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Test Coverage
package quoter_test

import (

    fetcherMocks ""
    inventoryMocks ""
    priceMocks ""

func (s *QuoterSuite) TestGenerateQuotes() {
    // Generate quotes for USDC on the destination chain.
    balance := big.NewInt(1000_000_000) // 1000 USDC
    inv := map[int]map[common.Address]*big.Int{}
    quotes, err := s.manager.GenerateQuotes(s.GetTestContext(), int(s.destination), common.HexToAddress("0x0b2c639c533813f4aa9d7837caf62653d097ff85"), balance, inv)

    // Verify the quotes are generated as expected.
    expectedQuotes := []model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest{
            OriginChainID:           int(s.origin),
            OriginTokenAddr:         "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48",
            DestChainID:             int(s.destination),
            DestTokenAddr:           "0x0b2C639c533813f4Aa9D7837CAf62653d097Ff85",
            DestAmount:              balance.String(),
            MaxOriginAmount:         balance.String(),
            FixedFee:                "100050000",
            OriginFastBridgeAddress: common.HexToAddress("0x123").Hex(),
            DestFastBridgeAddress:   common.HexToAddress("0x456").Hex(),
    s.Equal(expectedQuotes, quotes)

func (s *QuoterSuite) TestGenerateQuotesForNativeToken() {
    // Generate quotes for ETH on the destination chain.
    balance, _ := new(big.Int).SetString("1000000000000000000", 10) // 1 ETH
    inv := map[int]map[common.Address]*big.Int{}
    quotes, err := s.manager.GenerateQuotes(s.GetTestContext(), int(s.destinationEth), util.EthAddress, balance, inv)

    minGasToken, err := s.config.GetMinGasToken(int(s.destination))
    expectedQuoteAmount := new(big.Int).Sub(balance, minGasToken)

    // Verify the quotes are generated as expected.
    expectedQuotes := []model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest{
            OriginChainID:           int(s.origin),
            OriginTokenAddr:         util.EthAddress.String(),
            DestChainID:             int(s.destinationEth),
            DestTokenAddr:           util.EthAddress.String(),
            DestAmount:              expectedQuoteAmount.String(),
            MaxOriginAmount:         expectedQuoteAmount.String(),
            FixedFee:                "150000000000000000", // (500k gas + 1m gas) * 100 gwei
            OriginFastBridgeAddress: common.HexToAddress("0x123").Hex(),
            DestFastBridgeAddress:   common.HexToAddress("0x789").Hex(),
    s.Equal(expectedQuotes, quotes)

    // Set MinGasToken and make sure it is accounted for in the DestAmount.
    s.config.BaseChainConfig.MinGasToken = "100000000000000000" // 0.1 ETH

    quotes, err = s.manager.GenerateQuotes(s.GetTestContext(), int(s.destinationEth), util.EthAddress, balance, inv)

    minGasToken, err = s.config.GetMinGasToken(int(s.destination))
    expectedQuoteAmount = new(big.Int).Sub(balance, minGasToken)

    // Verify the quotes are generated as expected.
    expectedQuotes = []model.PutRelayerQuoteRequest{
            OriginChainID:           int(s.origin),
            OriginTokenAddr:         util.EthAddress.String(),
            DestChainID:             int(s.destinationEth),
            DestTokenAddr:           util.EthAddress.String(),
            DestAmount:              expectedQuoteAmount.String(),
            MaxOriginAmount:         expectedQuoteAmount.String(),
            FixedFee:                "150000000000000000", // (500k gas + 1m gas) * 100 gwei
            OriginFastBridgeAddress: common.HexToAddress("0x123").Hex(),
            DestFastBridgeAddress:   common.HexToAddress("0x789").Hex(),
    s.Equal(expectedQuotes, quotes)

    // Set MinGasToken to balance and make sure no quotes are generated.
    s.config.BaseChainConfig.MinGasToken = "1000000000000000001" // 0.1 ETH

    quotes, err = s.manager.GenerateQuotes(s.GetTestContext(), int(s.destinationEth), util.EthAddress, balance, inv)
    s.Equal(quotes[0].DestAmount, "0")
    s.Equal(quotes[0].MaxOriginAmount, "0")

func (s *QuoterSuite) TestShouldProcess() {
    // Should process a valid quote.
    balance := big.NewInt(1000_000_000) // 1000 USDC
    fee := big.NewInt(100_050_000)      // 100.05 USDC
    quote := reldb.QuoteRequest{
        BlockNumber:         1,
        OriginTokenDecimals: 6,
        DestTokenDecimals:   6,
        Transaction: fastbridge.IFastBridgeBridgeTransaction{
            OriginChainId: s.origin,
            DestChainId:   s.destination,
            OriginToken:   common.HexToAddress("0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"),
            DestToken:     common.HexToAddress("0x0b2C639c533813f4Aa9D7837CAf62653d097Ff85"),
            OriginAmount:  balance,
            DestAmount:    new(big.Int).Sub(balance, fee),
    s.True(s.manager.ShouldProcess(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

    // Set different numbers of decimals for origin / dest tokens; should never process this.
    badQuote := quote
    badQuote.DestTokenDecimals = 18
    s.False(s.manager.ShouldProcess(s.GetTestContext(), badQuote))

    // Toggle relayPaused
    s.False(s.manager.ShouldProcess(s.GetTestContext(), quote))
    s.True(s.manager.ShouldProcess(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

    // Set max relay amount
    originTokenCfg := s.config.Chains[int(s.origin)].Tokens["USDC"]
    originTokenCfg.MaxRelayAmount = "900" // less than balance
    s.config.Chains[int(s.origin)].Tokens["USDC"] = originTokenCfg
    s.False(s.manager.ShouldProcess(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

func (s *QuoterSuite) TestIsProfitable() {
    // Set fee to breakeven; i.e. destAmount = originAmount - fee.
    balance := big.NewInt(1000_000_000) // 1000 USDC
    fee := big.NewInt(100_050_000)      // 100.05 USDC
    quote := reldb.QuoteRequest{
        BlockNumber:         1,
        OriginTokenDecimals: 6,
        DestTokenDecimals:   6,
        Transaction: fastbridge.IFastBridgeBridgeTransaction{
            OriginChainId: s.origin,
            DestChainId:   s.destination,
            OriginToken:   common.HexToAddress("0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"),
            DestToken:     common.HexToAddress("0x0b2C639c533813f4Aa9D7837CAf62653d097Ff85"),
            OriginAmount:  balance,
            DestAmount:    new(big.Int).Sub(balance, fee),
    s.True(s.manager.IsProfitable(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

    // Set fee to greater than breakeven; i.e. destAmount > originAmount - fee.
    quote.Transaction.DestAmount = new(big.Int).Sub(balance, new(big.Int).Mul(fee, big.NewInt(2)))
    s.True(s.manager.IsProfitable(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

    // Set fee to less than breakeven; i.e. destAmount < originAmount - fee.
    quote.Transaction.DestAmount = balance
    s.False(s.manager.IsProfitable(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

    origin := int(s.origin)
    dest := int(s.destination)
    setQuoteOffsets := func(originOffset, destOffset float64) {
        originTokenCfg := s.config.Chains[origin].Tokens["USDC"]
        originTokenCfg.QuoteOffsetBps = originOffset
        s.config.Chains[origin].Tokens["USDC"] = originTokenCfg
        destTokenCfg := s.config.Chains[dest].Tokens["USDC"]
        destTokenCfg.QuoteOffsetBps = destOffset
        s.config.Chains[dest].Tokens["USDC"] = destTokenCfg
    quote.Transaction.DestAmount = new(big.Int).Sub(balance, fee)

    // Set dest offset to 20%; we send a token that is more valuable -> not profitable
    setQuoteOffsets(0, 2000)
    s.False(s.manager.IsProfitable(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

    // Set dest offset to -20%; we send a token that is less valuable -> profitable
    setQuoteOffsets(0, -2000)
    s.True(s.manager.IsProfitable(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

    // Set origin offset to 20%; we get a token that is more valuable -> not profitable
    setQuoteOffsets(2000, 0)
    s.True(s.manager.IsProfitable(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

    // Set origin offset to -20%; we send a token that is less valuable -> not profitable
    setQuoteOffsets(-2000, 0)
    s.False(s.manager.IsProfitable(s.GetTestContext(), quote))

func (s *QuoterSuite) TestGetOriginAmountActiveQuotes() {
    origin := int(s.origin)
    dest := int(s.destination)
    address := common.HexToAddress("0x0b2c639c533813f4aa9d7837caf62653d097ff85")
    originAddr := common.HexToAddress("0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48")
    balance := big.NewInt(1000_000_000)     // 1000 USDC
    depositAmount := big.NewInt(50_000_000) // 50 USDC

    type quoteParams struct {
        quotePct       float64
        quoteOffset    float64
        minQuoteAmount string
        maxBalance     string
        maxQuoteAmount string

    setQuoteParams := func(params quoteParams) {
        s.config.BaseChainConfig.QuotePct = &params.quotePct
        destTokenCfg := s.config.Chains[dest].Tokens["USDC"]
        destTokenCfg.MinQuoteAmount = params.minQuoteAmount
        destTokenCfg.MaxRelayAmount = params.maxQuoteAmount
        originTokenCfg := s.config.Chains[origin].Tokens["USDC"]
        originTokenCfg.QuoteOffsetBps = params.quoteOffset
        originTokenCfg.MaxBalance = &params.maxBalance
        originTokenCfg.MaxRelayAmount = params.maxQuoteAmount
        s.config.Chains[dest].Tokens["USDC"] = destTokenCfg
        s.config.Chains[origin].Tokens["USDC"] = originTokenCfg

    input := quoter.QuoteInput{
        OriginChainID:     origin,
        DestChainID:       dest,
        OriginTokenAddr:   originAddr,
        DestTokenAddr:     address,
        OriginBalance:     balance,
        DestBalance:       balance,
        OriginAmountExact: depositAmount,

    // Set default quote params; should return the depositAmount.
    quoteAmount, err := s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount := depositAmount
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 50 with MinQuoteAmount of 0; should still be 100% of deposit amount
    // IE: we're only willing to use 50% of our balance, but deposit amount is well below that.
        quotePct:       50,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "0",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = depositAmount
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 1 with MinQuoteAmount of 0;
    // should return zero even though we can partially cover -- because deposit amount is all-or-nothing.
    // IE: we're only willing to use 1% of our balance, which does not cover deposit amount.
        quotePct:       1,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "0",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(0)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 5 with MinQuoteAmount of 0;
    // should the deposit amount because 5% of 1K is just enough to cover.
        quotePct:       5,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "0",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = depositAmount
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 5 with MinQuoteAmount of 0;
    // should return the deposit amount because 5% of 1K balance is just enough to cover.
        quotePct:       5,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "500",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = depositAmount
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 25 with MinQuoteAmount of 500;
    // minQuoteAmt ceiling = 500
    // quotePct 25% * 1000 = 250
    // output s/b depositAmount becase it does not exceed either
        quotePct:       25,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "500",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = depositAmount
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // test minQuoteAmount ceiling *overriding* quotePct ceiling
    // output s/b depositAmount even though quotePct amount wont cover it, due to override
        quotePct:       1,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "500",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = depositAmount
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // test quotePct ceiling *overriding* minQuoteAmount ceiling
    // output s/b depositAmount even though minQuoteAmount amount wont cover it, due to override
        quotePct:       25,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "5",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = depositAmount
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // test depositAmount below both the quotePct ceiling and minQuoteAmount ceiling
    // output s/b 0 as neither ceiling setting accommodates the deposit amount
        quotePct:       1,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "5",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(0)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Ceiling params much higher than deposit amount, should still return deposit amount exactly
        quotePct:       100,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "0",
        maxBalance:     "0",
        maxQuoteAmount: "500",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = depositAmount
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 25 with MinQuoteAmount of 1500 and MaxBalance of 1200;
    // effective ceiling is 200 due to maxBalance only allowing 200 more units on origin.
    // Since depositAmt is below this, output s/b deposit amount
        quotePct:       25,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "1500",
        maxBalance:     "1200",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = depositAmount
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 25 with MinQuoteAmount of 1500 and MaxBalance of 1025;
    // effective ceiling is 200 due to maxBalance only allowing 25 more units on origin.
    // Since depositAmt is above this ceiling, output s/b zero
        quotePct:       25,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "1500",
        maxBalance:     "1025",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(0)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Toggle insufficient gas; should be 0.
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(0)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    input.OriginAmountExact = new(big.Int).Add(balance, balance)
    // depositAmount beyond our balance.
    // output s/b zero even with generous limits
        quotePct:       100,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "1500",
        maxBalance:     "2000",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(0)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    input.OriginAmountExact = big.NewInt(0)
    // depositAmount set to zero. output s/b zero
        quotePct:       100,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "1500",
        maxBalance:     "2000",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(0)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    input.OriginAmountExact = big.NewInt(-55000000)
    // depositAmount set to negative. output s/b zero
        quotePct:       100,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "1500",
        maxBalance:     "2000",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(0)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

func (s *QuoterSuite) TestGetOriginAmount() {
    origin := int(s.origin)
    dest := int(s.destination)
    address := common.HexToAddress("0x0b2c639c533813f4aa9d7837caf62653d097ff85")
    originAddr := common.HexToAddress("0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48")
    balance := big.NewInt(1000_000_000) // 1000 USDC

    type quoteParams struct {
        quotePct       float64
        quoteOffset    float64
        minQuoteAmount string
        maxBalance     string
        maxQuoteAmount string

    setQuoteParams := func(params quoteParams) {
        s.config.BaseChainConfig.QuotePct = &params.quotePct
        destTokenCfg := s.config.Chains[dest].Tokens["USDC"]
        destTokenCfg.MinQuoteAmount = params.minQuoteAmount
        destTokenCfg.MaxRelayAmount = params.maxQuoteAmount
        originTokenCfg := s.config.Chains[origin].Tokens["USDC"]
        originTokenCfg.QuoteOffsetBps = params.quoteOffset
        originTokenCfg.MaxBalance = &params.maxBalance
        originTokenCfg.MaxRelayAmount = params.maxQuoteAmount
        s.config.Chains[dest].Tokens["USDC"] = destTokenCfg
        s.config.Chains[origin].Tokens["USDC"] = originTokenCfg

    input := quoter.QuoteInput{
        OriginChainID:   origin,
        DestChainID:     dest,
        OriginTokenAddr: originAddr,
        DestTokenAddr:   address,
        OriginBalance:   balance,
        DestBalance:     balance,

    // Set default quote params; should return the balance.
    quoteAmount, err := s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount := balance
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 50 with MinQuoteAmount of 0; should be 50% of balance.
        quotePct:       50,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "0",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(500_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 25 with MinQuoteAmount of 500; should be 50% of balance.
        quotePct:       25,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "500",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(500_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 25 with MinQuoteAmount of 500; should be 50% of balance.
        quotePct:       25,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "500",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(500_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 25 with MinQuoteAmount of 1500; should be total balance.
        quotePct:       25,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "1500",
        maxBalance:     "0",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(1000_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 100 with MinQuoteAmount of 0 and MaxRelayAmount of 500; should be 500.
        quotePct:       100,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "0",
        maxBalance:     "0",
        maxQuoteAmount: "500",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(500_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Set QuotePct to 25 with MinQuoteAmount of 1500 and MaxBalance of 1200; should be 200.
        quotePct:       25,
        quoteOffset:    0,
        minQuoteAmount: "1500",
        maxBalance:     "1200",
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(200_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

    // Toggle insufficient gas; should be 0.
    quoteAmount, err = s.manager.GetOriginAmount(s.GetTestContext(), input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(0)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, quoteAmount)

func (s *QuoterSuite) setGasSufficiency(sufficient bool) {
    clientFetcher := new(fetcherMocks.ClientFetcher)
    priceFetcher := new(priceMocks.CoingeckoPriceFetcher)
    priceFetcher.On(testsuite.GetFunctionName(priceFetcher.GetPrice), mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(0., fmt.Errorf("not using mocked price"))
    feePricer := pricer.NewFeePricer(s.config, clientFetcher, priceFetcher, metrics.NewNullHandler())
    inventoryManager := new(inventoryMocks.Manager)
    inventoryManager.On(testsuite.GetFunctionName(inventoryManager.HasSufficientGas), mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(sufficient, nil)
    mgr, err := quoter.NewQuoterManager(s.config, metrics.NewNullHandler(), inventoryManager, nil, feePricer, nil)

    var ok bool
    s.manager, ok = mgr.(*quoter.Manager)

func (s *QuoterSuite) TestGetDestAmount() {
    balance := big.NewInt(1000_000_000) // 1000 USDC

    origin := int(s.origin)
    dest := int(s.destination)
    input := quoter.QuoteInput{
        OriginChainID: int(s.origin),
        DestChainID:   int(s.destination),
        OriginBalance: balance,
        DestBalance:   balance,
    setQuoteParams := func(originQuoteOffsetBps, destQuoteOffsetBps, quoteWidthBps float64) {
        tokenCfg := s.config.Chains[origin].Tokens["USDC"]
        tokenCfg.QuoteOffsetBps = originQuoteOffsetBps
        s.config.Chains[origin].Tokens["USDC"] = tokenCfg
        tokenCfg = s.config.Chains[dest].Tokens["USDC"]
        tokenCfg.QuoteOffsetBps = destQuoteOffsetBps
        tokenCfg.QuoteWidthBps = quoteWidthBps
        s.config.Chains[dest].Tokens["USDC"] = tokenCfg

    // Set default quote params; should return the balance.
    destAmount, err := s.manager.GetDestAmount(s.GetTestContext(), balance, "USDC", input)
    expectedAmount := balance
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, destAmount)

    // Set QuoteWidthBps to 100, should return 99% of balance.
    setQuoteParams(0, 0, 100)
    destAmount, err = s.manager.GetDestAmount(s.GetTestContext(), balance, "USDC", input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(990_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, destAmount)

    // Set QuoteWidthBps to 500, should return 95% of balance.
    setQuoteParams(0, 0, 500)
    destAmount, err = s.manager.GetDestAmount(s.GetTestContext(), balance, "USDC", input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(950_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, destAmount)

    // Set QuoteWidthBps to 500 and QuoteOffsetBps to 100, should return 94% of balance.
    setQuoteParams(0, 100, 500)
    destAmount, err = s.manager.GetDestAmount(s.GetTestContext(), balance, "USDC", input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(940_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, destAmount)

    // Set QuoteWidthBps to 500 and QuoteOffsetBps to -100, should return 96% of balance.
    setQuoteParams(0, -100, 500)
    destAmount, err = s.manager.GetDestAmount(s.GetTestContext(), balance, "USDC", input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(960_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, destAmount)

    // Set QuoteWidthBps to -100, should error.
    setQuoteParams(0, 0, -100)
    destAmount, err = s.manager.GetDestAmount(s.GetTestContext(), balance, "USDC", input)

    // Set origin offset to 100, should return 101% of balance.
    setQuoteParams(100, 0, 0)
    destAmount, err = s.manager.GetDestAmount(s.GetTestContext(), balance, "USDC", input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(1_010_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, destAmount)

    // Set origin offset to -100, should return 99% of balance.
    setQuoteParams(-100, 0, 0)
    destAmount, err = s.manager.GetDestAmount(s.GetTestContext(), balance, "USDC", input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(990_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, destAmount)

    // Set origin offset to 100, dest offset to 300, should return 98% of balance.
    setQuoteParams(100, 300, 0)
    destAmount, err = s.manager.GetDestAmount(s.GetTestContext(), balance, "USDC", input)
    expectedAmount = big.NewInt(980_000_000)
    s.Equal(expectedAmount, destAmount)