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package proxy

import (

    omniHTTP ""

// Forwarder creates a request forwarder.
type Forwarder struct {
    // r is the parent rpc proxy object
    r *RPCProxy
    // c is the gin context for the request
    c *gin.Context
    // chain is the chain from the chain manager
    chain chainmanager.Chain
    // body is the body of the request
    body []byte
    // requiredConfirmations is the number of required confirmations for the request to go through
    requiredConfirmations uint16
    // requestID is the request id
    requestID []byte
    // client is the client used for fasthttp
    client omniHTTP.Client
    // resMap is the res map
    // Note: because we use an array here, this is not thread safe for writes
    resMap *xsync.MapOf[string, []rawResponse]
    // failedForwards is a map of failed forwards
    failedForwards *xsync.MapOf[string, error]
    // rpcRequest is the parsed rpc request
    rpcRequest rpc.Requests
    // mux is used to track the release of the forwarder. This should only be used in async methods
    // as RLock
    mux sync.RWMutex
    // span is the span for the request
    span trace.Span
    // tracer is the tracer for the request
    tracer trace.Tracer

// Reset resets the forwarder so it can be reused.
func (f *Forwarder) Reset() {
    // try to acquire the lock. this is
    defer f.mux.Unlock()
    // client and forwarder can stay the same
    f.c = nil
    f.chain = nil
    f.body = nil
    f.requiredConfirmations = 0
    f.requestID = nil
    f.resMap = nil
    f.failedForwards = nil
    f.rpcRequest = nil
    f.span = nil

// AcquireForwarder allocates a forwarder and allows it to be released when not in use
// this allows forwarder cycling reducing GC overhead.
func (r *RPCProxy) AcquireForwarder() *Forwarder {
    v := r.forwarderPool.Get()
    if v == nil {
        return &Forwarder{
            r:      r,
            client: r.client,
            tracer: r.tracer,
    //nolint: forcetypeassert
    return v.(*Forwarder)

// ReleaseForwarder releases a forwarder object for reuse.
func (r *RPCProxy) ReleaseForwarder(f *Forwarder) {

// Forward forwards the rpc request to the servers and makes assertions around confirmation thresholds.
// required confirmations can be used to override the required confirmations count.
func (r *RPCProxy) Forward(c *gin.Context, chainID uint32, requiredConfirmationsOverride *uint16) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(c, "rpcRequest",
        trace.WithAttributes(attribute.Int("chainID", int(chainID))),

    forwarder := r.AcquireForwarder()
    defer func() {

    forwarder.c = c
    forwarder.span = span
    forwarder.resMap = xsync.NewMapOf[[]rawResponse]()
    forwarder.failedForwards = xsync.NewMapOf[error]()
    if requiredConfirmationsOverride != nil {
        forwarder.requiredConfirmations = *requiredConfirmationsOverride

    if ok := forwarder.fillAndValidate(chainID); !ok {


// attemptForwardAndValidate attempts to forward the request and
// makes sure it is valid
// TODO: maybe the context shouldn't be used from a struct here?
func (f *Forwarder) attemptForwardAndValidate(ctx context.Context) {
    urlIter := threaditer.ThreadSafe(iter.Slice(f.chain.URLs()))

    // setup the channels we use for confirmation
    errChan := make(chan FailedForward)
    resChan := make(chan rawResponse)

    forwardCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()

    // start requiredConfirmations workers
    for i := uint16(0); i < f.requiredConfirmations; i++ {
        go func() {
            defer f.mux.RUnlock()

            for {
                select {
                case <-forwardCtx.Done():
                    done := f.attemptForward(forwardCtx, errChan, resChan, urlIter)
                    // if there's nothing else we can end the goroutine
                    if done {

    totalResponses := 0

    for {
        select {
        // request timeout
        case <-f.c.Done():
        case failedForward := <-errChan:

            f.failedForwards.Store(failedForward.URL, failedForward.Err)

            // if we've checked every url
            if totalResponses == len(f.chain.URLs()) {
                if done := f.checkResponses(totalResponses); done {
        case res := <-resChan:

            // add the response to resmap
            responses, _ := f.resMap.Load(res.hash)
            responses = append(responses, res)
            f.resMap.Store(res.hash, responses)

            // if we've checked every url or the number of non-error responses is greater than or equal to the
            // number of confirmations
            if totalResponses == len(f.chain.URLs()) || uint16(f.resMap.Size()) >= f.requiredConfirmations {
                if done := f.checkResponses(totalResponses); done {

// urlConfirmationsHeader is a header specifying which urls were checked.
const urlConfirmationsHeader = "x-checked-urls"

// jsonHashHeader is the hash of the returned json.
const jsonHashHeader = "x-json-hash"

// forwardedFrom the actual url the json was forwarded from.
const forwardedFrom = "x-forwarded-from"

// ErroredRPCResponse contains an errored rpc response
// this is mostly used for debugging.
type ErroredRPCResponse struct {
    Raw json.RawMessage `json:"json_response"`
    URL string          `json:"url"`

// ErrorResponse contains error response used for debugging.
type ErrorResponse struct {
    Hashes map[string][]ErroredRPCResponse `json:"hashes"`
    Error  string                          `json:"error"`
    // ErroredURLS returned no response at all
    ErroredURLS []string `json:"errored_urls"`
    // FailedForwards stores lower level json errors where no response could be returned at all
    FailedForwards map[string]string `json:"failed_forwards"`

// FailedForward contains a failed forward.
type FailedForward struct {
    // Err is the error returned
    Err error
    // URL is the url of the error
    URL string

func (f *Forwarder) checkResponses(responseCount int) (done bool) {
    var valid bool

    f.resMap.Range(func(key string, responses []rawResponse) bool {
        if uint16(len(responses)) >= f.requiredConfirmations {
            responseURLS := make([]string, len(responses))

            for i, url := range responses {
                responseURLS[i] = url.url

            f.c.Header(urlConfirmationsHeader, strings.Join(responseURLS, ","))
            f.c.Header(jsonHashHeader, responses[0].hash)
            f.c.Header(forwardedFrom, responses[0].url)

            f.c.Data(http.StatusOK, gin.MIMEJSON, responses[0].body)
            valid = true

            return false

        return true

    if valid {
        return true

    // every urls been checked, we need to error
    if responseCount == len(f.chain.URLs()) {
        erroredUrls := sets.NewString(f.chain.URLs()...)

        errResponse := ErrorResponse{
            Error:  "could not get consistent response",
            Hashes: make(map[string][]ErroredRPCResponse),

        f.resMap.Range(func(key string, responses []rawResponse) bool {
            for _, response := range responses {
                rpcErr := ErroredRPCResponse{
                    URL: response.url,
                    Raw: response.body,

                errResponse.Hashes[key] = append(errResponse.Hashes[key], rpcErr)
            return true

        errResponse.FailedForwards = make(map[string]string)
        f.failedForwards.Range(func(key string, value error) bool {
            errResponse.FailedForwards[key] = value.Error()
            return true

        errResponse.ErroredURLS = erroredUrls.List()

        f.c.JSON(http.StatusBadGateway, errResponse)

        return true
    return false

// attemptForward attempts to forward a request. If it runs out of urls to process
// or context is canceled, done is returned as true
// otherwise errors are added to an errChan and responses are added to the response chan.
func (f *Forwarder) attemptForward(ctx context.Context, errChan chan FailedForward, resChan chan rawResponse, urlIter iter.Iterator[string]) (done bool) {
    nextURL := urlIter.Next()
    if nextURL.IsNone() {
        return true

    url := nextURL.Unwrap()

    res, err := f.forwardRequest(ctx, url)
    if err != nil {
        // check if we're done, otherwise add to errchan
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return true
        case errChan <- FailedForward{Err: err, URL: url}:
            return false

    // request was successful, add the body to the raw response channel for processing
    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return true
    case resChan <- *res:
        return false

// fillAndValidate fills request fields and validates fields.
func (f *Forwarder) fillAndValidate(chainID uint32) (ok bool) {
    var err error

    f.chain = f.r.chainManager.GetChain(chainID)
    if f.chain == nil {
        f.c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
            "error": fmt.Sprintf("chain %d not found", chainID),
        return false

    f.body, err = io.ReadAll(f.c.Request.Body)
    if err != nil {
        f.c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
            "error": err,
        return false

    f.requestID = []byte(f.c.GetHeader(omniHTTP.XRequestIDString))
    f.span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("request_id", string(f.requestID)))

    if ok := f.checkAndSetConfirmability(); !ok {
        return false

    return true

// checkAndSetConfirmability checks the confirmability of the request body and makes sure
// we have enough urls to validate the request.
func (f *Forwarder) checkAndSetConfirmability() (ok bool) {
    // if we overrided required confirmations above, use that
    if f.requiredConfirmations == 0 {
        f.requiredConfirmations = f.chain.ConfirmationsThreshold()
    var err error
    f.rpcRequest, err = rpc.ParseRPCPayload(f.body)
    if err != nil {
        f.c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
            "error": err,
        return false

    // If any request ina  batch is not confirmable, the entire batch is marks as non-confirmable
    confirmable, err := areConfirmable(f.rpcRequest)
    if err != nil {
        f.c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
            "error": err,
        return false

    // non-confirmable requests must use 1
    if !confirmable {
        f.requiredConfirmations = 1

    // set the headers
    f.c.Header("x-confirmable", strconv.FormatBool(confirmable))
    // this will be 1 if not confirmable
    f.c.Header("x-required-confirmations", strconv.Itoa(int(f.requiredConfirmations)))

    f.span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("required_confirmations", int(f.requiredConfirmations)))
    f.span.SetAttributes(attribute.Bool("confirmable", confirmable))
    f.span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("method", f.rpcRequest.Method()))

    // make sure we have enough urls to hit the required confirmation threshold
    if len(f.chain.URLs()) < int(f.requiredConfirmations) {
        f.c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{
            "error": fmt.Sprintf("not enough endpoints for chain %d: found %d needed %d", f.chain.ID(), len(f.chain.URLs()), f.requiredConfirmations),
        return false

    return true