// Package limiter provides a rate limiting mechanism for RFQs to protect against reorgs.
package limiter
import (
// LatestBlockFetcher is the interface for fetching the latest block number.
type LatestBlockFetcher interface {
// LatestBlock returns the latest block number.
LatestBlock() uint64
// Limiter is the interface for rate limiting RFQs.
type Limiter interface {
// IsAllowed returns true if the request is allowed, false otherwise.
IsAllowed(ctx context.Context, request *reldb.QuoteRequest) (bool, error)
type limiterImpl struct {
listener LatestBlockFetcher
metrics metrics.Handler
quoter quoter.Quoter
cfg relconfig.Config
tokenNames map[string]relconfig.TokenConfig
// NewRateLimiter creates a new Limiter.
// TODO: implement the sliding window: queue up requests and process them in order if cumulative volume is above limit.
func NewRateLimiter(
cfg relconfig.Config,
l LatestBlockFetcher,
q quoter.Quoter,
metricHandler metrics.Handler,
tokens map[string]relconfig.TokenConfig,
) Limiter {
return &limiterImpl{
listener: l,
metrics: metricHandler,
quoter: q,
cfg: cfg,
tokenNames: tokens,
// IsAllowed returns true if the request is allowed, false otherwise.
func (l *limiterImpl) IsAllowed(ctx context.Context, request *reldb.QuoteRequest) (_ bool, err error) {
ctx, span := l.metrics.Tracer().Start(
ctx, "limiter.IsAllowed", trace.WithAttributes(util.QuoteRequestToAttributes(*request)...),
defer func() {
metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)
// if enough confirmations, allow because reorgs are rare at this point
hasEnoughConfirmations, err := l.hasEnoughConfirmations(ctx, request)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not check confirmations: %w", err)
if hasEnoughConfirmations {
return true, nil
// if not enough confirmations, check volume
withinSize, err := l.withinSizeLimit(ctx, request)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not check volume limit: %w", err)
attribute.Bool("has_enough_confirmations", hasEnoughConfirmations),
attribute.Bool("within_size_limit", withinSize),
return withinSize, nil
func (l *limiterImpl) hasEnoughConfirmations(ctx context.Context, request *reldb.QuoteRequest) (_ bool, err error) {
_, span := l.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "limiter.hasEnoughConfirmations")
defer func() {
metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)
currentBlockNumber := l.listener.LatestBlock()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not get block number: %w", err)
requiredConfirmations, err := l.cfg.GetFinalityConfirmations(int(request.Transaction.OriginChainId))
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not get required confirmations from config: %w", err)
actualConfirmations := currentBlockNumber - request.BlockNumber
hasEnoughConfirmations := actualConfirmations >= requiredConfirmations
//nolint: gosec
attribute.Int64("current_block_number", int64(currentBlockNumber)),
attribute.Int64("required_confirmations", int64(requiredConfirmations)),
attribute.Int64("actual_confirmations", int64(actualConfirmations)),
attribute.Bool("has_enough_confirmations", hasEnoughConfirmations),
return hasEnoughConfirmations, nil
func (l *limiterImpl) withinSizeLimit(ctx context.Context, request *reldb.QuoteRequest) (_ bool, err error) {
ctx, span := l.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "limiter.withinSizeLimit")
defer func() {
metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)
volumeLimit := l.cfg.GetVolumeLimit(int(request.Transaction.OriginChainId), request.Transaction.OriginToken)
// There is no limit.
if volumeLimit.Cmp(big.NewInt(-1)) == 0 {
return true, nil
tokenPrice, err := l.getRequestVolumeOfToken(ctx, request)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not get USD amount of token: %w", err)
withinSizeLimit := tokenPrice.Cmp(volumeLimit) < 0
attribute.String("volume_limit", volumeLimit.String()),
attribute.String("token_price", tokenPrice.String()),
attribute.Bool("within_size_limit", withinSizeLimit),
return withinSizeLimit, nil
// getRequestVolumeOfToken returns the volume of the token in USD. This value is NOT human readable.
// We first get the price of the token in human readable units, then we multiply it by the OriginAmount.
func (l *limiterImpl) getRequestVolumeOfToken(
ctx context.Context,
request *reldb.QuoteRequest,
) (_ *big.Int, err error) {
ctx, span := l.metrics.Tracer().Start(ctx, "limiter.getRequestVolumeOfToken")
defer func() {
metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)
var tokenName string
for tn, tokenConfig := range l.tokenNames {
if common.HexToAddress(tokenConfig.Address).Hex() == request.Transaction.OriginToken.Hex() {
tokenName = tn
// Get the human readable price of the token.
price, err := l.quoter.GetPrice(ctx, tokenName)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get price: %w", err)
priceFlt := new(big.Float).SetFloat64(price)
// OriginAmount is NOT human readable. E.g. 3 USDC is 3000000 (3 * 10^6).
originAmountFlt := new(big.Float).SetInt(request.Transaction.OriginAmount)
product, _ := new(big.Float).Mul(priceFlt, originAmountFlt).Int(nil)
attribute.String("token_name", tokenName),
attribute.Float64("price", price),
attribute.String("origin_amount", request.Transaction.OriginAmount.String()),
attribute.String("product", product.String()),
return product, nil