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package tokendata

import (

    lru ""

// Service provides data about tokens using either a cache or bridgeconfig
// cache keys sare always ${KEY_NAME}_CHAIN_ID_ADDRESS so unless a token changes tokenID's
// (not the other way around), data is guaranteed to be accurate.
type Service interface {
    // GetTokenData attempts to get token data from the cache otherwise its fetched from the bridge config
    GetTokenData(ctx context.Context, chainID uint32, token common.Address) (ImmutableTokenData, error)
    // GetPoolTokenData attempts to get pool token data from the cache otherwise its fetched from the erc20 interface
    GetPoolTokenData(ctx context.Context, chainID uint32, token common.Address, swapService fetcher.SwapService) (ImmutableTokenData, error)
    // GetCCTPTokenData attempts to get the token symbol from the cctp contract
    GetCCTPTokenData(ctx context.Context, chainID uint32, token common.Address, cctpService fetcher.CCTPService) (ImmutableTokenData, error)

// TokenData is the data for a token -- specifically used for searching the token data map for Synapse X tokens not in the contract config.
type TokenData struct {
    TokenID      string
    Decimals     uint8
    TokenAddress string

const cacheSize = 3000

// maxAttemptTime is how many times we will attempt to get the token data.
const maxAttemptTime = time.Minute * 5
const maxAttempt = 10

type tokenDataServiceImpl struct {
    // tokenCache is the tokenCache of the tokenDataServices
    tokenCache *lru.TwoQueueCache[string, ImmutableTokenData]
    // fetcher is the fetcher used to fetch data from the bridge config contract
    service fetcher.Service
    // tokenSymbolToIDs is a mapping of token symbols to token IDs.
    tokenSymbolToIDs map[string]string

// NewTokenDataService creates a new token data service.
func NewTokenDataService(service fetcher.Service, tokenSymbolToIDs map[string]string) (Service, error) {
    cache, err := lru.New2Q[string, ImmutableTokenData](cacheSize)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create token data cache: %w", err)

    return &tokenDataServiceImpl{
        tokenCache:       cache,
        service:          service,
        tokenSymbolToIDs: tokenSymbolToIDs,
    }, nil

// GetTokenData attempts to get token data from the cache otherwise it is fetched from the bridge config.
func (t *tokenDataServiceImpl) GetTokenData(ctx context.Context, chainID uint32, token common.Address) (ImmutableTokenData, error) {
    // Fix for tokens not in the config or cache (typically SynapseX)
    mapKey := fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", chainID, token.String())
    if tokenData, ok := tokenDataMap[mapKey]; ok {
        immutableData := immutableTokenImpl{
            tokenID:      tokenData.TokenID,
            decimals:     tokenData.Decimals,
            tokenAddress: tokenData.TokenAddress,
        t.tokenCache.Add(mapKey, immutableData)
        return immutableData, nil
    key := fmt.Sprintf("token_%d_%s", chainID, token.Hex())
    if data, ok := t.tokenCache.Get(key); ok {
        return data, nil

    tokenData, err := t.retrieveTokenData(ctx, chainID, token)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get token data: %w", err)

    t.tokenCache.Add(key, tokenData)

    return tokenData, nil

// GetPoolTokenData attempts to get pool token data from the cache otherwise it is fetched from the erc20 interface for that token.
func (t *tokenDataServiceImpl) GetPoolTokenData(ctx context.Context, chainID uint32, token common.Address, swapService fetcher.SwapService) (ImmutableTokenData, error) {
    // Fix for tokens not in the config or cache (typically SynapseX)
    mapKey := fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", chainID, token.String())
    if tokenData, ok := tokenDataMap[mapKey]; ok {
        immutableData := immutableTokenImpl{
            tokenID:      tokenData.TokenID,
            decimals:     tokenData.Decimals,
            tokenAddress: tokenData.TokenAddress,
        t.tokenCache.Add(mapKey, immutableData)
        return immutableData, nil
    key := fmt.Sprintf("token_%d_%s", chainID, token.Hex())
    if data, ok := t.tokenCache.Get(key); ok {
        return data, nil

    tokenData, err := t.retrievePoolTokenData(ctx, token, swapService)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get token data: %w", err)

    t.tokenCache.Add(key, tokenData)

    return tokenData, nil

// GetCCTPTokenData attempts to get cctp token data from the cache otherwise it is fetched using the cctp ref.
func (t *tokenDataServiceImpl) GetCCTPTokenData(ctx context.Context, chainID uint32, token common.Address, cctpService fetcher.CCTPService) (ImmutableTokenData, error) {
    // Fix for tokens not in the config or cache (typically SynapseX)
    mapKey := fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", chainID, token.String())
    if tokenData, ok := tokenDataMap[mapKey]; ok {
        immutableData := immutableTokenImpl{
            tokenID:      tokenData.TokenID,
            decimals:     tokenData.Decimals,
            tokenAddress: tokenData.TokenAddress,
        t.tokenCache.Add(mapKey, immutableData)
        return immutableData, nil
    key := fmt.Sprintf("token_%d_%s", chainID, token.Hex())
    if data, ok := t.tokenCache.Get(key); ok {
        return data, nil

    tokenData, err := t.retrieveCCTPTokenData(ctx, token, cctpService)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get token data: %w", err)

    t.tokenCache.Add(key, tokenData)

    return tokenData, nil

// retrieveTokenData retrieves the token data from the bridge config contract
// this will retry for maxAttemptTime.
func (t *tokenDataServiceImpl) retrieveTokenData(parentCtx context.Context, chainID uint32, token common.Address) (ImmutableTokenData, error) {
    res := immutableTokenImpl{}

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parentCtx, maxAttemptTime)
    defer cancel()

    g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
    g.Go(func() error {
        //nolint: wrapcheck
        return retry.WithBackoff(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
            tokenData, err := t.service.GetToken(ctx, chainID, token)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("could not get token data: %w", err)

            res.decimals = tokenData.TokenDecimals

            return nil
        }, retry.WithMaxAttemptTime(maxAttemptTime), retry.WithMaxAttempts(maxAttempt))

    g.Go(func() error {
        //nolint: wrapcheck
        return retry.WithBackoff(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
            nullableTokenID, err := t.service.GetTokenID(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(chainID)), token)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("could not get token data: %w", err)

            res.tokenID = *nullableTokenID

            return nil
        }, retry.WithMaxAttemptTime(maxAttemptTime), retry.WithMaxAttempts(maxAttempt))

    err := g.Wait()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get token data: %w", err)
    res.tokenAddress = token.String()

    return res, nil

// retrieveTokenData retrieves the token data from the bridge config contract
// this will retry for maxAttemptTime.
// nolint:cyclop
func (t *tokenDataServiceImpl) retrievePoolTokenData(parentCtx context.Context, token common.Address, swapService fetcher.SwapService) (ImmutableTokenData, error) {
    res := immutableTokenImpl{}

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parentCtx, maxAttemptTime)
    defer cancel()

    err := retry.WithBackoff(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
        symbol, decimals, err := swapService.GetTokenMetaData(ctx, token)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not get token data: %w", err)

        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "dai") {
            *symbol = "dai"
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "usdc") {
            *symbol = "usdc"
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "nusd") {
            *symbol = "nusd"
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "usdt") {
            *symbol = "usdt"
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "eth") {
            *symbol = "eth"
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "avax") {
            *symbol = "avax"
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "movr") {
            *symbol = "movr"
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "frax") {
            *symbol = "frax"
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "jewel") {
            *symbol = "jewel"

        res.tokenID = t.tokenSymbolToIDs[strings.ToLower(*symbol)]
        res.decimals = *decimals
        res.tokenAddress = token.String()

        return nil
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get pool token data: %w", err)

    return res, nil

func (t *tokenDataServiceImpl) retrieveCCTPTokenData(parentCtx context.Context, tokenAddress common.Address, cctpService fetcher.CCTPService) (ImmutableTokenData, error) {
    res := immutableTokenImpl{}

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parentCtx, maxAttemptTime)
    defer cancel()
    err := retry.WithBackoff(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
        symbol, err := cctpService.GetTokenSymbol(ctx, tokenAddress)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not get cctp token: %w", err)
        if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(*symbol), "usdc") {
            *symbol = "usdc"
        res.tokenID = t.tokenSymbolToIDs[strings.ToLower(*symbol)]
        res.decimals = 6 // TODO, as cctp bridging matures, retrieve this data from on chain somehow.

        return nil
    }, retry.WithMaxAttemptTime(maxAttemptTime), retry.WithMaxAttempts(maxAttempt))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get token data: %w", err)
    res.tokenAddress = tokenAddress.String()

    return res, nil

var tokenDataMap = map[string]TokenData{
    "1_0x5f98805A4E8be255a32880FDeC7F6728C6568bA0":     {"LUSD", 18, "0x5f98805A4E8be255a32880FDeC7F6728C6568bA0"},
    "1_0xf939E0A03FB07F59A73314E73794Be0E57ac1b4E":     {"crvUSD", 18, "0xf939E0A03FB07F59A73314E73794Be0E57ac1b4E"},
    "8453_0x417Ac0e078398C154EdFadD9Ef675d30Be60Af93":  {"crvUSD", 18, "0x417Ac0e078398C154EdFadD9Ef675d30Be60Af93"},
    "8453_0xd9aAEc86B65D86f6A7B5B1b0c42FFA531710b6CA":  {"USDbC", 6, "0xd9aAEc86B65D86f6A7B5B1b0c42FFA531710b6CA"},
    "1_0x853d955acef822db058eb8505911ed77f175b99e":     {"FRAX", 18, "0x853d955acef822db058eb8505911ed77f175b99e"},
    "42161_0x17FC002b466eEc40DaE837Fc4bE5c67993ddBd6F": {"FRAX", 18, "0x17FC002b466eEc40DaE837Fc4bE5c67993ddBd6F"},
    "137_0x45c32fA6DF82ead1e2EF74d17b76547EDdFaFF89":   {"FRAX", 18, "0x45c32fA6DF82ead1e2EF74d17b76547EDdFaFF89"},
    "10_0x8c6f28f2F1A3C87F0f938b96d27520d9751ec8d9":    {"sUSD", 18, "0x8c6f28f2F1A3C87F0f938b96d27520d9751ec8d9"},
    "8453_0x50c5725949A6F0c72E6C4a641F24049A917DB0Cb":  {"DAI", 18, "0x50c5725949A6F0c72E6C4a641F24049A917DB0Cb"},
    "1_0xAdF7C35560035944e805D98fF17d58CDe2449389":     {"SPEC", 18, "0xAdF7C35560035944e805D98fF17d58CDe2449389"},
    "8453_0x96419929d7949D6A801A6909c145C8EEf6A40431":  {"SPEC", 18, "0x96419929d7949D6A801A6909c145C8EEf6A40431"},
    "480_0x2cFc85d8E48F8EAB294be644d9E25C3030863003":   {"WLD", 18, "0x2cFc85d8E48F8EAB294be644d9E25C3030863003"},
    "10_0xdC6fF44d5d932Cbd77B52E5612Ba0529DC6226F1":    {"WLD", 18, "0xdC6fF44d5d932Cbd77B52E5612Ba0529DC6226F1"},
    "480_0x79A02482A880bCE3F13e09Da970dC34db4CD24d1":   {"USDC.e", 6, "0x79A02482A880bCE3F13e09Da970dC34db4CD24d1"},
    "480_0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006":   {"WETH", 18, "0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006"},
    "1_0x163f8c2467924be0ae7b5347228cabf260318753":     {"WLD", 18, "0x163f8c2467924be0ae7b5347228cabf260318753"},
    // Add additional tokens that are not part of the cache yet (and is not by nature in bridge config) here