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// Package quoter submits quotes to the RFQ API for which assets the relayer is willing to relay.
package quoter

import (




    rfqAPIClient ""

var logger = log.Logger("quoter")

const (
    base10 = 10

// Quoter submits quotes to the RFQ API.
//go:generate go run --name Quoter --output ./mocks --case=underscore
type Quoter interface {
    // SubmitAllQuotes submits all quotes to the RFQ API.
    SubmitAllQuotes(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    // SubscribeActiveRFQ subscribes to the RFQ websocket API.
    SubscribeActiveRFQ(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    // ShouldProcess determines if a quote should be processed.
    // We do this by either saving all quotes in-memory, and refreshing via GetSelfQuotes() through the API
    // The first comparison is does bridge transaction OriginChainID+TokenAddr match with a quote + DestChainID+DestTokenAddr, then we look to see if we have enough amount to relay it + if the price fits our bounds (based on that the Relayer is relaying the destination token for the origin)
    // validateQuote(BridgeEvent)
    ShouldProcess(ctx context.Context, quote reldb.QuoteRequest) (bool, error)
    // IsProfitable determines if a quote is profitable, i.e. we will not lose money on it, net of fees.
    IsProfitable(ctx context.Context, quote reldb.QuoteRequest) (bool, error)
    // GetPrice gets the price of a token.
    GetPrice(ctx context.Context, tokenName string) (float64, error)

// Manager submits quotes to the RFQ API.
// TODO: should be unexported.
type Manager struct {
    // config is the relayer's config.
    config relconfig.Config
    // inventoryManager is used to get the relayer's inventory.
    inventoryManager inventory.Manager
    // rfqClient is used to communicate with the RFQ API.
    rfqClient rfqAPIClient.AuthenticatedClient
    // relayerSigner is the signer used by the relayer to interact on chain
    relayerSigner signer.Signer
    // feePricer is used to price fees.
    feePricer pricer.FeePricer
    // metricsHandler handles traces, etc
    metricsHandler metrics.Handler
    // quotableTokens is a map of token -> list of quotable tokens.
    // should be removed in config overhaul
    quotableTokens map[string][]string
    // screener is used to screen addresses.
    screener client.ScreenerClient
    // relayPaused is set when the RFQ API is found to be offline, which
    // lets the quoter indicate that quotes should not be relayed.
    relayPaused atomic.Bool
    // meter is the meter used by this package.
    meter metric.Meter
    // quoteAmountGauge stores a histogram of quote amounts.
    quoteAmountGauge metric.Float64ObservableGauge
    // currentQuotes is used for recording quote metrics.
    currentQuotes []model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest

// NewQuoterManager creates a new QuoterManager.
func NewQuoterManager(config relconfig.Config, metricsHandler metrics.Handler, inventoryManager inventory.Manager, relayerSigner signer.Signer, feePricer pricer.FeePricer, apiClient rfqAPIClient.AuthenticatedClient) (Quoter, error) {
    qt := make(map[string][]string)

    // fix any casing issues.
    var err error
    for tokenID, destTokenIDs := range config.QuotableTokens {
        processedDestTokens := make([]string, len(destTokenIDs))
        for i := range destTokenIDs {
            processedDestTokens[i], err = relconfig.SanitizeTokenID(destTokenIDs[i])
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("error sanitizing dest token ID: %w", err)
        sanitizedID, err := relconfig.SanitizeTokenID(tokenID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("error sanitizing token ID: %w", err)
        qt[sanitizedID] = processedDestTokens

    var ss client.ScreenerClient
    if config.ScreenerAPIUrl != "" {
        ss, err = client.NewClient(metricsHandler, config.ScreenerAPIUrl)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating screener client: %w", err)

    m := &Manager{
        config:           config,
        inventoryManager: inventoryManager,
        rfqClient:        apiClient,
        quotableTokens:   qt,
        relayerSigner:    relayerSigner,
        metricsHandler:   metricsHandler,
        feePricer:        feePricer,
        screener:         ss,
        meter:            metricsHandler.Meter(meterName),
        currentQuotes:    []model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest{},

    m.quoteAmountGauge, err = m.meter.Float64ObservableGauge("quote_amount")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating quote amount gauge: %w", err)

    _, err = m.meter.RegisterCallback(m.recordQuoteAmounts, m.quoteAmountGauge)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not register callback: %w", err)

    return m, nil

// ShouldProcess determines if a quote should be processed.
func (m *Manager) ShouldProcess(parentCtx context.Context, quote reldb.QuoteRequest) (res bool, err error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "shouldProcess", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.String("transaction_id", hexutil.Encode(quote.TransactionID[:])),

    defer func() {
        span.AddEvent("result", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.Bool("result", res)))
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    if m.relayPaused.Load() {
        span.AddEvent("relayPaused is set due to RFQ API being offline")
        return false, nil

    if m.screener != nil {
        // screen sender and recipient in parallel
        g, gctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
        var senderBlocked, recipientBlocked bool
        g.Go(func() error {
            senderBlocked, err = m.screener.ScreenAddress(gctx, quote.Transaction.OriginSender.String())
            if err != nil {
                span.RecordError(fmt.Errorf("error screening address: %w", err))
                return fmt.Errorf("error screening address: %w", err)
            return nil
        g.Go(func() error {
            recipientBlocked, err = m.screener.ScreenAddress(gctx, quote.Transaction.DestRecipient.String())
            if err != nil {
                span.RecordError(fmt.Errorf("error screening address: %w", err))
                return fmt.Errorf("error screening address: %w", err)
            return nil

        err = g.Wait()
        if err != nil {
            return false, fmt.Errorf("error screening addresses: %w", err)
        if senderBlocked || recipientBlocked {
                attribute.Bool("sender_blocked", senderBlocked),
                attribute.Bool("recipient_blocked", recipientBlocked),
            return false, nil

    // allowed pairs for this origin token on the destination
    destPairs := m.quotableTokens[quote.GetOriginIDPair()]
    if !(slices.Contains(destPairs, quote.GetDestIDPair())) {
        span.AddEvent(fmt.Sprintf("%s not in %s or %s not found", quote.GetDestIDPair(), strings.Join(destPairs, ", "), quote.GetOriginIDPair()))
        return false, nil

    // handle decimals.
    // this will never get hit if we're operating correctly.
    if quote.OriginTokenDecimals != quote.DestTokenDecimals {
        span.AddEvent("Pairing tokens with two different decimals is disabled as a safety feature right now.")
        return false, nil

    // check relay amount
    maxRelayAmount := m.config.GetMaxRelayAmount(int(quote.Transaction.OriginChainId), quote.Transaction.OriginToken)
    if maxRelayAmount != nil {
        if quote.Transaction.OriginAmount.Cmp(maxRelayAmount) > 0 {
            span.AddEvent("origin amount is greater than max relay amount")
            return false, nil

    // all checks have passed
    return true, nil

// IsProfitable determines if a quote is profitable, i.e. we will not lose money on it, net of fees.
func (m *Manager) IsProfitable(parentCtx context.Context, quote reldb.QuoteRequest) (isProfitable bool, err error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "IsProfitable")

    defer func() {
        span.AddEvent("result", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.Bool("result", isProfitable)))
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    destTokenID, err := m.config.GetTokenName(quote.Transaction.DestChainId, quote.Transaction.DestToken.String())
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("error getting dest token ID: %w", err)
    fee, err := m.feePricer.GetTotalFee(ctx, quote.Transaction.OriginChainId, quote.Transaction.DestChainId, destTokenID, false)
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("error getting total fee: %w", err)
    cost := new(big.Int).Add(quote.Transaction.DestAmount, fee)

    // adjust amounts for our internal offsets on origin / dest token values
    originAmountAdj, err := m.getAmountWithOffset(ctx, quote.Transaction.OriginChainId, quote.Transaction.OriginToken, quote.Transaction.OriginAmount)
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("error getting origin amount with offset: %w", err)
    // assume that fee is denominated in dest token terms
    costAdj, err := m.getAmountWithOffset(ctx, quote.Transaction.DestChainId, quote.Transaction.DestToken, cost)
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("error getting cost with offset: %w", err)

        attribute.String("origin_amount_adj", originAmountAdj.String()),
        attribute.String("cost_adj", costAdj.String()),
        attribute.String("origin_amount", quote.Transaction.OriginAmount.String()),
        attribute.String("dest_amount", quote.Transaction.DestAmount.String()),
        attribute.String("fee", fee.String()),
        attribute.String("cost", cost.String()),

    return originAmountAdj.Cmp(costAdj) >= 0, nil

func (m *Manager) getAmountWithOffset(ctx context.Context, chainID uint32, tokenAddr common.Address, amount *big.Int) (*big.Int, error) {
    tokenName, err := m.config.GetTokenName(chainID, tokenAddr.Hex())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting token name: %w", err)
    // apply offset directly to amount without considering origin/dest
    quoteOffsetBps, err := m.config.GetQuoteOffsetBps(int(chainID), tokenName, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting quote offset bps: %w", err)
    amountAdj := m.applyOffset(ctx, quoteOffsetBps, amount)

    return amountAdj, nil

// SubmitAllQuotes submits all quotes to the RFQ API.
func (m *Manager) SubmitAllQuotes(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(ctx, "SubmitAllQuotes")
    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    inv, err := m.inventoryManager.GetCommittableBalances(ctx, inventory.SkipDBCache())
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error getting committable balances: %w", err)

    return m.prepareAndSubmitQuotes(ctx, inv)

// SubscribeActiveRFQ subscribes to the RFQ websocket API.
// This function is blocking and will run until the context is canceled.
func (m *Manager) SubscribeActiveRFQ(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(ctx, "SubscribeActiveRFQ")
    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    chainIDs := []int{}
    for chainID := range m.config.Chains {
        chainIDs = append(chainIDs, chainID)
    req := model.SubscribeActiveRFQRequest{
        ChainIDs: chainIDs,
    span.SetAttributes(attribute.IntSlice("chain_ids", chainIDs))

    reqChan := make(chan *model.ActiveRFQMessage)
    respChan, err := m.rfqClient.SubscribeActiveQuotes(ctx, &req, reqChan)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error subscribing to active quotes: %w", err)
    span.AddEvent("subscribed to active quotes")
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return nil
        case msg, ok := <-respChan:
            if !ok {
                return errors.New("ws channel closed")
            if msg == nil {
            resp, err := m.generateActiveRFQ(ctx, msg)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("error generating active RFQ message: %w", err)
            reqChan <- resp

// getActiveRFQ handles an active RFQ message.
func (m *Manager) generateActiveRFQ(ctx context.Context, msg *model.ActiveRFQMessage) (resp *model.ActiveRFQMessage, err error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(ctx, "generateActiveRFQ", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.String("op", msg.Op),
        attribute.String("content", string(msg.Content)),
    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    if msg.Op != rest.RequestQuoteOp {
        span.AddEvent("not a request quote op")
        return nil, nil

    inv, err := m.inventoryManager.GetCommittableBalances(ctx, inventory.SkipDBCache())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting committable balances: %w", err)

    var rfqRequest model.WsRFQRequest
    err = json.Unmarshal(msg.Content, &rfqRequest)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling quote data: %w", err)
    span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("request_id", rfqRequest.RequestID))

    originAmountExact, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(rfqRequest.Data.OriginAmountExact, base10)
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid rfq request deposit amount: %s", rfqRequest.Data.OriginAmountExact)

    quoteInput := QuoteInput{
        OriginChainID:     rfqRequest.Data.OriginChainID,
        DestChainID:       rfqRequest.Data.DestChainID,
        OriginTokenAddr:   common.HexToAddress(rfqRequest.Data.OriginTokenAddr),
        DestTokenAddr:     common.HexToAddress(rfqRequest.Data.DestTokenAddr),
        OriginBalance:     inv[rfqRequest.Data.OriginChainID][common.HexToAddress(rfqRequest.Data.OriginTokenAddr)],
        DestBalance:       inv[rfqRequest.Data.DestChainID][common.HexToAddress(rfqRequest.Data.DestTokenAddr)],
        OriginAmountExact: originAmountExact,

    rawQuote, err := m.generateQuote(ctx, quoteInput)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating quote: %w", err)
    span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("dest_amount", rawQuote.DestAmount))

    rfqResp := model.WsRFQResponse{
        RequestID:  rfqRequest.RequestID,
        DestAmount: rawQuote.DestAmount,
    span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("dest_amount", rawQuote.DestAmount))
    respBytes, err := json.Marshal(rfqResp)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error serializing response: %w", err)
    resp = &model.ActiveRFQMessage{
        Op:      rest.SendQuoteOp,
        Content: respBytes,
    span.AddEvent("generated response")

    return resp, nil

// GetPrice gets the price of a token.
func (m *Manager) GetPrice(parentCtx context.Context, tokenName string) (_ float64, err error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "GetPrice")
    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    price, err := m.feePricer.GetTokenPrice(ctx, tokenName)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("error getting price: %w", err)

    return price, nil

// Prepares and submits quotes based on inventory.
func (m *Manager) prepareAndSubmitQuotes(ctx context.Context, inv map[int]map[common.Address]*big.Int) (err error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(ctx, "prepareAndSubmitQuotes")
    defer func() {
        span.SetAttributes(attribute.Bool("relay_paused", m.relayPaused.Load()))
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    var allQuotes []model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest

    // First, generate all quotes
    g, gctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
    mtx := sync.Mutex{}
    for cid, balances := range inv {
        chainid := cid // capture loop variable
        for a, b := range balances {
            address := a
            balance := b
            g.Go(func() error {
                quotes, err := m.generateQuotes(gctx, chainid, address, balance, inv)
                if err != nil {
                    return fmt.Errorf("error generating quotes: %w", err)
                allQuotes = append(allQuotes, quotes...)
                return nil
    err = g.Wait()
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error generating quotes: %w", err)

    span.SetAttributes(attribute.Int("num_quotes", len(allQuotes)))

    // Now, submit all the generated quotes
    if m.config.SubmitSingleQuotes {
        for _, quote := range allQuotes {
            if err := m.submitQuote(ctx, quote); err != nil {
                span.AddEvent("error submitting quote; setting relayPaused to true", trace.WithAttributes(
                    attribute.String("error", err.Error()),
                    attribute.Int(metrics.Origin, quote.OriginChainID),
                    attribute.Int(metrics.Destination, quote.DestChainID),
                    attribute.String("origin_token_addr", quote.OriginTokenAddr),
                    attribute.String("dest_token_addr", quote.DestTokenAddr),
                    attribute.String("max_origin_amount", quote.MaxOriginAmount),
                    attribute.String("dest_amount", quote.DestAmount),

                // Suppress error so that we can continue submitting quotes
                return nil
    } else {
        err = m.submitBulkQuotes(ctx, allQuotes)
        if err != nil {
            span.AddEvent("error submitting bulk quotes; setting relayPaused to true", trace.WithAttributes(
                attribute.String("error", err.Error())))
            return fmt.Errorf("error submitting bulk quotes: %w", err)

    // We successfully submitted all quotes, so we can set relayPaused to false

    return nil

const meterName = ""

// Essentially, if we know a destination chain token balance, then we just need to find which tokens are bridgeable to it.
// We can do this by looking at the quotableTokens map, and finding the key that matches the destination chain token.
// Generates quotes for a given chain ID, address, and balance.
func (m *Manager) generateQuotes(parentCtx context.Context, chainID int, address common.Address, balance *big.Int, inv map[int]map[common.Address]*big.Int) (quotes []model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest, err error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "generateQuotes", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.Int(metrics.Origin, chainID),
        attribute.String("address", address.String()),
        attribute.String("balance", balance.String()),
    defer func() {
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    destRFQAddr, err := m.config.GetRFQAddress(chainID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting destination RFQ address: %w", err)
    destTokenID := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", chainID, address.Hex())

    // generate quotes in parallel
    g, gctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
    quoteMtx := &sync.Mutex{}
    quotes = []model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest{}
    for k, itemTokenIDs := range m.quotableTokens {
        for _, tokenID := range itemTokenIDs {
            if tokenID == destTokenID {
                keyTokenID := k // Parse token info
                originStr := strings.Split(keyTokenID, "-")[0]
                origin, tokenErr := strconv.Atoi(originStr)
                if err != nil {
                    span.AddEvent("error converting origin chainID", trace.WithAttributes(
                        attribute.String("key_token_id", keyTokenID),
                        attribute.String("error", tokenErr.Error()),
                originTokenAddr := common.HexToAddress(strings.Split(keyTokenID, "-")[1])

                var originBalance *big.Int
                originTokens, ok := inv[origin]
                if ok {
                    originBalance = originTokens[originTokenAddr]

                g.Go(func() error {
                    input := QuoteInput{
                        OriginChainID:     origin,
                        DestChainID:       chainID,
                        OriginTokenAddr:   originTokenAddr,
                        DestTokenAddr:     address,
                        OriginBalance:     originBalance,
                        DestBalance:       balance,
                        DestRFQAddr:       destRFQAddr.Hex(),
                        OriginAmountExact: nil, // OriginAmountExact is only used for Active Quotes

                    quote, quoteErr := m.generateQuote(gctx, input)
                    if quoteErr != nil {
                        // continue generating quotes even if one fails
                        span.AddEvent("error generating quote", trace.WithAttributes(
                            attribute.String("key_token_id", keyTokenID),
                            attribute.String("error", quoteErr.Error()),
                        return nil
                    defer quoteMtx.Unlock()
                    quotes = append(quotes, *quote)
                    return nil
    err = g.Wait()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating quotes: %w", err)

    m.currentQuotes = quotes
    return quotes, nil

// QuoteInput is a wrapper struct for input arguments to generateQuote.
type QuoteInput struct {
    OriginChainID     int
    DestChainID       int
    OriginTokenAddr   common.Address
    DestTokenAddr     common.Address
    OriginBalance     *big.Int
    DestBalance       *big.Int
    OriginAmountExact *big.Int
    DestRFQAddr       string

func (m *Manager) generateQuote(ctx context.Context, input QuoteInput) (quote *model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest, err error) {
    // Calculate the quote amount for this route
    originAmount, err := m.getOriginAmount(ctx, input)
    // don't quote if gas exceeds quote
    if errors.Is(err, errMinGasExceedsQuoteAmount) {
        originAmount = big.NewInt(0)
    } else if err != nil {
        logger.Error("Error getting quote amount", "error", err)
        return nil, err

    // Calculate the fee for this route
    destToken, err := m.config.GetTokenName(uint32(input.DestChainID), input.DestTokenAddr.Hex())
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("Error getting dest token ID", "error", err)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting dest token ID: %w", err)
    fee, err := m.feePricer.GetTotalFee(ctx, uint32(input.OriginChainID), uint32(input.DestChainID), destToken, true)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("Error getting total fee", "error", err)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting total fee: %w", err)
    originRFQAddr, err := m.config.GetRFQAddress(input.OriginChainID)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("Error getting RFQ address", "error", err)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting RFQ address: %w", err)

    // Build the quote
    destAmount, err := m.getDestAmount(ctx, originAmount, destToken, input)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("Error getting dest amount", "error", err)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting dest amount: %w", err)
    quote = &model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest{
        OriginChainID:           input.OriginChainID,
        OriginTokenAddr:         input.OriginTokenAddr.Hex(),
        DestChainID:             input.DestChainID,
        DestTokenAddr:           input.DestTokenAddr.Hex(),
        DestAmount:              destAmount.String(),
        MaxOriginAmount:         originAmount.String(),
        FixedFee:                fee.String(),
        OriginFastBridgeAddress: originRFQAddr.Hex(),
        DestFastBridgeAddress:   input.DestRFQAddr,
    return quote, nil

// recordQuoteAmounts records the latest quotes from the relayer.
func (m *Manager) recordQuoteAmounts(_ context.Context, observer metric.Observer) (err error) {
    if m.meter == nil || m.quoteAmountGauge == nil || m.currentQuotes == nil {
        return nil

    for _, quote := range m.currentQuotes {
        originMetadata, err := m.inventoryManager.GetTokenMetadata(quote.OriginChainID, common.HexToAddress(quote.OriginTokenAddr))
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error getting origin token metadata: %w", err)
        destMetadata, err := m.inventoryManager.GetTokenMetadata(quote.DestChainID, common.HexToAddress(quote.DestTokenAddr))
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error getting dest token metadata: %w", err)

        destAmount, err := strconv.ParseFloat(quote.DestAmount, 64)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error parsing dest amount: %w", err)
        opts := metric.WithAttributes(
            attribute.Int(metrics.Origin, quote.OriginChainID),
            attribute.Int(metrics.Destination, quote.DestChainID),
            attribute.String("origin_token_name", originMetadata.Name),
            attribute.String("dest_token_name", destMetadata.Name),
            attribute.String("max_origin_amount", quote.MaxOriginAmount),
            attribute.String("fixed_fee", quote.FixedFee),
            attribute.String("relayer", m.relayerSigner.Address().Hex()),
        observer.ObserveFloat64(m.quoteAmountGauge, destAmount, opts)

    return nil

// getOriginAmount calculates the origin quote amount for a given route.
func (m *Manager) getOriginAmount(parentCtx context.Context, input QuoteInput) (quoteAmount *big.Int, err error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "getOriginAmount", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.Int(metrics.Origin, input.OriginChainID),
        attribute.Int(metrics.Destination, input.DestChainID),
        attribute.String("dest_address", input.DestTokenAddr.String()),
        attribute.String("origin_address", input.OriginTokenAddr.String()),
        attribute.String("origin_balance", input.OriginBalance.String()),
        attribute.String("dest_balance", input.DestBalance.String()),

    defer func() {
        span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("quote_amount", quoteAmount.String()))
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    // First, check if we have enough gas to complete the a bridge for this route
    // If not, set the quote amount to zero to make sure a stale quote won't be used
    // TODO: handle in-flight gas; for now we can set a high min_gas_token
    sufficentGasOrigin, err := m.inventoryManager.HasSufficientGas(ctx, input.OriginChainID, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking sufficient gas: %w", err)
    sufficentGasDest, err := m.inventoryManager.HasSufficientGas(ctx, input.DestChainID, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking sufficient gas: %w", err)
        attribute.Bool("sufficient_gas_origin", sufficentGasOrigin),
        attribute.Bool("sufficient_gas_dest", sufficentGasDest),
    if !sufficentGasOrigin || !sufficentGasDest {
        return big.NewInt(0), nil

    // quotePct is the maximum percentage of our total balance on the destination chain that we are willing to quote.
    quotePct, err := m.config.GetQuotePct(input.DestChainID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting quote pct: %w", err)
    balanceFlt := new(big.Float).SetInt(input.DestBalance)
    quoteAmount, _ = new(big.Float).Mul(balanceFlt, new(big.Float).SetFloat64(quotePct/100)).Int(nil)

    // minQuoteAmount is more like a minimum quote *ceiling*
    // If the quoteAmount is less than the minQuoteAmount, override it & set to the minQuoteAmount.
    // IE: If set, we will offer quotes *at least* up-to-and-including this amount for the given DestChain+Token combo.
    minQuoteAmount := m.config.GetMinQuoteAmount(input.DestChainID, input.DestTokenAddr)
    if quoteAmount.Cmp(minQuoteAmount) < 0 {
        span.AddEvent("quote amount less than min quote amount", trace.WithAttributes(
            attribute.String("quote_amount", quoteAmount.String()),
            attribute.String("min_quote_amount", minQuoteAmount.String()),
        quoteAmount = minQuoteAmount

    // At this point, quoteAmount will be the *higher* of the output values from these modifiers:  quotePct vs minQuoteAmount

    // Clip the quoteAmount by the max origin balance.
    // This is the maximum balance that we are willing to accumulate on the origin chain.
    maxBalance := m.config.GetMaxBalance(input.OriginChainID, input.OriginTokenAddr)
    if maxBalance != nil && input.OriginBalance != nil {
        quotableBalance := new(big.Int).Sub(maxBalance, input.OriginBalance)
        if quotableBalance.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 {
            span.AddEvent("non-positive quotable balance", trace.WithAttributes(
                attribute.String("quotable_balance", quotableBalance.String()),
                attribute.String("max_balance", maxBalance.String()),
                attribute.String("origin_balance", input.OriginBalance.String()),
            quoteAmount = big.NewInt(0)
        } else if quoteAmount.Cmp(quotableBalance) > 0 {
            span.AddEvent("quote amount greater than quotable balance", trace.WithAttributes(
                attribute.String("quote_amount", quoteAmount.String()),
                attribute.String("quotable_balance", quotableBalance.String()),
                attribute.String("max_balance", maxBalance.String()),
                attribute.String("origin_balance", input.OriginBalance.String()),
            quoteAmount = quotableBalance

    // Clip the quoteAmount by the dest balance
    // IE: if the calculated ceiling at this point exceeds the actual balance on the account, set ceiling to the actual balance.
    if quoteAmount.Cmp(input.DestBalance) > 0 {
        span.AddEvent("quote amount greater than destination balance", trace.WithAttributes(
            attribute.String("quote_amount", quoteAmount.String()),
            attribute.String("balance", input.DestBalance.String()),
        quoteAmount = input.DestBalance

    // Clip the quoteAmount by the maxQuoteAmount
    // IE: If the calculated ceiling at this point exceeds the arbitrary maximum ceiling, set to the maxQuoteAmount setting
    maxQuoteAmount := m.config.GetMaxRelayAmount(input.DestChainID, input.DestTokenAddr)
    if maxQuoteAmount != nil && quoteAmount.Cmp(maxQuoteAmount) > 0 {
        span.AddEvent("quote amount greater than max quote amount", trace.WithAttributes(
            attribute.String("quote_amount", quoteAmount.String()),
            attribute.String("max_quote_amount", maxQuoteAmount.String()),
        quoteAmount = maxQuoteAmount

    // Deduct gas cost from the quote amount, if necessary
    // IE: Regardless of all prior ceiling considerations, we will still reserve enough for gas when appropriate.
    quoteAmount, err = m.deductGasCost(ctx, quoteAmount, input.DestTokenAddr, input.DestChainID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error deducting gas cost: %w", err)

    // If input included a OriginAmountExact, and our calculated ceiling at this point is sufficient to cover it,
    // then clip to the OriginAmountExact to indicate ability to cover that exact amount, as requested.
    // Otherwise return 0 to indicate inability to cover the requested amount.
    if input.OriginAmountExact != nil {
        if quoteAmount.Cmp(input.OriginAmountExact) >= 0 {
            quoteAmount = input.OriginAmountExact
        } else {
            span.AddEvent("quote amount insufficient to cover deposit amount", trace.WithAttributes(
                attribute.String("quote_amount", quoteAmount.String()),
                attribute.String("origin_amount_exact", input.OriginAmountExact.String()),
            quoteAmount = big.NewInt(0)

    return quoteAmount, nil

// deductGasCost deducts the gas cost from the quote amount, if necessary.
func (m *Manager) deductGasCost(parentCtx context.Context, quoteAmount *big.Int, address common.Address, dest int) (quoteAmountAdj *big.Int, err error) {
    if !util.IsGasToken(address) {
        return quoteAmount, nil

    _, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "deductGasCost", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.String("quote_amount", quoteAmount.String()),
    defer func() {
        span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("quote_amount", quoteAmount.String()))
        metrics.EndSpanWithErr(span, err)

    // Deduct the minimum gas token balance from the quote amount
    var minGasToken *big.Int
    minGasToken, err = m.config.GetMinGasToken(dest)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting min gas token: %w", err)
    quoteAmountAdj = new(big.Int).Sub(quoteAmount, minGasToken)
    if quoteAmountAdj.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 {
        err = errMinGasExceedsQuoteAmount
        span.AddEvent(err.Error(), trace.WithAttributes(
            attribute.String("quote_amount_adj", quoteAmountAdj.String()),
            attribute.String("min_gas_token", minGasToken.String()),
        return nil, err
    return quoteAmountAdj, nil

var errMinGasExceedsQuoteAmount = errors.New("min gas token exceeds quote amount")

func (m *Manager) getDestAmount(parentCtx context.Context, originAmount *big.Int, tokenName string, input QuoteInput) (*big.Int, error) {
    ctx, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "getDestAmount", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.String("quote_amount", originAmount.String()),
    defer func() {

    // Apply origin, destination, and quote width offsets
    originOffsetBps, err := m.config.GetQuoteOffsetBps(input.OriginChainID, tokenName, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting quote offset bps: %w", err)
    destOffsetBps, err := m.config.GetQuoteOffsetBps(input.DestChainID, tokenName, false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting quote offset bps: %w", err)
    quoteWidthBps, err := m.config.GetQuoteWidthBps(input.DestChainID, tokenName)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting quote width bps: %w", err)
    totalOffsetBps := originOffsetBps + destOffsetBps + quoteWidthBps
    destAmount := m.applyOffset(ctx, totalOffsetBps, originAmount)

        attribute.Float64("origin_offset_bps", originOffsetBps),
        attribute.Float64("dest_offset_bps", destOffsetBps),
        attribute.Float64("quote_width_bps", quoteWidthBps),
        attribute.Float64("total_offset_bps", totalOffsetBps),
        attribute.String("dest_amount", destAmount.String()),
    return destAmount, nil

// applyOffset applies an offset (in bps) to a target.
func (m *Manager) applyOffset(parentCtx context.Context, offsetBps float64, target *big.Int) (result *big.Int) {
    _, span := m.metricsHandler.Tracer().Start(parentCtx, "applyOffset", trace.WithAttributes(
        attribute.Float64("offset_bps", offsetBps),
        attribute.String("target", target.String()),
    defer func() {

    offsetFraction := new(big.Float).Quo(new(big.Float).SetInt64(int64(offsetBps)), new(big.Float).SetInt64(10000))
    offsetFactor := new(big.Float).Sub(new(big.Float).SetInt64(1), offsetFraction)
    result, _ = new(big.Float).Mul(new(big.Float).SetInt(target), offsetFactor).Int(nil)
    return result

// Submits a single quote.
func (m *Manager) submitQuote(ctx context.Context, quote model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest) error {
    quoteCtx, quoteCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, m.config.GetQuoteSubmissionTimeout())
    defer quoteCancel()

    err := m.rfqClient.PutQuote(quoteCtx, &quote)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error submitting quote: %w", err)
    return nil

// Submits multiple quotes.
func (m *Manager) submitBulkQuotes(ctx context.Context, quotes []model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest) error {
    quoteCtx, quoteCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, m.config.GetQuoteSubmissionTimeout())
    defer quoteCancel()

    req := model.PutBulkQuotesRequest{
        Quotes: quotes,
    err := m.rfqClient.PutBulkQuotes(quoteCtx, &req)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error submitting bulk quotes: %w", err)
    return nil