GetSuiteContext(), s.T(), new(big.Int).SetUint64(chainID))
// add the backend to the list of backends
s.testBackends[pos] = backend
return nil
// wait for all backends to be ready
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
// fund test wallet with ether
var err error
s.testWallet, err = wallet.FromRandom()
for _, backend := range s.testBackends {
backend.FundAccount(s.GetSuiteContext(), s.testWallet.Address(), *big.NewInt(params.Ether))
// TODO: there should be a way to do this in the deployer, this probably involves making the concept of a contract-registry
// multi-chain (possibly by wrapping the registry). This would allow the use of setting remotes in the deployer itself rather than here.
func (s *CCTPRelayerSuite) registerRemoteDeployments() {
for _, backend := range s.testBackends {
cctpContract, cctpHandle := s.deployManager.GetSynapseCCTP(s.GetTestContext(), backend)
_, tokenMessengeHandle := s.deployManager.GetMockTokenMessengerType(s.GetTestContext(), backend)
// on the above contract, set the remote for each backend
for _, backendToSetFrom := range s.testBackends {
// we don't need to set the backends own remote!
if backendToSetFrom.GetChainID() == backend.GetChainID() {
remoteCCTP, _ := s.deployManager.GetSynapseCCTP(s.GetTestContext(), backendToSetFrom)
remoteMessenger, _ := s.deployManager.GetMockTokenMessengerType(s.GetTestContext(), backendToSetFrom)
txOpts := backend.GetTxContext(s.GetTestContext(), cctpContract.OwnerPtr())
// set the remote cctp contract on this cctp contract
// TODO: verify chainID / domain are correct
remoteDomain := cctpTest.ChainIDDomainMap[uint32(remoteCCTP.ChainID().Int64())]
tx, err := cctpHandle.SetRemoteDomainConfig(txOpts.TransactOpts,
big.NewInt(remoteCCTP.ChainID().Int64()), remoteDomain, remoteCCTP.Address())
backend.WaitForConfirmation(s.GetTestContext(), tx)
// register the remote token messenger on the tokenMessenger contract
_, err = tokenMessengeHandle.SetRemoteTokenMessenger(txOpts.TransactOpts, uint32(backendToSetFrom.GetChainID()), addressToBytes32(remoteMessenger.Address()))
// CCTPPrefix is the prefix for all CCTP tokens.
const CCTPPrefix = "CCTP."
func (s *CCTPRelayerSuite) registerTokens() {
for _, backend := range s.testBackends {
_, tokenHandle := s.deployManager.GetMockMintBurnTokenType(s.GetTestContext(), backend)
cctpContract, cctpHandle := s.deployManager.GetSynapseCCTP(s.GetTestContext(), backend)
txOpts := backend.GetTxContext(s.GetTestContext(), cctpContract.OwnerPtr())
tx, err := cctpHandle.AddToken(txOpts.TransactOpts, fmt.Sprintf("%sUSDC", CCTPPrefix), tokenHandle.Address(), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0))
backend.WaitForConfirmation(s.GetTestContext(), tx)
// addressToBytes32 converts an address to a bytes32.
func addressToBytes32(addr common.Address) [32]byte {
var buf [32]byte
copy(buf[:], addr[:])
return buf
func (s *CCTPRelayerSuite) SetupTest() {
s.deployManager = cctpTest.NewDeployManager(s.T())
// create the test omnirpc backend
s.testOmnirpc = omnirpcHelper.NewOmnirpcServer(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), s.testBackends...)
// create the test metrics handler
var err error
// don't use metrics on ci for integration tests
isCI := core.GetEnvBool("CI", false)
useMetrics := !isCI
metricsHandler := metrics.Null
if useMetrics {
localmetrics.SetupTestJaeger(s.GetSuiteContext(), s.T())
metricsHandler = metrics.Jaeger
s.metricsHandler, err = metrics.NewByType(s.GetTestContext(), metadata.BuildInfo(), metricsHandler)
// create the test store
path := filet.TmpDir(s.T(), "")
db, err := sqlite.NewSqliteStore(s.GetTestContext(), path, s.metricsHandler, false)
s.testStore = base.NewStore(db.DB(), s.metricsHandler)
// deploy the contract to all backends
s.deployManager.BulkDeploy(s.GetTestContext(), s.testBackends, cctpTest.SynapseCCTPType, cctpTest.MockMintBurnTokenType)
func (s *CCTPRelayerSuite) GetTestConfig() config.Config {
cfg := config.Config{
BaseOmnirpcURL: s.testOmnirpc,
// BaseOmnirpcURL: s.testBackends[0].RPCAddress(),
Signer: signerConfig.SignerConfig{
Type: signerConfig.FileType.String(),
File: filet.TmpFile(s.T(), "", s.testWallet.PrivateKeyHex()).Name(),
CCTPType: "synapse",
chains := []config.ChainConfig{}
for _, backend := range s.testBackends {
_, handle := s.deployManager.GetSynapseCCTP(s.GetTestContext(), backend)
chains = append(chains, config.ChainConfig{
ChainID: uint32(backend.GetChainID()),
CCTPAddress: handle.Address().String(),
cfg.Chains = chains
return cfg
func TestCCTPRelayerSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, NewTestSuite(t))