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3 days
Test Coverage
package proxy_test

import (
    ethClient ""

    . ""

// captureResponse captures the response from geth so we can use it for testing.
func (p *ProxySuite) captureResponse(backendURL string, makeReq func(client ethClient.EVMClient), checkResp func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, rawResponse []byte)) {
    doneChan := make(chan bool)

    parsedURL, err := url.Parse(backendURL)
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    rp := httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(parsedURL)

    rp.ModifyResponse = func(response *http.Response) error {
        fullResp, err := readResponseBodyNoMutate(response)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        reqBodyReader, err := response.Request.GetBody()
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        requestBody, err := io.ReadAll(reqBodyReader)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        rpcReq, err := rpc.ParseRPCPayload(requestBody)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        var rpcMessage proxy.JSONRPCMessage
        err = json.Unmarshal(fullResp, &rpcMessage)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        if err != nil {

        checkResp(rpcReq, rpcMessage, fullResp)
        return nil

    server := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        shouldProxy := attemptAddGetBody(r, w)
        if !shouldProxy {

        rp.ServeHTTP(w, r)

        go func() {
            doneChan <- true

    defer server.Close()

    client, err := ethClient.NewClientFromChainID(p.GetTestContext(), server.URL, params.AllCliqueProtocolChanges.ChainID)
    Nil(p.T(), err)



// readResponseBodyNoMutate reads a response body (decompressing if the content-encoding header)
// so specifies and then resets the reader. The response is returned.
func readResponseBodyNoMutate(response *http.Response) (res []byte, err error) {
    fullResp, err := io.ReadAll(response.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read response body: %w", err)

    response.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(fullResp))

    // use fasthttp hhere since go doesn't export the transport decompression methods
    decompressor := fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
    defer fasthttp.ReleaseResponse(decompressor)
    uncompressedBody, err := decompressor.BodyUncompressed()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not decompress header: %w", err)

    return uncompressedBody, nil

// attemptAddGetBody attempts to add a get body method to the request
// in the case that this fails, we return an error response and an error bool
// to instruct the caller not to continue proxying the http request.
func attemptAddGetBody(req *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter) (shouldContinue bool) {
    // make a copy of the body we can re-read to get the method name
    reqBody, err := io.ReadAll(req.Body)
    // catch an error in case resquest body can't be read w/o hanging
    if err != nil {
        _, _ = w.Write([]byte("cannot read response"))
        return false

    // create a new body on demand for testing
    req.GetBody = func() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
        return io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(reqBody)), nil

    // reset the body reader, this is required by httputil
    req.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
    return true

func (p *ProxySuite) TestChainID() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.ChainID(p.GetTestContext())
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestStorageAt() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.StorageAt(p.GetTestContext(), common.Address{}, common.Hash{}, nil)
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestCodeAt() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.CodeAt(p.GetTestContext(), common.Address{}, nil)
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestNonceAt() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.NonceAt(p.GetTestContext(), common.Address{}, nil)
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestEstimateGas() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    fundedAccount := backend.GetFundedAccount(p.GetTestContext(), new(big.Int).SetUint64(params.Ether))

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.EstimateGas(p.GetTestContext(), ethereum.CallMsg{
            From:  fundedAccount.Address,
            To:    &common.Address{},
            Value: new(big.Int).SetUint64(params.Ether),
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestGasPrice() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.SuggestGasPrice(p.GetTestContext())
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestMaxPriority() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.SuggestGasTipCap(p.GetTestContext())
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestBalanceAt() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    fundedAccount := backend.GetFundedAccount(p.GetTestContext(), big.NewInt(params.Ether))

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.BalanceAt(p.GetTestContext(), fundedAccount.Address, nil)
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestTransactionCount() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    block, err := backend.BlockByNumber(p.GetTestContext(), nil)
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.TransactionCount(p.GetTestContext(), block.Hash())
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestPendingTransactionCount() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.PendingTransactionCount(p.GetTestContext())
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestBlockNumber() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        _, err := client.BlockNumber(p.GetTestContext())
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
        standardizedResponse, err := proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
        Nil(p.T(), err)

        JSONEq(p.T(), string(standardizedResponse), string(response.Result))

func (p *ProxySuite) TestBlockByHash() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    latestBlock, err := backend.BlockByNumber(p.GetTestContext(), nil)
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    const respCount = 2

    resps := make([][]byte, respCount)

    for i := 0; i < respCount; i++ {
        i := i // capture func literal
        // TODO: we should probably test txes for this as well and mock some
        p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
            _, err := client.BlockByHash(p.GetTestContext(), latestBlock.Hash())
            Nil(p.T(), err)
        }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
            resps[i], err = proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
            Nil(p.T(), err)

    // ensure response parity after de/re-serialization
    Equal(p.T(), resps[0], resps[1])

// nolint:dupl
func (p *ProxySuite) TestBlockByNumber() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    latestNumber, err := backend.BlockNumber(p.GetTestContext())
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    const respCount = 2

    resps := make([][]byte, respCount)

    for i := 0; i < respCount; i++ {
        i := i
        // TODO: we should probably test txes for this as well and mock some
        p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
            _, err := client.BlockByNumber(p.GetTestContext(), new(big.Int).SetUint64(latestNumber))
            Nil(p.T(), err)
        }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
            resps[i], err = proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
            Nil(p.T(), err)

    // ensure response parity after de/re-serialization
    Equal(p.T(), resps[0], resps[1])

// nolint:dupl
func (p *ProxySuite) TestHeaderByNumber() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    latestNumber, err := backend.BlockNumber(p.GetTestContext())
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    const respCount = 3

    resps := make([][]byte, respCount)

    for i := 0; i < respCount; i++ {
        i := i
        p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
            // TODO: we should probably test txes for this as well and mock some
            _, err := client.HeaderByNumber(p.GetTestContext(), new(big.Int).SetUint64(latestNumber))
            Nil(p.T(), err)
        }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
            resps[i], err = proxy.StandardizeResponseFalseParams(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
            Nil(p.T(), err)

    // ensure response parity after de/re-serialization
    Equal(p.T(), resps[0], resps[1])

func (p *ProxySuite) TestTransactionByHash() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    // get gas price
    gasPrice, err := backend.SuggestGasPrice(p.GetTestContext())
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    // create a fake tx to send
    testTx := backend.FaucetSignTx(types.NewTx(&types.LegacyTx{
        To:       &common.Address{},
        Value:    big.NewInt(1),
        Gas:      21000,
        GasPrice: gasPrice,

    err = backend.SendTransaction(p.GetTestContext(), testTx)
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    backend.WaitForConfirmation(p.GetTestContext(), testTx)

    const respCount = 2

    resps := make([][]byte, respCount)

    for i := 0; i < respCount; i++ {
        i := i // capture func literal
        // TODO: we should probably test txes for this as well and mock some
        p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
            _, _, err := client.TransactionByHash(p.GetTestContext(), testTx.Hash())
            Nil(p.T(), err)
        }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
            resps[i], err = proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
            Nil(p.T(), err)

    // ensure response parity after de/re-serialization
    Equal(p.T(), resps[0], resps[1])

func (p *ProxySuite) TestTransactionInBlock() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    // get gas price
    gasPrice, err := backend.SuggestGasPrice(p.GetTestContext())
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    // create a fake tx to send
    testTx := backend.FaucetSignTx(types.NewTx(&types.LegacyTx{
        To:       &common.Address{},
        Value:    big.NewInt(1),
        Gas:      21000,
        GasPrice: gasPrice,

    err = backend.SendTransaction(p.GetTestContext(), testTx)
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    backend.WaitForConfirmation(p.GetTestContext(), testTx)

    txReceipt, err := backend.TransactionReceipt(p.GetTestContext(), testTx.Hash())
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    const respCount = 2

    resps := make([][]byte, respCount)

    for i := 0; i < respCount; i++ {
        i := i // capture func literal
        // TODO: we should probably test txes for this as well and mock some
        p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
            _, err := client.TransactionInBlock(p.GetTestContext(), txReceipt.BlockHash, txReceipt.TransactionIndex)
            Nil(p.T(), err)
        }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
            resps[i], err = proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
            Nil(p.T(), err)

    // ensure response parity after de/re-serialization
    Equal(p.T(), resps[0], resps[1])

func (p *ProxySuite) TestTransactionReceipt() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    // get gas price
    gasPrice, err := backend.SuggestGasPrice(p.GetTestContext())
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    // create a fake tx to send
    testTx := backend.FaucetSignTx(types.NewTx(&types.LegacyTx{
        To:       &common.Address{},
        Value:    big.NewInt(1),
        Gas:      21000,
        GasPrice: gasPrice,

    err = backend.SendTransaction(p.GetTestContext(), testTx)
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    backend.WaitForConfirmation(p.GetTestContext(), testTx)

    const respCount = 2

    resps := make([][]byte, respCount)

    for i := 0; i < respCount; i++ {
        i := i // capture func literal
        // TODO: we should probably test txes for this as well and mock some
        p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
            _, err := client.TransactionReceipt(p.GetTestContext(), testTx.Hash())
            Nil(p.T(), err)
        }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
            resps[i], err = proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
            Nil(p.T(), err)

    // ensure response parity after de/re-serialization
    Equal(p.T(), resps[0], resps[1])

func (p *ProxySuite) TestSyncProgress() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    const respCount = 2

    resps := make([][]byte, respCount)

    for i := 0; i < respCount; i++ {
        i := i // capture func literal
        // TODO: we should probably test txes for this as well and mock some
        p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
            _, err := client.SyncProgress(p.GetTestContext())
            Nil(p.T(), err)
        }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
            var err error
            resps[i], err = proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
            Nil(p.T(), err)

    // ensure response parity after de/re-serialization
    Equal(p.T(), resps[0], resps[1])

func (p *ProxySuite) TestGetLogsMethod() {
    p.T().Skip("TODO: we're not going to touch this until we can do it properly w/ a testutil")

func (p *ProxySuite) TestFeeHistory() {
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    // get gas price
    gasPrice, err := backend.SuggestGasPrice(p.GetTestContext())
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    // create a fake tx to send to populate some data
    testTx := backend.FaucetSignTx(types.NewTx(&types.LegacyTx{
        To:       &common.Address{},
        Value:    big.NewInt(1),
        Gas:      21000,
        GasPrice: gasPrice,

    err = backend.SendTransaction(p.GetTestContext(), testTx)
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    backend.WaitForConfirmation(p.GetTestContext(), testTx)

    lastBlock, err := backend.BlockNumber(p.GetTestContext())
    Nil(p.T(), err)

    const respCount = 2

    resps := make([][]byte, respCount)

    for i := 0; i < respCount; i++ {
        i := i // capture func literal
        // TODO: we should probably test txes for this as well and mock some
        p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
            _, err := client.FeeHistory(p.GetTestContext(), lastBlock, new(big.Int).SetUint64(lastBlock), []float64{95, 99})
            Nil(p.T(), err)
        }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, fullResp []byte) {
            resps[i], err = proxy.StandardizeResponse(p.GetTestContext(), req, fullResp)
            Nil(p.T(), err)

    // ensure response parity after de/re-serialization
    Equal(p.T(), resps[0], resps[1])

func (p *ProxySuite) TestBatch() {
    p.T().Skip("TODO: this works, we need to modify around it for the test to pass (our captureResponse method breaks). This is currently tested in scribe, but should be tested here.")
    backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackend(p.GetTestContext(), p.T())

    var chainID uint64
    var blockNumber big.Int

    p.captureResponse(backend.HTTPEndpoint(), func(client ethClient.EVMClient) {
        err := client.BatchContext(p.GetTestContext(), eth.ChainID().Returns(&chainID), eth.BlockNumber().Returns(&blockNumber))
        Nil(p.T(), err)
    }, func(req []rpc.Request, response proxy.JSONRPCMessage, rawResponse []byte) {
        Greater(p.T(), blockNumber, 1)
        Equal(p.T(), chainID, params.AllCliqueProtocolChanges.ChainID.Uint64())