include ../../make/go.Makefile
BUF_VERSION := "1.7.0"
@eval $(export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin")
@#Github Actions
@if [ "$(shell which protoc)" = "" ] && [ "$(GITHUB_WORKFLOW)" != "" ]; then sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler; fi;
@#Brew - MacOS
@if [ "$(shell which protoc)" = "" ] && [ "$(shell which brew)" != "" ] && [ "$(GITHUB_WORKFLOW)" == "" ]; then brew install protobuf; fi;
protoc-gen-install: setup-go-path
@if [ "$(shell which protoc-gen-go)" = "" ]; then go install; fi;
@if [ "$(shell which protoc-gen-go)" = "" ]; then echo "could not find protoc-gen-go even after installing, you might need to add your gopath to bash. You can also rerun the command in a new tab"; fi;
@if [ "$(shell protoc-gen-go --version)" != "protoc-gen-go v1.28.1" ]; then echo "Wrong version of protoc-gen-go installed, needed: v1.28.1"; fi;
protoc-gen-grpc-gateway-install: setup-go-path
@if [ "$(shell which protoc-gen-grpc-gateway)" = "" ]; then go install; fi;
@if [ "$(shell which protoc-gen-grpc-gateway)" = "" ]; then echo "could not find protoc-gen-grpc-gateway even after installing, you might need to add your gopath to bash. You can also rerun the command in a new tab"; fi;
grpc-install: setup-go-path
@if [ "$(shell which protoc-gen-go-grpc)" = "" ]; then go install; fi;
@if [ "$(shell which protoc-gen-go-grpc)" = "" ]; then echo "could not find protoc-gen-go-grpc even after installing, you might need to add your gopath to bash. You can also rerun the command in a new tab"; fi;
@if [ "$(shell protoc-gen-go-grpc --version)" != "protoc-gen-go-grpc 1.2.0" ]; then echo "Wrong version of protoc-gen-go installed, needed: v1.2.0"; fi;
openapi-install: setup-go-path
@if [ "$(shell which protoc-gen-openapiv2)" = "" ]; then go install; fi;
@if [ "$(shell which protoc-gen-openapiv2)" = "" ]; then echo "could not find protoc-gen-openapiv2 even after installing, you might need to add your gopath to bash. You can also rerun the command in a new tab"; fi;
@if [ "$(shell which buf)" = "" ]; then ./scripts/ $(BUF_VERSION); fi;
@#Brew - MacOS
@if [ "$(shell which swagger-codegen)" = "" ] && [ "$(shell which brew)" != "" ]; then brew install swagger-codegen; fi;
# TODO: should be replaced w/
# (see:
generate: openapi-install swagger-codegen-install buf-install protoc-gen-grpc-gateway-install protoc-install grpc-install protoc-gen-install ## generate protobufs
buf generate
@eval $$(cd $(GIT_ROOT)/services/scribe); ./scripts/
generate-ci: generate ## CI only command for generate prereqs