package http
import (
// Headers:.
var (
// XForwardedFor is a byte encoded forwarded for header.
XForwardedFor = []byte(headers.XForwardedFor)
// ContentType is a byte encoded content type.
ContentType = []byte(headers.ContentType)
// Accept is a byte encoded accept header.
Accept = []byte(headers.Accept)
// XRequestIDString is the string request id header.
XRequestIDString = ginhelper.RequestIDHeader
// XRequestID is the byte encoded request id.
XRequestID = []byte(XRequestIDString)
// Encoding is a bytes encoded Accept-Encoding header.
Encoding = []byte(headers.AcceptEncoding)
// Mime types.
var (
// JSONType is a byte encoded json type.
JSONType = []byte(gin.MIMEJSON)
// EncodingTypes are encoding headers.
EncodingTypes = []byte("gzip, br, deflate")
// Method types.
var (
// PostType is used for posting.
PostType = []byte(http.MethodPost)
// Constant Strings.
var (
// OmniRPCValue is a byte encoded omnirpc string.
OmniRPCValue = []byte("omnirpc")