package backfill
import (
ethTypes ""
indexerconfig ""
// ChainBackfiller is an explorer backfiller for a chain.
type ChainBackfiller struct {
// consumerDB is the database that the backfiller will use to store the events.
consumerDB db.ConsumerDB
// bridgeParser is the parser to use to parse bridge events.
bridgeParser *parser.BridgeParser
// swapParsers is a map from contract address -> parser.
swapParsers map[common.Address]*parser.SwapParser
// messageBusParser is the parser to use to parse message bus events.
messageBusParser *parser.MessageBusParser
// cctpParser is the parser to use to parse cctp events.
cctpParser *parser.CCTPParser
// rfqParser is the parser to use to parse rfq events.
rfqParser *parser.RFQParser
// Fetcher is the Fetcher to use to fetch logs.
Fetcher fetcher.ScribeFetcher
// chainConfig is the chain config for the chain.
chainConfig indexerconfig.ChainConfig
type contextKey string
const (
chainKey contextKey = "chainID"
// NewChainBackfiller creates a new backfiller for a chain.
func NewChainBackfiller(consumerDB db.ConsumerDB, bridgeParser *parser.BridgeParser, swapParsers map[common.Address]*parser.SwapParser, messageBusParser *parser.MessageBusParser, cctpParser *parser.CCTPParser, rfqParser *parser.RFQParser, fetcher fetcher.ScribeFetcher, chainConfig indexerconfig.ChainConfig) *ChainBackfiller {
return &ChainBackfiller{
consumerDB: consumerDB,
bridgeParser: bridgeParser,
swapParsers: swapParsers,
messageBusParser: messageBusParser,
cctpParser: cctpParser,
rfqParser: rfqParser,
Fetcher: fetcher,
chainConfig: chainConfig,
// Backfill fetches logs from the GraphQL database, parses them, and stores them in the consumer database.
// nolint:cyclop,gocognit
func (c *ChainBackfiller) Backfill(ctx context.Context, livefill bool, refreshRate int) (err error) {
chainCtx := context.WithValue(ctx, chainKey, fmt.Sprintf("%d", c.chainConfig.ChainID))
contractsGroup, contractCtx := errgroup.WithContext(chainCtx)
if !livefill {
for i := range c.chainConfig.Contracts {
contract := c.chainConfig.Contracts[i]
contractsGroup.Go(func() error {
err := c.backfillContractLogs(contractCtx, contract)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not backfill contract logs: %w", err)
return nil
} else {
for i := range c.chainConfig.Contracts {
contract := c.chainConfig.Contracts[i]
contractsGroup.Go(func() error {
b := &backoff.Backoff{
Factor: 2,
Jitter: true,
Min: 1 * time.Second,
Max: 3 * time.Second,
timeout := time.Duration(0)
for {
select {
case <-chainCtx.Done():
logger.Errorf("livefill of contract %s on chain %d failed: %v", contract.Address, c.chainConfig.ChainID, chainCtx.Err())
return fmt.Errorf("livefill of contract %s on chain %d failed: %w", contract.Address, c.chainConfig.ChainID, chainCtx.Err())
case <-time.After(timeout):
err := c.backfillContractLogs(contractCtx, contract)
if err != nil {
timeout = b.Duration()
logger.Warnf("could not livefill contract %s on chain %d, retrying %v", contract.Address, c.chainConfig.ChainID, err)
timeout = time.Duration(refreshRate) * time.Second
logger.Infof("processed range for contract %s on chain %d, continuing to livefill in %d seconds - refresh rate %d ", contract.Address, c.chainConfig.ChainID, timeout, refreshRate)
if err := contractsGroup.Wait(); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("error backfilling chain %d completed %v", c.chainConfig.ChainID, err)
return fmt.Errorf("error while backfilling chain %d: %w", c.chainConfig.ChainID, err)
return nil
// makeEventParser returns a parser for a contract using it's config.
// in the event one is not present, this function will return an error.
func (c *ChainBackfiller) makeEventParser(contract indexerconfig.ContractConfig) (eventParser parser.Parser, err error) {
contractType, err := indexerconfig.ContractTypeFromString(contract.ContractType)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create event parser for unknown contract type: %s", contract.ContractType)
switch contractType {
case indexerconfig.BridgeContractType:
eventParser = c.bridgeParser
case indexerconfig.SwapContractType:
eventParser = c.swapParsers[common.HexToAddress(contract.Address)]
case indexerconfig.MessageBusContractType:
eventParser = c.messageBusParser
case indexerconfig.MetaSwapContractType:
eventParser = c.swapParsers[common.HexToAddress(contract.Address)]
case indexerconfig.CCTPContractType:
eventParser = c.cctpParser
case indexerconfig.RFQContractType:
eventParser = c.rfqParser
return eventParser, nil
// backfillContractLogs creates a backfiller for a given contract with an independent context
// nolint:cyclop,gocognit
func (c *ChainBackfiller) backfillContractLogs(parentCtx context.Context, contract indexerconfig.ContractConfig) (err error) {
// make the event parser
eventParser, err := c.makeEventParser(contract)
if err != nil {
return err
startHeight := uint64(contract.StartBlock)
// Set start block to -1 to trigger backfill from last block stored by explorer,
// otherwise backfilling will begin at the block number specified in the config file.
if contract.StartBlock < 0 {
startHeight, err = c.consumerDB.GetLastStoredBlock(parentCtx, c.chainConfig.ChainID, contract.Address)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get last block number: %w, %s", err, contract.ContractType)
var endHeight uint64
err = c.retryWithBackoff(parentCtx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// TODO change to get last unconfirmed block
endHeight, err = c.Fetcher.FetchLastIndexed(parentCtx, c.chainConfig.ChainID, contract.Address)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get last indexed height, %w", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get last indexed for contract %s: %w, %v", contract.Address, err, c.chainConfig)
currentHeight := startHeight
// Iterate over all blocks and fetch logs with the current contract address.
for currentHeight <= endHeight {
// Create context for backfilling chunks
g, groupCtx := errgroup.WithContext(parentCtx)
chunkStart := currentHeight
chunkEnd := currentHeight + (c.chainConfig.FetchBlockIncrement-1)*uint64(c.chainConfig.MaxGoroutines)
if chunkEnd > endHeight {
chunkEnd = endHeight
iterator := util.NewChunkIterator(big.NewInt(int64(chunkStart)), big.NewInt(int64(chunkEnd)), int(c.chainConfig.FetchBlockIncrement)-1, true)
for subChunk := iterator.NextChunk(); subChunk != nil; subChunk = iterator.NextChunk() {
chunkVar := subChunk
g.Go(func() error {
b := &backoff.Backoff{
Factor: 2,
Jitter: true,
Min: 1 * time.Second,
Max: 3 * time.Second,
timeout := time.Duration(0)
for {
select {
case <-groupCtx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("context canceled: %w", groupCtx.Err())
case <-time.After(timeout):
rangeEnd := chunkVar.EndBlock.Uint64()
// Fetch the logs from Scribe.
logs, err := c.Fetcher.FetchLogsInRange(groupCtx, c.chainConfig.ChainID, chunkVar.StartBlock.Uint64(), rangeEnd, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address))
if err != nil {
timeout = b.Duration()
logger.Warnf("could not fetch logs for chain %d: %v. Retrying in %s", c.chainConfig.ChainID, err, timeout)
parsedLogs, err := ProcessLogs(groupCtx, logs, c.chainConfig.ChainID, eventParser)
if err != nil {
timeout = b.Duration()
logger.Warnf("could not process logs for chain %d: %s", c.chainConfig.ChainID, err)
if len(parsedLogs) > 0 {
g.Go(func() error {
return c.storeParsedLogs(groupCtx, parsedLogs)
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while backfilling chain %d: %w", c.chainConfig.ChainID, err)
logger.Infof("backfilling contract %s chunk completed, %d to %d", contract.Address, chunkStart, chunkEnd)
// Store the last block in clickhouse
err = c.retryWithBackoff(parentCtx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
err = c.consumerDB.StoreLastBlock(parentCtx, c.chainConfig.ChainID, chunkEnd, contract.Address)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error storing last block, %w", err)
return nil
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("could not store last block for chain %d: %s %d, %s, %s", c.chainConfig.ChainID, err, chunkEnd, contract.Address, contract.ContractType)
return fmt.Errorf("could not store last block for chain %d: %w", c.chainConfig.ChainID, err)
currentHeight = chunkEnd + 1
return nil
// ProcessLogs processes the logs and stores them in the consumer database.
func ProcessLogs(ctx context.Context, logs []ethTypes.Log, chainID uint32, eventParser parser.Parser) (parsedLogs []interface{}, _ error) {
b := &backoff.Backoff{
Factor: 2,
Jitter: true,
Min: 1 * time.Second,
Max: 10 * time.Second,
timeout := time.Duration(0)
logIdx := 0
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return parsedLogs, fmt.Errorf("context canceled: %w", ctx.Err())
case <-time.After(timeout):
if logIdx >= len(logs) {
return parsedLogs, nil
parsedLog, err := eventParser.Parse(ctx, logs[logIdx], chainID)
if err != nil || parsedLog == nil {
// TODO: this should really, REALLY use errors.IS and wrap the underlying error
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), parser.ErrUnknownTopic) {
logger.Warnf("could not parse log (ErrUnknownTopic) %d, %s %s blocknumber: %d, %s", chainID, logs[logIdx].TxHash, logs[logIdx].Address, logs[logIdx].BlockNumber, err)
} else { // retry
logger.Errorf("could not parse log %d, %s blocknumber: %d, %s", chainID, logs[logIdx].Address, logs[logIdx].BlockNumber, err)
timeout = b.Duration()
parsedLogs = append(parsedLogs, parsedLog)
// Reset the backoff after successful log parse run to prevent bloated back offs.
timeout = time.Duration(0)
func (c *ChainBackfiller) storeParsedLogs(ctx context.Context, parsedEvents []interface{}) error {
b := &backoff.Backoff{
Factor: 2,
Jitter: true,
Min: 3 * time.Millisecond,
Max: 2 * time.Second,
timeout := time.Duration(0)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("context canceled while storing events: %w", ctx.Err())
case <-time.After(timeout):
err := c.consumerDB.StoreEvents(ctx, parsedEvents)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error storing events: %v", err)
timeout = b.Duration()
return nil
const maxAttempt = 20
type retryableFunc func(ctx context.Context) error
// retryWithBackoff will retry to get data with a backoff.
func (c *ChainBackfiller) retryWithBackoff(ctx context.Context, doFunc retryableFunc) error {
b := &backoff.Backoff{
Factor: 2,
Jitter: true,
Min: 1 * time.Second,
Max: 3 * time.Second,
timeout := time.Duration(0)
attempts := 0
for attempts < maxAttempt {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("%w while retrying", ctx.Err())
case <-time.After(timeout):
err := doFunc(ctx)
if err != nil {
timeout = b.Duration()
} else {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("max attempts reached while retrying")