package swap
import (
func init() {
var err error
parsedSwap, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(SwapFlashLoanMetaData.ABI))
if err != nil {
parsedMetaSwap, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(metaswap.MetaSwapMetaData.ABI))
if err != nil {
// we do this here to throw a compile error if the event is not found
TokenSwapTopic = parsedSwap.Events["TokenSwap"].ID
AddLiquidityTopic = parsedSwap.Events["AddLiquidity"].ID
RemoveLiquidityTopic = parsedSwap.Events["RemoveLiquidity"].ID
RemoveLiquidityOneTopic = parsedSwap.Events["RemoveLiquidityOne"].ID
RemoveLiquidityImbalanceSwap = parsedSwap.Events["RemoveLiquidityImbalance"].ID
NewAdminFeeTopic = parsedSwap.Events["NewAdminFee"].ID
NewSwapFeeTopic = parsedSwap.Events["NewSwapFee"].ID
RampATopic = parsedSwap.Events["RampA"].ID
StopRampATopic = parsedSwap.Events["StopRampA"].ID
FlashLoanTopic = parsedSwap.Events["FlashLoan"].ID
TokenSwapUnderlyingTopic = parsedMetaSwap.Events["TokenSwapUnderlying"].ID
// TokenSwapTopic is the topic used for token swap.
var TokenSwapTopic common.Hash
// AddLiquidityTopic is the topic used for adding liquidity.
var AddLiquidityTopic common.Hash
// RemoveLiquidityTopic is the topic used for removing liquidity.
var RemoveLiquidityTopic common.Hash
// RemoveLiquidityOneTopic is the topic used for removing liquidity one.
var RemoveLiquidityOneTopic common.Hash
// RemoveLiquidityImbalanceSwap is the topic used for removing a liquidity imbalance.
var RemoveLiquidityImbalanceSwap common.Hash
// NewAdminFeeTopic is the topic used for a new admin fee.
var NewAdminFeeTopic common.Hash
// NewSwapFeeTopic is the topic used for performing a new swap.
var NewSwapFeeTopic common.Hash
// RampATopic is the topic used for ramp a.
var RampATopic common.Hash
// StopRampATopic is the topic used for stopping ramp a.
var StopRampATopic common.Hash
// FlashLoanTopic is the topic used for Flash Loans.
var FlashLoanTopic common.Hash
// TokenSwapUnderlyingTopic is the topic used for token swap underlying.
var TokenSwapUnderlyingTopic common.Hash
// TopicMap maps events to topics.
// this is returned as a function to assert immutability.
func TopicMap() map[swap.EventType]common.Hash {
return map[swap.EventType]common.Hash{
swap.TokenSwapEvent: TokenSwapTopic,
swap.AddLiquidityEvent: AddLiquidityTopic,
swap.RemoveLiquidityEvent: RemoveLiquidityTopic,
swap.RemoveLiquidityOneEvent: RemoveLiquidityOneTopic,
swap.RemoveLiquidityImbalanceEvent: RemoveLiquidityImbalanceSwap,
swap.NewAdminFeeEvent: NewAdminFeeTopic,
swap.NewSwapFeeEvent: NewSwapFeeTopic,
swap.RampAEvent: RampATopic,
swap.StopRampAEvent: StopRampATopic,
swap.FlashLoanEvent: FlashLoanTopic,
swap.TokenSwapUnderlyingEvent: TokenSwapUnderlyingTopic,
// EventTypeFromTopic gets the event type from the topic
// returns nil if the topic is not found.
func EventTypeFromTopic(ogTopic common.Hash) *swap.EventType {
for eventType, topic := range TopicMap() {
if bytes.Equal(ogTopic.Bytes(), topic.Bytes()) {
return &eventType
return nil
// Topic gets the topic from the event type.
func Topic(eventType swap.EventType) common.Hash {
topicHash, ok := TopicMap()[swap.EventType(eventType.Int())]
if !ok {
panic("unknown event")
return topicHash