package e2e_test
import (
signerConfig ""
cctpTest ""
omnirpcClient ""
apiConfig ""
guardConnect ""
guardService ""
func (i *IntegrationSuite) setupQuoterAPI() {
dbPath := filet.TmpDir(i.T(), "")
apiPort, err := freeport.GetFreePort()
apiStore, err := sql.Connect(i.GetTestContext(), dbcommon.Sqlite, dbPath, i.metrics)
// make the api without bridges
apiCfg := apiConfig.Config{
Database: apiConfig.DatabaseConfig{
Type: dbcommon.Sqlite.String(),
DSN: dbPath,
OmniRPCURL: i.omniServer,
Bridges: map[uint32]string{
originBackendChainID: i.manager.Get(i.GetTestContext(), i.originBackend, testutil.FastBridgeType).Address().String(),
destBackendChainID: i.manager.Get(i.GetTestContext(), i.destBackend, testutil.FastBridgeType).Address().String(),
Port: strconv.Itoa(apiPort),
api, err := rest.NewAPI(i.GetTestContext(), apiCfg, i.metrics, i.omniClient, apiStore)
i.apiServer = fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d", apiPort)
go func() {
err = api.Run(i.GetTestContext())
// make sure api server hast started
testsuite.Eventually(i.GetTestContext(), i.T(), func() bool {
var req *http.Request
req, err = http.NewRequestWithContext(i.GetTestContext(), http.MethodGet, i.apiServer, nil)
//nolint: bodyclose
_, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
return err == nil
// setupBackends sets up the ether backends and the omnirpc client/server
func (i *IntegrationSuite) setupBackends() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Note: we're intentionally not gonna give these guys any tokens to allow the test to do it. What we will do is give them some eth and store the keys.
var err error
i.relayerWallet, err = wallet.FromRandom()
i.guardWallet, err = wallet.FromRandom()
i.userWallet, err = wallet.FromRandom()
// Technically, we can use anvil for origin and geth for destination since only origin needs to use a block
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
options := anvil.NewAnvilOptionBuilder()
err = retry.WithBackoff(i.GetTestContext(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
i.originBackend, err = anvil.NewAnvilBackend(i.GetTestContext(), i.T(), options)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create anvil backend: %w", err)
return nil
}, retry.WithMaxTotalTime(5*time.Minute))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
options := anvil.NewAnvilOptionBuilder()
err = retry.WithBackoff(i.GetTestContext(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
i.destBackend, err = anvil.NewAnvilBackend(i.GetTestContext(), i.T(), options)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create anvil backend: %w", err)
return nil
}, retry.WithMaxTotalTime(5*time.Minute))
i.omniServer = testhelper.NewOmnirpcServer(i.GetTestContext(), i.T(), i.originBackend, i.destBackend)
i.omniClient = omnirpcClient.NewOmnirpcClient(i.omniServer, i.metrics, omnirpcClient.WithCaptureReqRes())
// setupBe sets up one backend
func (i *IntegrationSuite) setupBE(backend backends.SimulatedTestBackend) {
// prdeploys are contracts we want to deploy before running the test to speed it up. Obviously, these can be deployed when we need them as well,
// but this way we can do something while we're waiting for the other backend to startup.
// no need to wait for these to deploy since they can happen in background as soon as the backend is up.
predeployTokens := []contracts.ContractType{testutil.DAIType, testutil.USDTType, testutil.WETH9Type}
predeploys := append(predeployTokens, testutil.FastBridgeType)
slices.Reverse(predeploys) // return fast bridge first
ethAmount := *new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(params.Ether), big.NewInt(10))
// store the keys
backend.Store(base.WalletToKey(i.T(), i.relayerWallet))
backend.Store(base.WalletToKey(i.T(), i.guardWallet))
backend.Store(base.WalletToKey(i.T(), i.userWallet))
// fund each of the wallets
backend.FundAccount(i.GetTestContext(), i.relayerWallet.Address(), ethAmount)
backend.FundAccount(i.GetTestContext(), i.guardWallet.Address(), ethAmount)
backend.FundAccount(i.GetTestContext(), i.userWallet.Address(), ethAmount)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// TODO: in the case of relayer this not finishing before the test starts can lead to race conditions since
// nonce may be shared between submitter and relayer. Think about how to deal w/ this.
for _, user := range []wallet.Wallet{i.relayerWallet, i.guardWallet, i.userWallet} {
go func(userWallet wallet.Wallet) {
defer wg.Done()
for _, token := range predeployTokens {
i.Approve(backend, i.manager.Get(i.GetTestContext(), backend, token), userWallet)
func (i *IntegrationSuite) setupCCTP() {
// deploy the contract to all backends
testBackends := core.ToSlice(i.originBackend, i.destBackend)
// register remote deployments and tokens
for _, b := range testBackends {
backend := b
err := retry.WithBackoff(i.GetTestContext(), func(_ context.Context) (err error) {
cctpContract, cctpHandle := i.cctpDeployManager.GetSynapseCCTP(i.GetTestContext(), backend)
_, tokenMessengeHandle := i.cctpDeployManager.GetMockTokenMessengerType(i.GetTestContext(), backend)
// on the above contract, set the remote for each backend
for _, backendToSetFrom := range core.ToSlice(i.originBackend, i.destBackend) {
// we don't need to set the backends own remote!
if backendToSetFrom.GetChainID() == backend.GetChainID() {
remoteCCTP, _ := i.cctpDeployManager.GetSynapseCCTP(i.GetTestContext(), backendToSetFrom)
remoteMessenger, _ := i.cctpDeployManager.GetMockTokenMessengerType(i.GetTestContext(), backendToSetFrom)
txOpts := backend.GetTxContext(i.GetTestContext(), cctpContract.OwnerPtr())
// set the remote cctp contract on this cctp contract
// TODO: verify chainID / domain are correct
remoteDomain := cctpTest.ChainIDDomainMap[uint32(remoteCCTP.ChainID().Int64())]
tx, err := cctpHandle.SetRemoteDomainConfig(txOpts.TransactOpts,
big.NewInt(remoteCCTP.ChainID().Int64()), remoteDomain, remoteCCTP.Address())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not set remote domain config: %w", err)
backend.WaitForConfirmation(i.GetTestContext(), tx)
// register the remote token messenger on the tokenMessenger contract
_, err = tokenMessengeHandle.SetRemoteTokenMessenger(txOpts.TransactOpts, uint32(backendToSetFrom.GetChainID()), addressToBytes32(remoteMessenger.Address()))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not set remote token messenger: %w", err)
return nil
}, retry.WithMaxTotalTime(30*time.Second))
// addressToBytes32 converts an address to a bytes32.
func addressToBytes32(addr common.Address) [32]byte {
var buf [32]byte
copy(buf[:], addr[:])
return buf
func (i *IntegrationSuite) waitForContractDeployment(ctx context.Context, backend backends.SimulatedTestBackend, address common.Address) error {
// nolint: wrapcheck
return retry.WithBackoff(ctx, func(_ context.Context) error {
code, err := backend.CodeAt(ctx, address, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get code: %w", err)
if len(code) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("contract not deployed at %s", address.Hex())
return nil
}, retry.WithMaxTotalTime(30*time.Second))
func (i *IntegrationSuite) Approve(backend backends.SimulatedTestBackend, token contracts.DeployedContract, user wallet.Wallet) {
err := i.waitForContractDeployment(i.GetTestContext(), backend, token.Address())
i.Require().NoError(err, "Failed to wait for contract deployment")
erc20, err := ierc20.NewIERC20(token.Address(), backend)
i.Require().NoError(err, "Failed to get erc20")
_, fastBridge := i.manager.GetFastBridge(i.GetTestContext(), backend)
allowance, err := erc20.Allowance(&bind.CallOpts{Context: i.GetTestContext()}, user.Address(), fastBridge.Address())
i.Require().NoError(err, "Failed to get allowance")
if allowance.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 {
txOpts := backend.GetTxContext(i.GetTestContext(), user.AddressPtr())
tx, err := erc20.Approve(txOpts.TransactOpts, fastBridge.Address(), core.CopyBigInt(abi.MaxUint256))
i.Require().NoError(err, "Failed to approve")
backend.WaitForConfirmation(i.GetTestContext(), tx)
func (i *IntegrationSuite) getRelayerConfig() relconfig.Config {
// construct the config
relayerAPIPort, err := freeport.GetFreePort()
dsn := filet.TmpDir(i.T(), "")
cctpContractOrigin, _ := i.cctpDeployManager.GetSynapseCCTP(i.GetTestContext(), i.originBackend)
cctpContractDest, _ := i.cctpDeployManager.GetSynapseCCTP(i.GetTestContext(), i.destBackend)
return relconfig.Config{
// generated ex-post facto
Chains: map[int]relconfig.ChainConfig{
originBackendChainID: {
RFQAddress: i.manager.Get(i.GetTestContext(), i.originBackend, testutil.FastBridgeType).Address().String(),
RebalanceConfigs: relconfig.RebalanceConfigs{
Synapse: &relconfig.SynapseCCTPRebalanceConfig{
SynapseCCTPAddress: cctpContractOrigin.Address().Hex(),
Confirmations: 0,
Tokens: map[string]relconfig.TokenConfig{
"ETH": {
Address: util.EthAddress.String(),
PriceUSD: 2000,
Decimals: 18,
NativeToken: "ETH",
destBackendChainID: {
RFQAddress: i.manager.Get(i.GetTestContext(), i.destBackend, testutil.FastBridgeType).Address().String(),
RebalanceConfigs: relconfig.RebalanceConfigs{
Synapse: &relconfig.SynapseCCTPRebalanceConfig{
SynapseCCTPAddress: cctpContractDest.Address().Hex(),
Confirmations: 0,
Tokens: map[string]relconfig.TokenConfig{
"ETH": {
Address: util.EthAddress.String(),
PriceUSD: 2000,
Decimals: 18,
NativeToken: "ETH",
OmniRPCURL: i.omniServer,
// TODO: need to stop hardcoding
Database: relconfig.DatabaseConfig{
Type: dbcommon.Sqlite.String(),
DSN: dsn,
// generated ex-post facto
QuotableTokens: map[string][]string{},
RFQAPIURL: i.apiServer,
Signer: signerConfig.SignerConfig{
Type: signerConfig.FileType.String(),
File: filet.TmpFile(i.T(), "", i.relayerWallet.PrivateKeyHex()).Name(),
RelayerAPIPort: strconv.Itoa(relayerAPIPort),
BaseChainConfig: relconfig.ChainConfig{
OriginGasEstimate: 500000,
DestGasEstimate: 1000000,
FeePricer: relconfig.FeePricerConfig{
GasPriceCacheTTLSeconds: 60,
TokenPriceCacheTTLSeconds: 60,
RebalanceInterval: 0,
VolumeLimit: 10_000,
func (i *IntegrationSuite) setupRelayer() {
// add myself as a filler
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, backend := range core.ToSlice(i.originBackend, i.destBackend) {
go func(backend backends.SimulatedTestBackend) {
defer wg.Done()
err := retry.WithBackoff(i.GetTestContext(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
metadata, rfqContract := i.manager.GetFastBridge(i.GetTestContext(), backend)
txContext := backend.GetTxContext(i.GetTestContext(), metadata.OwnerPtr())
relayerRole, err := rfqContract.RELAYERROLE(&bind.CallOpts{Context: i.GetTestContext()})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get relayer role: %w", err)
tx, err := rfqContract.GrantRole(txContext.TransactOpts, relayerRole, i.relayerWallet.Address())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not grant role: %w", err)
backend.WaitForConfirmation(i.GetTestContext(), tx)
return nil
}, retry.WithMaxTotalTime(15*time.Second))
cfg := i.getRelayerConfig()
// in the first backend, we want to deploy a bunch of different tokens
// TODO: functionalize me.
for _, backend := range core.ToSlice(i.originBackend, i.destBackend) {
tokenTypes := []contracts.ContractType{testutil.DAIType, testutil.USDTType, testutil.WETH9Type, cctpTest.MockMintBurnTokenType}
for _, tokenType := range tokenTypes {
useCCTP := tokenType == cctpTest.MockMintBurnTokenType
var tokenAddress string
if useCCTP {
tokenAddress = i.cctpDeployManager.Get(i.GetTestContext(), backend, cctpTest.MockMintBurnTokenType).Address().String()
} else {
tokenAddress = i.manager.Get(i.GetTestContext(), backend, tokenType).Address().String()
quotableTokenID := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", backend.GetChainID(), tokenAddress)
tokenCaller, err := ierc20.NewIerc20Ref(common.HexToAddress(tokenAddress), backend)
decimals, err := tokenCaller.Decimals(&bind.CallOpts{Context: i.GetTestContext()})
rebalanceMethod := ""
if useCCTP {
rebalanceMethod = "synapsecctp"
// first the simple part, add the token to the token map
cfg.Chains[int(backend.GetChainID())].Tokens[tokenType.Name()] = relconfig.TokenConfig{
Address: tokenAddress,
Decimals: decimals,
PriceUSD: 1, // TODO: this will break on non-stables
RebalanceMethods: []string{rebalanceMethod},
MaintenanceBalancePct: 20,
InitialBalancePct: 50,
compatibleTokens := []contracts.ContractType{tokenType}
// DAI/USDC are fungible
if tokenType == testutil.DAIType || tokenType == cctpTest.MockMintBurnTokenType {
compatibleTokens = []contracts.ContractType{testutil.DAIType, cctpTest.MockMintBurnTokenType}
// now we need to add the token to the quotable tokens map
for _, token := range compatibleTokens {
otherBackend := i.getOtherBackend(backend)
var otherToken string
if token == cctpTest.MockMintBurnTokenType {
otherToken = i.cctpDeployManager.Get(i.GetTestContext(), otherBackend, cctpTest.MockMintBurnTokenType).Address().String()
} else {
otherToken = i.manager.Get(i.GetTestContext(), otherBackend, token).Address().String()
cfg.QuotableTokens[quotableTokenID] = append(cfg.QuotableTokens[quotableTokenID], fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", otherBackend.GetChainID(), otherToken))
// register the token with cctp contract
cctpContract, cctpHandle := i.cctpDeployManager.GetSynapseCCTP(i.GetTestContext(), backend)
txOpts := backend.GetTxContext(i.GetTestContext(), cctpContract.OwnerPtr())
tokenName := fmt.Sprintf("CCTP.%s", tokenType.Name())
tx, err := cctpHandle.AddToken(txOpts.TransactOpts, tokenName, tokenCaller.Address(), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0))
backend.WaitForConfirmation(i.GetTestContext(), tx)
// Add ETH as quotable token from origin to destination
cfg.QuotableTokens[fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", originBackendChainID, util.EthAddress)] = []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", destBackendChainID, util.EthAddress),
cfg.QuotableTokens[fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", destBackendChainID, util.EthAddress)] = []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", originBackendChainID, util.EthAddress),
var err error
i.relayer, err = service.NewRelayer(i.GetTestContext(), i.metrics, cfg)
dbType, err := dbcommon.DBTypeFromString(cfg.Database.Type)
i.NoError(err), err = connect.Connect(i.GetTestContext(), dbType, cfg.Database.DSN, i.metrics)
func (i *IntegrationSuite) setupGuard() {
// add myself as a guard
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, backend := range core.ToSlice(i.originBackend, i.destBackend) {
go func(backend backends.SimulatedTestBackend) {
defer wg.Done()
metadata, rfqContract := i.manager.GetFastBridge(i.GetTestContext(), backend)
txContext := backend.GetTxContext(i.GetTestContext(), metadata.OwnerPtr())
guardRole, err := rfqContract.GUARDROLE(&bind.CallOpts{Context: i.GetTestContext()})
tx, err := rfqContract.GrantRole(txContext.TransactOpts, guardRole, i.guardWallet.Address())
backend.WaitForConfirmation(i.GetTestContext(), tx)
relayerCfg := i.getRelayerConfig()
guardCfg := guardconfig.NewGuardConfigFromRelayer(relayerCfg)
guardCfg.Signer = signerConfig.SignerConfig{
Type: signerConfig.FileType.String(),
File: filet.TmpFile(i.T(), "", i.guardWallet.PrivateKeyHex()).Name(),
var err error
i.guard, err = guardService.NewGuard(i.GetTestContext(), i.metrics, guardCfg, nil)
dbType, err := dbcommon.DBTypeFromString(guardCfg.Database.Type)
i.guardStore, err = guardConnect.Connect(i.GetTestContext(), dbType, guardCfg.Database.DSN, i.metrics)