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35 mins
Test Coverage
package rpcinfo

import (
    ethClient ""

// Result is the result of a latency check on a url.
type Result struct {
    // URL is the url of the latency being tested
    URL string
    // Latency is the latency time in seconds
    Latency time.Duration
    // BlockAge is the age of the block
    BlockAge time.Duration
    // BlockNumber is the block number
    BlockNumber uint64
    // HasError is wether or not the result has an error
    HasError bool
    // Error is the error recevied when trying to establish latency
    Error error

// GetRPCLatency gets latency from a list of rpcs.
func GetRPCLatency(parentCtx context.Context, timeout time.Duration, rpcList []string, handler metrics.Handler) (latSlice []Result) {
    var mux sync.Mutex

    timeCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parentCtx, timeout)

    traceCtx, span := handler.Tracer().Start(timeCtx, "rpcinfo.GetRPCLatency", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.StringSlice("rpcList", rpcList)))
    defer func() {

    g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(traceCtx)
    for _, rpcURL := range rpcList {
        // capture func literal
        rpcURL := rpcURL
        g.Go(func() error {
            latency := getLatency(ctx, rpcURL, handler)

            latSlice = append(latSlice, latency)

            return nil

    // we don't error at all above
    _ = g.Wait()
    return latSlice

func getLatency(ctx context.Context, rpcURL string, handler metrics.Handler) (l Result) {
    l = Result{URL: rpcURL, HasError: true}

    parsedURL, err := url.Parse(rpcURL)
    if err != nil {
        l.Error = fmt.Errorf("url invalid: %w", err)
        return l

    // maybe we should allow this?
    if slices.Contains([]string{"ws", "wss"}, parsedURL.Scheme) {
        l.Error = errors.New("websockets not supported")
        return l

    startTime := time.Now()

    client, err := ethClient.DialBackend(ctx, rpcURL, handler)
    if err != nil {
        l.Error = fmt.Errorf("could not create client: %w", err)
        return l

    var chainID uint64
    var latestHeader types.Header

    err = client.BatchWithContext(ctx,

    if err != nil {
        l.Error = err
        l.HasError = true
        return l

    endTime := time.Now()

    l.Latency = endTime.Sub(startTime)

    l.BlockAge = endTime.Sub(time.Unix(int64(latestHeader.Time), 0))
    l.BlockNumber = latestHeader.Number.Uint64()

    l.HasError = false

    return l