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package model

import (

// GetQuoteResponse contains the schema for a GET /quote response.
type GetQuoteResponse struct {
    // OriginChainID is the chain which the relayer is willing to relay from
    OriginChainID int `json:"origin_chain_id"`
    // OriginTokenAddr is the token address for which the relayer willing to relay from
    OriginTokenAddr string `json:"origin_token_addr"`
    // DestChainID is the chain which the relayer is willing to relay to
    DestChainID int `json:"dest_chain_id"`
    // DestToken is the token address for which the relayer willing to relay to
    DestTokenAddr string `json:"dest_token_addr"`
    // DestAmount is the max amount of liquidity which exists for a given destination token, provided in the destination token decimals
    DestAmount string `json:"dest_amount"`
    // MaxOriginAmount is the maximum amount of origin tokens bridgeable
    MaxOriginAmount string `json:"max_origin_amount"`
    // FixedFee is the fixed fee for the quote, provided in the destination token terms
    FixedFee string `json:"fixed_fee"`
    // Address of the relayer providing the quote
    RelayerAddr string `json:"relayer_addr"`
    // OriginFastBridgeAddress is the address of the fast bridge contract on the origin chain
    OriginFastBridgeAddress string `json:"origin_fast_bridge_address"`
    // DestFastBridgeAddress is the address of the fast bridge contract on the destination chain
    DestFastBridgeAddress string `json:"dest_fast_bridge_address"`
    // UpdatedAt is the time that the quote was last upserted
    UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`

// PutRelayAckResponse contains the schema for a PUT /relay/ack response.
type PutRelayAckResponse struct {
    // TxID is the transaction ID
    TransactionID string `json:"tx_id"`
    // ShouldRelay is a boolean indicating whether the transaction should be relayed
    ShouldRelay bool `json:"should_relay"`
    // RelayerAddress is the address of the relayer that is currently acked
    RelayerAddress string `json:"relayer_address"`

// GetContractsResponse contains the schema for a GET /contract response.
type GetContractsResponse struct {
    // Contracts is a map of chain id to contract address
    Contracts map[uint32]string `json:"contracts"`

// ActiveRFQMessage represents the general structure of WebSocket messages for Active RFQ.
type ActiveRFQMessage struct {
    Op      string          `json:"op"`
    Content json.RawMessage `json:"content,omitempty"`
    Success bool            `json:"success,omitempty"`

// PutRFQResponse represents a response to a user quote request.
type PutRFQResponse struct {
    Success        bool    `json:"success"`
    Reason         string  `json:"reason,omitempty"`
    QuoteType      string  `json:"quote_type,omitempty"`
    QuoteID        *string `json:"quote_id,omitempty"`
    DestAmount     string  `json:"dest_amount,omitempty"`
    RelayerAddress string  `json:"relayer_address,omitempty"`

// WsRFQResponse represents a response to a quote request.
type WsRFQResponse struct {
    RequestID  string    `json:"request_id"`
    QuoteID    string    `json:"quote_id,omitempty"`
    DestAmount string    `json:"dest_amount"`
    UpdatedAt  time.Time `json:"updated_at"`

// SubscriptionParams are the parameters for a subscription.
type SubscriptionParams struct {
    Chains []int `json:"chains"`

// GetOpenQuoteRequestsResponse represents a response to a GET /open_quote_requests request.
type GetOpenQuoteRequestsResponse struct {
    UserAddress       string    `json:"user_address"`
    OriginChainID     uint64    `json:"origin_chain_id"`
    OriginTokenAddr   string    `json:"origin_token"`
    DestChainID       uint64    `json:"dest_chain_id"`
    DestTokenAddr     string    `json:"dest_token"`
    OriginAmountExact string    `json:"origin_amount_exact"`
    ExpirationWindow  int       `json:"expiration_window"`
    CreatedAt         time.Time `json:"created_at"`