package db_test
import (
. ""
func (t *DBSuite) TestPagination() {
t.RunOnAllDBs(func(testDB db.EventDB) {
txHash := common.BigToHash(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64()))
// Store 100 logs.
for i := 101; i > 1; i-- {
log := t.MakeRandomLog(txHash)
log.BlockNumber = uint64(i)
err := testDB.StoreLogs(t.GetTestContext(), 1, log)
Nil(t.T(), err)
// Store another log that should be on the second page.
log := t.MakeRandomLog(txHash)
log.BlockNumber = 1
err := testDB.StoreLogs(t.GetTestContext(), 1, log)
Nil(t.T(), err)
// Retrieve the log on the second page.
retrievedLog, err := testDB.RetrieveLogsWithFilter(t.GetTestContext(), db.LogFilter{}, 2)
Nil(t.T(), err)
Equal(t.T(), 1, len(retrievedLog))
// Check the value of the log.
resA, err := log.MarshalJSON()
Nil(t.T(), err)
resB, err := retrievedLog[0].MarshalJSON()
Nil(t.T(), err)
Equal(t.T(), resA, resB)
// Retrieve a receipt associated with all 101 logs.
receipt := types.Receipt{
Type: gofakeit.Uint8(),
PostState: []byte(gofakeit.Sentence(10)),
Status: gofakeit.Uint64(),
CumulativeGasUsed: gofakeit.Uint64(),
Bloom: types.BytesToBloom([]byte(gofakeit.Sentence(10))),
TxHash: txHash,
ContractAddress: common.BigToAddress(big.NewInt(gofakeit.Int64())),
GasUsed: gofakeit.Uint64(),
BlockNumber: big.NewInt(int64(gofakeit.Uint32())),
TransactionIndex: uint(gofakeit.Uint64()),
err = testDB.StoreReceipt(t.GetTestContext(), 1, receipt)
Nil(t.T(), err)
retrievedReceipt, err := testDB.RetrieveReceiptsWithFilter(t.GetTestContext(), db.ReceiptFilter{}, 1)
Nil(t.T(), err)
// Ensure the receipt has 101 logs.
Equal(t.T(), 101, len(retrievedReceipt[0].Logs))