package reldb
import (
submitterDB ""
// Writer is the interface for writing to the database.
type Writer interface {
// StoreQuoteRequest stores a quote request. If one already exists, only the status will be updated
// TODO: find a better way to describe this in the name
StoreQuoteRequest(ctx context.Context, request QuoteRequest) error
// StoreRebalance stores a rebalance.
StoreRebalance(ctx context.Context, rebalance Rebalance) error
// UpdateQuoteRequestStatus updates the status of a quote request
UpdateQuoteRequestStatus(ctx context.Context, id [32]byte, status QuoteRequestStatus, prevStatus *QuoteRequestStatus) error
// UpdateRebalance updates the status of a rebalance action.
// If the origin is supplied, it will be used to update the ID for the corresponding rebalance model.
UpdateRebalance(ctx context.Context, rebalance Rebalance, updateID bool) error
// UpdateLatestRebalance updates a rebalance action.
// This is meant to be used in cases where a consistent rebalance ID cannot be determined across chains.
UpdateLatestRebalance(ctx context.Context, rebalance Rebalance) error
// UpdateDestTxHash updates the dest tx hash of a quote request
UpdateDestTxHash(ctx context.Context, id [32]byte, destTxHash common.Hash) error
// UpdateRelayNonce updates the relay nonce of a quote request
UpdateRelayNonce(ctx context.Context, id [32]byte, nonce uint64) error
// Reader is the interface for reading from the database.
type Reader interface {
// GetQuoteRequestByID gets a quote request by id. Should return ErrNoQuoteForID if not found
GetQuoteRequestByID(ctx context.Context, id [32]byte) (*QuoteRequest, error)
// GetQuoteRequestByOriginTxHash gets a quote request by origin tx hash. Should return ErrNoQuoteForTxHash if not found
GetQuoteRequestByOriginTxHash(ctx context.Context, txHash common.Hash) (*QuoteRequest, error)
// GetQuoteResultsByStatus gets quote results by status
GetQuoteResultsByStatus(ctx context.Context, matchStatuses ...QuoteRequestStatus) (res []QuoteRequest, _ error)
// GetPendingRebalances checks fetches all pending rebalances that involve the given chainIDs.
GetPendingRebalances(ctx context.Context, chainIDs ...uint64) ([]*Rebalance, error)
// GetRebalance gets a rebalance by ID. Should return ErrNoRebalanceForID if not found.
GetRebalanceByID(ctx context.Context, rebalanceID string) (*Rebalance, error)
// GetDBStats gets the database stats.
GetDBStats(ctx context.Context) (*sql.DBStats, error)
// GetStatusCounts gets the counts of quote requests by status.
GetStatusCounts(ctx context.Context, matchStatuses ...QuoteRequestStatus) (map[QuoteRequestStatus]int, error)
// Service is the interface for the database service.
type Service interface {
// SubmitterDB returns the submitter database service.
SubmitterDB() submitterDB.Service
var (
// ErrNoQuoteForID means the quote was not found.
ErrNoQuoteForID = errors.New("no quote found for tx id")
// ErrNoQuoteForTxHash means the quote was not found.
ErrNoQuoteForTxHash = errors.New("no quote found for tx hash")
// ErrNoRebalanceForID means the rebalance was not found.
ErrNoRebalanceForID = errors.New("no rebalance found for id")
// QuoteRequest is the quote request object.
type QuoteRequest struct {
BlockNumber uint64
OriginTokenDecimals uint8
RawRequest []byte
DestTokenDecimals uint8
TransactionID [32]byte
Sender common.Address
Transaction fastbridge.IFastBridgeBridgeTransaction
// Status is the quote request status
Status QuoteRequestStatus
OriginTxHash common.Hash
DestTxHash common.Hash
// RelayNonce is the nonce for the relay transaction.
RelayNonce uint64
// GetOriginIDPair gets the origin chain id and token address pair.
// for some reason, this is specified as [chainid]-[tokenaddr] in the config.
// this represents the origin pair.
func (q QuoteRequest) GetOriginIDPair() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", q.Transaction.OriginChainId, q.Transaction.OriginToken.Hex())
// GetDestIDPair gets the destination chain id and token address pair.
// for some reason, this is specified as [chainid]-[tokenaddr] in the config.
// this represents the destination pair.
func (q QuoteRequest) GetDestIDPair() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", q.Transaction.DestChainId, q.Transaction.DestToken.Hex())
// QuoteRequestStatus is the status of a quote request in the db.
// This is the primary mechanism for moving data through the app.
// TODO: consider making this an interface and exporting that.
//go:generate go run -type=QuoteRequestStatus
type QuoteRequestStatus uint8
const (
// Seen means the quote request has been seen by the relayer, but not processed or committed to.
Seen QuoteRequestStatus = iota + 1
// NotEnoughInventory means the relayer does not have enough inventory to process the request.
// This can be retried at a later time.
// DeadlineExceeded means the quote request has exceeded the deadline.
// This is a terminal state.
// WillNotProcess means the relayer will not process the request for some reason.
// This is a terminal state.
// CommittedPending means the relayer has committed liquidity to the request to the chain, but it is not yet confirmed on chain.
// CommittedConfirmed means the relayer has committed liquidity to the request to the chain, and original bridge tx has been confirmed on chain.
// RelayStarted means the relayer has called Relay() on the destination chain.
// RelayCompleted means the relayer has called Relay() on the destination chain, and the tx has been confirmed on chain.
// ProvePosting means the relayer has called Prove() on the origin chain.
// ProvePosted means the relayer has called Prove() on the origin chain, and the tx has been confirmed on chain.
// ClaimPending means the relayer has called Claim() on the origin chain.
// ClaimCompleted means the relayer has called Claim() on the origin chain, and the tx has been confirmed on chain.
// RelayRaceLost means another relayer has relayed the tx.
// Int returns the int value of the quote request status.
func (q QuoteRequestStatus) Int() uint8 {
return uint8(q)
// GormDataType implements the gorm common interface for enums.
func (q QuoteRequestStatus) GormDataType() string {
return dbcommon.EnumDataType
// Scan implements the gorm common interface for enums.
func (q *QuoteRequestStatus) Scan(src any) error {
res, err := dbcommon.EnumScan(src)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not scan %w", err)
newStatus := QuoteRequestStatus(res)
*q = newStatus
return nil
// Value implements the gorm common interface for enums.
func (q QuoteRequestStatus) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
// nolint: wrapcheck
return dbcommon.EnumValue(q)
var _ dbcommon.Enum = (*QuoteRequestStatus)(nil)
// Rebalance represents a rebalance action.
type Rebalance struct {
RebalanceID *string
Origin uint64
Destination uint64
OriginAmount *big.Int
OriginTokenAddr common.Address
Status RebalanceStatus
OriginTxHash common.Hash
DestTxHash common.Hash
TokenName string
// RebalanceStatus is the status of a rebalance action in the db.
//go:generate go run -type=RebalanceStatus
type RebalanceStatus uint8
const (
// RebalanceInitiated means the rebalance transaction has been initiated.
RebalanceInitiated RebalanceStatus = iota + 1
// RebalancePending means the rebalance transaction has been confirmed on the origin.
// RebalanceCompleted means the rebalance transaction has been confirmed on the destination.
// Int returns the int value of the quote request status.
func (r RebalanceStatus) Int() uint8 {
return uint8(r)
// GormDataType implements the gorm common interface for enums.
func (r RebalanceStatus) GormDataType() string {
return dbcommon.EnumDataType
// Scan implements the gorm common interface for enums.
func (r *RebalanceStatus) Scan(src any) error {
res, err := dbcommon.EnumScan(src)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not scan %w", err)
newStatus := RebalanceStatus(res)
*r = newStatus
return nil
// Value implements the gorm common interface for enums.
func (r RebalanceStatus) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
// nolint: wrapcheck
return dbcommon.EnumValue(r)
var _ dbcommon.Enum = (*RebalanceStatus)(nil)