package api_test
import (
gosql "database/sql"
serverConfig ""
. ""
explorerclient ""
scribedb ""
gqlServer ""
scribeMetadata ""
type MvBridgeEvent struct {
InsertTime uint64 `gorm:"column:insert_time"`
// FInsertTime is the time the event was inserted into the database.
FInsertTime uint64 `gorm:"column:finsert_time"`
// FContractAddress is the address of the contract that generated the event.
FContractAddress string `gorm:"column:fcontract_address"`
// FChainID is the chain id of the contract that generated the event.
FChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:fchain_id"`
// FEventType is the type of the event.
FEventType uint8 `gorm:"column:fevent_type"`
// FBlockNumber is the block number of the event.
FBlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:fblock_number"`
// FTxHash is the transaction hash of the event.
FTxHash string `gorm:"column:ftx_hash"`
// FToken is the address of the token.
FToken string `gorm:"column:ftoken"`
// FAmount is the amount of tokens.
FAmount *big.Int `gorm:"column:famount;type:UInt256"`
// FEventIndex is the index of the log.
FEventIndex uint64 `gorm:"column:fevent_index"`
// FDestinationKappa is the destination kappa.
FDestinationKappa string `gorm:"column:fdestination_kappa"`
// FSender is the address of the sender.
FSender string `gorm:"column:fsender"`
// FRecipient is the address to send the tokens to.
FRecipient gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:frecipient"`
// FRecipientBytes is the recipient address in bytes.
FRecipientBytes gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:frecipient_bytes"`
// FDestinationChainID is the chain id of the chain to send the tokens to.
FDestinationChainID *big.Int `gorm:"column:fdestination_chain_id;type:UInt256"`
// FFee is the fee.
FFee *big.Int `gorm:"column:ffee;type:UInt256"`
// FKappa is theFee keccak256 hash of the transaction.
FKappa gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:fkappa"`
// FTokenIndexFrom is the index of the from token in the pool.
FTokenIndexFrom *big.Int `gorm:"column:ftoken_index_from;type:UInt256"`
// FTokenIndexTo is the index of the to token in the pool.
FTokenIndexTo *big.Int `gorm:"column:ftoken_index_to;type:UInt256"`
// FMinDy is the minimum amount of tokens to receive.
FMinDy *big.Int `gorm:"column:fmin_dy;type:UInt256"`
// FDeadline is the deadline of the transaction.
FDeadline *big.Int `gorm:"column:fdeadline;type:UInt256"`
// FSwapSuccess is whether the swap was successful.
FSwapSuccess *big.Int `gorm:"column:fswap_success;type:UInt256"`
// FSwapTokenIndex is the index of the token in the pool.
FSwapTokenIndex *big.Int `gorm:"column:fswap_token_index;type:UInt256"`
// FSwapMinAmount is the minimum amount of tokens to receive.
FSwapMinAmount *big.Int `gorm:"column:fswap_min_amount;type:UInt256"`
// FSwapDeadline is the deadline of the swap transaction.
FSwapDeadline *big.Int `gorm:"column:fswap_deadline;type:UInt256"`
// FTokenID is the token's ID.
FTokenID gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:ftoken_id"`
// FAmountUSD is the amount in USD.
FAmountUSD *float64 `gorm:"column:famount_usd;type:Float64"`
// FFeeAmountUSD is the fee amount in USD.
FFeeAmountUSD *float64 `gorm:"column:ffee_amount_usd;type:Float64"`
// FTokenDecimal is the token's decimal.
FTokenDecimal *uint8 `gorm:"column:ftoken_decimal"`
// FTokenSymbol is the token's symbol from coin gecko.
FTokenSymbol gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:ftoken_symbol"`
// FTimeStamp is the timestamp of the block in which the event occurred.
FTimeStamp *uint64 `gorm:"column:ftimestamp"`
// TInsertTime is the time the event was inserted into the database.
TInsertTime uint64 `gorm:"column:finsert_time"`
// TContractAddress is the address of the contract that generated the event.
TContractAddress string `gorm:"column:tcontract_address"`
// TChainID is the chain id of the contract that generated the event.
TChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:tchain_id"`
// TEventType is the type of the event.
TEventType uint8 `gorm:"column:tevent_type"`
// TBlockNumber is the block number of the event.
TBlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:tblock_number"`
// TTxHash is the transaction hash of the event.
TTxHash string `gorm:"column:ttx_hash"`
// TToken is the address of the token.
TToken string `gorm:"column:ttoken"`
// TAmount is the amount of tokens.
TAmount *big.Int `gorm:"column:tamount;type:UInt256"`
// TEventIndex is the index of the log.
TEventIndex uint64 `gorm:"column:tevent_index"`
// TDestinationKappa is the destination kappa.
TDestinationKappa string `gorm:"column:tdestination_kappa"`
// TSender is the address of the sender.
TSender string `gorm:"column:tsender"`
// TRecipient is the address to send the tokens to.
TRecipient gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:trecipient"`
// TRecipientBytes is the recipient address in bytes.
TRecipientBytes gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:trecipient_bytes"`
// TDestinationChainID is the chain id of the chain to send the tokens to.
TDestinationChainID *big.Int `gorm:"column:tdestination_chain_id;type:UInt256"`
// TFee is the fee.
TFee *big.Int `gorm:"column:tfee;type:UInt256"`
// TKappa is theFee keccak256 hash of the transaction.
TKappa gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:tkappa"`
// TTokenIndexFrom is the index of the from token in the pool.
TTokenIndexFrom *big.Int `gorm:"column:ttoken_index_from;type:UInt256"`
// TTokenIndexTo is the index of the to token in the pool.
TTokenIndexTo *big.Int `gorm:"column:ttoken_index_to;type:UInt256"`
// TMinDy is the minimum amount of tokens to receive.
TMinDy *big.Int `gorm:"column:tmin_dy;type:UInt256"`
// TDeadline is the deadline of the transaction.
TDeadline *big.Int `gorm:"column:tdeadline;type:UInt256"`
// TSwapSuccess is whether the swap was successful.
TSwapSuccess *big.Int `gorm:"column:tswap_success;type:UInt256"`
// TSwapTokenIndex is the index of the token in the pool.
TSwapTokenIndex *big.Int `gorm:"column:tswap_token_index;type:UInt256"`
// TSwapMinAmount is the minimum amount of tokens to receive.
TSwapMinAmount *big.Int `gorm:"column:tswap_min_amount;type:UInt256"`
// TSwapDeadline is the deadline of the swap transaction.
TSwapDeadline *big.Int `gorm:"column:tswap_deadline;type:UInt256"`
// TTokenID is the token's ID.
TTokenID gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:ttoken_id"`
// TAmountUSD is the amount in USD.
TAmountUSD *float64 `gorm:"column:tamount_usd;type:Float64"`
// TFeeAmountUSD is the fee amount in USD.
TFeeAmountUSD *float64 `gorm:"column:tfee_amount_usd;type:Float64"`
// TTokenDecimal is the token's decimal.
TTokenDecimal *uint8 `gorm:"column:ttoken_decimal"`
// TTokenSymbol is the token's symbol from coin gecko.
TTokenSymbol gosql.NullString `gorm:"column:ttoken_symbol"`
// TTimeStamp is the timestamp of the block in which the event occurred.
TTimeStamp *uint64 `gorm:"column:ttimestamp"`
// APISuite defines the basic test suite.
type APISuite struct {
db db.ConsumerDB
client *client.Client
// grpcClient *rest.APIClient
eventDB scribedb.EventDB
gqlClient *explorerclient.Client
logIndex atomic.Int64
cleanup func()
testBackend backends.SimulatedTestBackend
deployManager *testutil.DeployManager
chainIDs []uint32
scribeMetrics metrics.Handler
explorerMetrics metrics.Handler
config serverConfig.Config
// NewTestSuite creates a new test suite and performs some basic checks afterward.
// Every test suite in the synapse library should inherit from this suite and override where necessary.
func NewTestSuite(tb testing.TB) *APISuite {
return &APISuite{
TestSuite: testsuite.NewTestSuite(tb),
logIndex: atomic.Int64{},
func (g *APISuite) SetupSuite() {
// don't use metrics on ci for integration tests
isCI := core.GetEnvBool("CI", false)
useMetrics := !isCI
metricsHandler := metrics.Null
if useMetrics {
localmetrics.SetupTestJaeger(g.GetSuiteContext(), g.T())
metricsHandler = metrics.Jaeger
var err error
g.scribeMetrics, err = metrics.NewByType(g.GetSuiteContext(), scribeMetadata.BuildInfo(), metricsHandler)
// TODO: there may be an issue w/ syncer for local test nevs, investigate, but this probably comes from heavy load ending every span of every field synchronously
g.explorerMetrics, err = metrics.NewByType(g.GetSuiteContext(), metadata.BuildInfo(), metrics.Null)
func (g *APISuite) SetupTest() {
initialFallback := graph.GetFallbackTime()
graph.UnsafeSetFallbackTime(time.Second * 20)
g.TestSuite.DeferAfterTest(func() {
g.db, g.eventDB, g.gqlClient, g.logIndex, g.cleanup, g.testBackend, g.deployManager = testutil.NewTestEnvDB(g.GetTestContext(), g.T(), g.scribeMetrics)
cleanup, port, err := clickhouse.NewClickhouseStore("explorer")
NotNil(g.T(), cleanup)
NotNil(g.T(), port)
Nil(g.T(), err)
if port == nil || err != nil {
address := "clickhouse://clickhouse_test:clickhouse_test@localhost:" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", *port) + "/clickhouse_test"
g.db, err = sql.OpenGormClickhouse(g.GetTestContext(), address, false, g.explorerMetrics)
Nil(g.T(), err)
err = g.db.UNSAFE_DB().WithContext(g.GetTestContext()).Set("gorm:table_options", "ENGINE=ReplacingMergeTree(finsert_time) ORDER BY (fevent_index, fblock_number, fevent_type, ftx_hash, fchain_id, fcontract_address)").AutoMigrate(&MvBridgeEvent{})
Nil(g.T(), err)
g.chainIDs = []uint32{1, 10, 25, 56, 137}
httpport := freeport.GetPort()
config := serverConfig.Config{
HTTPPort: uint16(httpport),
DBAddress: address,
ScribeURL: "",
HydrateCache: false,
BridgeConfigAddress: "0x5217c83ca75559B1f8a8803824E5b7ac233A12a1",
BridgeConfigChainID: 1,
SwapTopicHash: "0xc6c1e0630dbe9130cc068028486c0d118ddcea348550819defd5cb8c257f8a38",
Chains: map[uint32]serverConfig.ChainConfig{
1: {
ChainID: 1,
GetLogsRange: 256,
GetLogsBatchAmount: 1,
BlockTime: 12,
Swaps: []string{"0x1116898DdA4015eD8dDefb84b6e8Bc24528Af2d8"},
Contracts: serverConfig.ContractsConfig{
CCTP: "0xfB2Bfc368a7edfD51aa2cbEC513ad50edEa74E84",
Bridge: "0x2796317b0fF8538F253012862c06787Adfb8cEb6",
RFQ: "0x5523D3c98809DdDB82C686E152F5C58B1B0fB59E",
56: {
ChainID: 56,
GetLogsRange: 1000,
GetLogsBatchAmount: 1,
BlockTime: 3,
Swaps: []string{"0x28ec0B36F0819ecB5005cAB836F4ED5a2eCa4D13"},
Contracts: serverConfig.ContractsConfig{
Bridge: "0xd123f70AE324d34A9E76b67a27bf77593bA8749f",
42161: {
ChainID: 42161,
GetLogsRange: 1000,
GetLogsBatchAmount: 1,
BlockTime: 3,
Swaps: []string{"0x9Dd329F5411466d9e0C488fF72519CA9fEf0cb40", "0xa067668661C84476aFcDc6fA5D758C4c01C34352"},
Contracts: serverConfig.ContractsConfig{
Bridge: "0x6F4e8eBa4D337f874Ab57478AcC2Cb5BACdc19c9",
RFQ: "0x5523D3c98809DdDB82C686E152F5C58B1B0fB59E",
10: {
ChainID: 10,
GetLogsRange: 1000,
GetLogsBatchAmount: 1,
BlockTime: 2,
Swaps: []string{"0xF44938b0125A6662f9536281aD2CD6c499F22004", "0xE27BFf97CE92C3e1Ff7AA9f86781FDd6D48F5eE9"},
Contracts: serverConfig.ContractsConfig{
Bridge: "0xAf41a65F786339e7911F4acDAD6BD49426F2Dc6b",
RFQ: "0x5523D3c98809DdDB82C686E152F5C58B1B0fB59E",
g.config = config
go func() {
Nil(g.T(), api.Start(g.GetTestContext(), config, g.explorerMetrics))
baseURL := fmt.Sprintf("", httpport)
g.client = client.NewClient(http.DefaultClient, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", baseURL, gqlServer.GraphqlEndpoint))
err = retry.WithBackoff(g.GetTestContext(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
request, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(g.GetTestContext(), http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", baseURL, server.GraphiqlEndpoint), nil)
Nil(g.T(), err)
res, err := g.client.Client.Client.Do(request)
if err == nil {
defer func() {
_ = res.Body.Close()
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to graphql server: %w", err)
}, retry.WithMaxAttempts(1000))
func TestAPISuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, NewTestSuite(t))