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Test Coverage
package base

import (


// define common field names. See package docs  for an explanation of why we have to do this.
// note: some models share names. In cases where they do, we run the check against all names.
// This is cheap because it's only done at startup.
func init() {
    namer := dbcommon.NewNamer(GetAllModels())
    TxHashFieldName = namer.GetConsistentName("TxHash")
    ChainIDFieldName = namer.GetConsistentName("ChainID")
    BlockNumberFieldName = namer.GetConsistentName("BlockNumber")
    ContractAddressFieldName = namer.GetConsistentName("ContractAddress")
    BlockIndexFieldName = namer.GetConsistentName("BlockIndex")
    BlockHashFieldName = namer.GetConsistentName("BlockHash")
    ConfirmedFieldName = namer.GetConsistentName("Confirmed")
    TransactionIndexFieldName = namer.GetConsistentName("TransactionIndex")

var (
    // TxHashFieldName is the field name of the tx hash.
    TxHashFieldName string
    // ChainIDFieldName gets the chain id field name.
    ChainIDFieldName string
    // BlockNumberFieldName is the name of the block number field.
    BlockNumberFieldName string
    // ContractAddressFieldName is the address of the contract.
    ContractAddressFieldName string
    // BlockIndexFieldName is the index field name.
    BlockIndexFieldName string
    // BlockHashFieldName is the block hash field name.
    BlockHashFieldName string
    // ConfirmedFieldName is the confirmed field name.
    ConfirmedFieldName string
    // TransactionIndexFieldName is the name of the transaction block  field.
    TransactionIndexFieldName string

// PageSize is the amount of entries per page of logs.
var PageSize = 100

// LogColumns are all of the columns of the Log table.
const LogColumns = "contract_address,chain_id,primary_topic,topic_a,topic_b,topic_c,data,block_number,tx_hash,tx_index,block_hash,block_index,removed,confirmed"

// Log stores the log of an event.
type Log struct {
    // ContractAddress is the address of the contract that generated the event
    ContractAddress string `gorm:"column:contract_address;primaryKey;index:idx_address,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // ChainID is the chain id of the contract that generated the event
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id;primaryKey;index:idx_address,priority:2,sort:desc"`
    // PrimaryTopic is the primary topic of the event. Topics[0]
    PrimaryTopic sql.NullString `gorm:"primary_topic"`
    // TopicA is the first topic. Topics[1]
    TopicA sql.NullString `gorm:"topic_a"`
    // TopicB is the second topic. Topics[2]
    TopicB sql.NullString `gorm:"topic_b"`
    // TopicC is the third topic. Topics[3]
    TopicC sql.NullString `gorm:"topic_c"`
    // Data is the data provided by the contract
    Data []byte `gorm:"data"`
    // BlockNumber is the block in which the transaction was included
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number;index:idx_block_number,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // TxHash is the hash of the transaction
    TxHash string `gorm:"column:tx_hash;primaryKey;index:idx_tx_hash,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // TxIndex is the index of the transaction in the block
    TxIndex uint64 `gorm:"tx_index"`
    // BlockHash is the hash of the block in which the transaction was included
    BlockHash string `gorm:"column:block_hash;index:idx_block_hash,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // Index is the index of the log in the block
    BlockIndex uint64 `gorm:"column:block_index;primaryKey;index:idx_block_number,priority:2,sort:desc"`
    // Removed is true if this log was reverted due to a chain re-organization
    Removed bool `gorm:"removed"`
    // Confirmed is true if this log has been confirmed by the chain
    Confirmed bool `gorm:"confirmed"`

// ReceiptColumns are all of the columns of the Receipt table.
const ReceiptColumns = "chain_id,receipt_type,post_state,status,cumulative_gas_used,bloom,tx_hash,contract_address,gas_used,block_hash,block_number,transaction_index,confirmed"

// Receipt stores the receipt of a transaction.
type Receipt struct {
    // ChainID is the chain id of the receipt
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id;primaryKey"`
    // Type is the type
    Type uint8 `gorm:"column:receipt_type"`
    // PostState is the post state
    PostState []byte `gorm:"column:post_state"`
    // Status is the status of the transaction
    Status uint64 `gorm:"column:status"`
    // CumulativeGasUsed is the total amount of gas used when this transaction was executed in the block
    CumulativeGasUsed uint64 `gorm:"column:cumulative_gas_used"`
    // Bloom is the bloom filter
    Bloom []byte `gorm:"column:bloom"`
    // TxHash is the hash of the transaction
    TxHash string `gorm:"column:tx_hash;primaryKey"`
    // ContractAddress is the address of the contract
    ContractAddress string `gorm:"column:contract_address"`
    // GasUsed is the amount of gas used by this transaction alone
    GasUsed uint64 `gorm:"column:gas_used"`
    // BlockHash is the hash of the block in which this transaction was included
    BlockHash string `gorm:"column:block_hash"`
    // BlockNumber is the block in which this transaction was included
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number;index:idx_block_number_receipt,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // TransactionIndex is the index of the transaction in the block
    TransactionIndex uint64 `gorm:"column:transaction_index;index:idx_block_number_receipt,priority:2,sort:desc"`
    // Confirmed is true if this log has been confirmed by the chain
    Confirmed bool `gorm:"column:confirmed"`

// EthTxColumns are all of the columns of the EthTx table.
const EthTxColumns = "tx_hash,chain_id,block_hash,block_number,raw_tx,gas_fee_cap,gas_tip_cap,confirmed,transaction_index"

// EthTx contains a processed ethereum transaction.
type EthTx struct {
    // TxHash is the hash of the transaction
    TxHash string `gorm:"column:tx_hash;primaryKey"`
    // ChainID is the chain id of the transaction
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id;primaryKey"`
    // BlockHash is the hash of the block in which the transaction was included
    BlockHash string `gorm:"column:block_hash;index:idx_tx_block_hash,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // BlockNumber is the block in which the transaction was included
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number;index:idx_block_number_tx,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // RawTx is the raw serialized transaction
    RawTx []byte `gorm:"column:raw_tx"`
    // GasFeeCap contains the gas fee cap stored in wei
    GasFeeCap uint64
    // GasTipCap contains the gas tip cap stored in wei
    GasTipCap uint64
    // Confirmed is true if this log has been confirmed by the chain
    Confirmed bool `gorm:"column:confirmed"`
    // TransactionIndex is the index of the transaction in the block
    TransactionIndex uint64 `gorm:"column:transaction_index;index:idx_block_number_tx,priority:2,sort:desc"`

// LastIndexedInfo contains information on when a contract was last indexed.
type LastIndexedInfo struct {
    // ContractAddress is the contract address
    ContractAddress string `gorm:"column:contract_address;index:idx_last_indexed,priority:1;uniqueIndex:idx_contract_chain"`
    // BlockNumber is the last block number indexed
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number;index:idx_last_indexed,priority:2"`
    // ChainID is the chain id of the contract
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id;index:idx_last_indexed;uniqueIndex:idx_contract_chain"`

// LastConfirmedBlockInfo contains information on when a chain last had a block pass the required confirmation
// threshold and was validated.
type LastConfirmedBlockInfo struct {
    // ChainID is the chain id of the contract
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id"`
    // BlockNumber is the last block number indexed
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number"`

// BlockTime contains the timestamp of a block.
type BlockTime struct {
    // ChainID is the chain id of the contract
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id;primaryKey;index:idx_block_time_chain,priority:1"`
    // BlockNumber is the block number
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number;primaryKey"`
    // Timestamp is the timestamp of the block
    Timestamp uint64 `gorm:"column:timestamp"`

// LastBlockTime contains the last block that had its timestamp stored.
type LastBlockTime struct {
    // ChainID is the chain id of the contract
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id;primaryKey"`
    // BlockNumber is the block number
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number"`

// LogAtHead stores the log of an event that occurred near the tip of the chain.
type LogAtHead struct {
    // ContractAddress is the address of the contract that generated the event
    ContractAddress string `gorm:"column:contract_address;primaryKey;index:idx_head_address,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // ChainID is the chain id of the contract that generated the event
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id;primaryKey;index:idx_head_address,priority:2,sort:desc"`
    // PrimaryTopic is the primary topic of the event. Topics[0]
    PrimaryTopic sql.NullString `gorm:"primary_topic"`
    // TopicA is the first topic. Topics[1]
    TopicA sql.NullString `gorm:"topic_a"`
    // TopicB is the second topic. Topics[2]
    TopicB sql.NullString `gorm:"topic_b"`
    // TopicC is the third topic. Topics[3]
    TopicC sql.NullString `gorm:"topic_c"`
    // Data is the data provided by the contract
    Data []byte `gorm:"data"`
    // BlockNumber is the block in which the transaction was included
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number;index:idx_head_block_number,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // TxHash is the hash of the transaction
    TxHash string `gorm:"column:tx_hash;primaryKey;index:idx_head_tx_hash,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // TxIndex is the index of the transaction in the block
    TxIndex uint64 `gorm:"tx_index"`
    // BlockHash is the hash of the block in which the transaction was included
    BlockHash string `gorm:"column:block_hash;index:idx_head_block_hash,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // Index is the index of the log in the block
    BlockIndex uint64 `gorm:"column:block_index;primaryKey;index:idx_head_block_number,priority:2,sort:desc"`
    // Removed is true if this log was reverted due to a chain re-organization
    Removed bool `gorm:"removed"`
    // Confirmed is true if this log has been confirmed by the chain
    Confirmed bool `gorm:"confirmed"`
    // InsertTime is the time at which this log was inserted
    InsertTime uint64 `gorm:"column:insert_time"`

// ReceiptAtHead stores the receipt of a transaction at the tip.
type ReceiptAtHead struct {
    // ChainID is the chain id of the receipt
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id;primaryKey"`
    // Type is the type
    Type uint8 `gorm:"column:receipt_type"`
    // PostState is the post state
    PostState []byte `gorm:"column:post_state"`
    // Status is the status of the transaction
    Status uint64 `gorm:"column:status"`
    // CumulativeGasUsed is the total amount of gas used when this transaction was executed in the block
    CumulativeGasUsed uint64 `gorm:"column:cumulative_gas_used"`
    // Bloom is the bloom filter
    Bloom []byte `gorm:"column:bloom"`
    // TxHash is the hash of the transaction
    TxHash string `gorm:"column:tx_hash;primaryKey"`
    // ContractAddress is the address of the contract
    ContractAddress string `gorm:"column:contract_address"`
    // GasUsed is the amount of gas used by this transaction alone
    GasUsed uint64 `gorm:"column:gas_used"`
    // BlockHash is the hash of the block in which this transaction was included
    BlockHash string `gorm:"column:block_hash"`
    // BlockNumber is the block in which this transaction was included
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number;index:idx_head_block_number_receipt,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // TransactionIndex is the index of the transaction in the block
    TransactionIndex uint64 `gorm:"column:transaction_index;index:idx_head_block_number_receipt,priority:2,sort:desc"`
    // Confirmed is true if this log has been confirmed by the chain
    Confirmed bool `gorm:"column:confirmed"`
    // InsertTime is the time at which this receipt was inserted
    InsertTime uint64 `gorm:"column:insert_time"`

// EthTxAtHead contains a processed ethereum transaction at the tip of the chain.
type EthTxAtHead struct {
    // TxHash is the hash of the transaction
    TxHash string `gorm:"column:tx_hash;primaryKey"`
    // ChainID is the chain id of the transaction
    ChainID uint32 `gorm:"column:chain_id;primaryKey"`
    // BlockHash is the hash of the block in which the transaction was included
    BlockHash string `gorm:"column:block_hash;index:idx_head_tx_block_hash,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // BlockNumber is the block in which the transaction was included
    BlockNumber uint64 `gorm:"column:block_number;index:idx_head_block_number_tx,priority:1,sort:desc"`
    // RawTx is the raw serialized transaction
    RawTx []byte `gorm:"column:raw_tx"`
    // GasFeeCap contains the gas fee cap stored in wei
    GasFeeCap uint64
    // GasTipCap contains the gas tip cap stored in wei
    GasTipCap uint64
    // Confirmed is true if this log has been confirmed by the chain
    Confirmed bool `gorm:"column:confirmed"`
    // TransactionIndex is the index of the transaction in the block
    TransactionIndex uint64 `gorm:"column:transaction_index;index:idx_head_block_number_tx,priority:2,sort:desc"`
    // InsertTime is the time at which this tx was inserted
    InsertTime uint64 `gorm:"column:insert_time"`