package proxy
import (
ethergoRPC ""
func isConfirmable(r ethergoRPC.Request) (bool, error) {
// TODO: should we error on default?
// TODO: look at RPCMethod.Comparable for lower, necessary?
//nolint: exhaustive
switch client.RPCMethod(r.Method) {
case client.BlockByNumberMethod, client.PendingTransactionCountMethod:
return isBlockNumConfirmable(r.Params[0]), nil
case client.BlockNumberMethod, client.SyncProgressMethod, client.GasPriceMethod, client.MaxPriorityMethod, client.EstimateGasMethod:
return false, nil
case client.GetBalanceMethod, client.GetCodeMethod, client.TransactionCountMethod, client.CallMethod:
return isBlockNumConfirmable(r.Params[1]), nil
case client.StorageAtMethod:
return isBlockNumConfirmable(r.Params[2]), nil
case client.GetLogsMethod:
return isFilterArgConfirmable(r.Params[0])
// not confirmable because tx could be pending. We might want to handle w/ omnicast though
// left separate for comment
case client.SendRawTransactionMethod:
return false, nil
return true, nil
func areConfirmable(r ethergoRPC.Requests) (_ bool, errs error) {
unconfirmable := false
for i, request := range r {
canConfirm, err := isConfirmable(request)
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, fmt.Errorf("request at index %d: %s is not parsable", i, spew.Sprint(request)))
if !canConfirm {
unconfirmable = true
if errs != nil {
return false, errs
return !unconfirmable, nil
func isBlockNumConfirmable(arg json.RawMessage) bool {
// nonConfirmableBlockNumArgs is a list of non numerical block args
var nonConfirmableBlockNumArgs = []string{"latest", "pending"}
return !slices.Contains(nonConfirmableBlockNumArgs, tool.StripQuotes(string(arg)))
// isFilterArgConfirmable checks if filter.filterCriteria is confirmable.
func isFilterArgConfirmable(arg json.RawMessage) (bool, error) {
// cast latest block number to a big int for comparison
latestBlockNumber := new(big.Int).SetInt64(rpc.LatestBlockNumber.Int64())
filterCriteria := filters.FilterCriteria{}
err := filterCriteria.UnmarshalJSON(arg)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshall filter: %w", err)
// Block filter requested, construct a single-shot filter
if filterCriteria.BlockHash != nil {
return true, nil
usesLatest := filterCriteria.FromBlock.Cmp(latestBlockNumber) == 0 || filterCriteria.ToBlock.Cmp(latestBlockNumber) == 0
return !usesLatest, nil