package logger
import (
scribeTypes ""
var logger = log.Logger("scribe")
const (
// ContextCancelled is returned when the context is canceled.
ContextCancelled ErrorType = iota
// LivefillIndexerError is returned when the livefill indexer encounters an error.
// BackfillIndexerError is returned when an indexer backfilling a contract to the head encounters an error.
// GetLogsError is returned when the logs cannot be retrieved.
// GetTxError is returned when the tx cannot be retrieved.
// CouldNotGetReceiptError is returned when the receipt cannot be retrieved.
// GetBlockError is returned when the block cannot be retrieved.
// BlockByNumberError is returned when the block cannot be retrieved.
// StoreError is returned when data cannot be inserted into the database.
// ReadError is returned when data cannot be read from the database.
// TestError is returned when an error during a test occurs.
// EmptyGetLogsChunk is returned when a getLogs chunk is empty.
// FatalScribeError is for when something goes wrong with scribe.
// ErroneousHeadBlock is returned when the head block is below the last indexed.
const (
// InitiatingLivefill is returned when a contract backfills and is moving to livefill.
InitiatingLivefill StatusType = iota
// ConcurrencyThresholdReached is returned when the concurrency threshold is reached.
// FlushingLivefillAtHead is returned when a livefill indexer is flushing at the head.
// CreatingSQLStore is returned when a SQL store is being created.
// BackfillCompleted is returned when a backfill is completed.
// BeginBackfillIndexing is returned when a backfill is beginning.
// ErrorType is a type of error.
type ErrorType int
// StatusType is a type of status for a process in scribe.
type StatusType int
// ReportIndexerError reports an error that occurs in an indexer.
// nolint
func ReportIndexerError(err error, indexerData scribeTypes.IndexerConfig, errorType ErrorType) {
// nolint:exhaustive
if err == nil {
logger.Errorf("Error, @DEV: NIL ERROR\n%s", unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
errStr := err.Error()
// Stop cloudflare error messages from nuking readablity of logs
if len(errStr) > 1000 {
errStr = errStr[:1000]
switch errorType {
case ContextCancelled:
logger.Errorf("Context canceled for indexer. Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case LivefillIndexerError:
logger.Errorf("Livefill indexer failed. Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case GetLogsError:
logger.Errorf("Could not get logs. Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case GetTxError:
logger.Errorf("Could not get tx. Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case CouldNotGetReceiptError:
logger.Errorf("Could not get receipt. Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case GetBlockError:
logger.Errorf("Could not get head block. Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case BlockByNumberError:
logger.Errorf("Could not get block header. Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case StoreError:
logger.Errorf("Could not store data into database. Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case ReadError:
logger.Errorf("Could not read data from database. Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case EmptyGetLogsChunk:
logger.Warnf("Encountered empty getlogs chunk%s", unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
case ErroneousHeadBlock:
logger.Warnf("Head block is below last indexed block%s", unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
logger.Errorf("Error: %v\n%s", errStr, unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData))
// ReportScribeError reports an error that occurs anywhere in scribe.
// nolint:exhaustive
func ReportScribeError(err error, chainID uint32, errorType ErrorType) {
switch errorType {
case ContextCancelled:
logger.Errorf("Context canceled for scribe on chain %d. Error: %v", chainID, err)
case GetBlockError:
logger.Errorf("Could not get head block on chain %d. Error: %v", chainID, err)
case TestError:
logger.Errorf("Test error on chain %d. Error: %v", chainID, err)
logger.Errorf("Error on chain %d: %v", chainID, err)
// ReportScribeState reports a state that occurs anywhere in scribe.
func ReportScribeState(chainID uint32, block uint64, addresses []common.Address, statusType StatusType) {
// nolint:exhaustive
switch statusType {
case InitiatingLivefill:
logger.Warnf("Initiating livefill on chain %d on block %d while interacting with contract %s", chainID, block, dumpAddresses(addresses))
case BackfillCompleted:
logger.Warnf("Backfill completed on chain %d on block %d while interacting with contract %s", chainID, block, dumpAddresses(addresses))
case BeginBackfillIndexing:
logger.Warnf("Backfill beginning on chain %d on block %d while interacting with contract %s", chainID, block, dumpAddresses(addresses))
case ConcurrencyThresholdReached:
logger.Warnf("Concurrency threshold reached on chain %d on block %d while interacting with contract %s", chainID, block, dumpAddresses(addresses))
case FlushingLivefillAtHead:
logger.Warnf("Flushing logs at head on chain %d", chainID)
case CreatingSQLStore:
logger.Warnf("Creating SQL store")
logger.Warnf("Event on chain %d on block %d while interacting with contract %s", chainID, block, dumpAddresses(addresses))
func unpackIndexerConfig(indexerData scribeTypes.IndexerConfig) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Contracts: %v, GetLogsRange: %d, GetLogsBatchAmount: %d, StoreConcurrency: %d, ChainID: %d, StartHeight: %d, EndHeight: %d, ConcurrencyThreshold: %d",
indexerData.Addresses, indexerData.GetLogsRange, indexerData.GetLogsBatchAmount, indexerData.StoreConcurrency, indexerData.ChainID, indexerData.StartHeight, indexerData.EndHeight, indexerData.ConcurrencyThreshold)
func dumpAddresses(addresses []common.Address) string {
addressesStr := ""
for i := range addresses {
if i == len(addresses)-1 {
addressesStr += addresses[i].String()
} else {
addressesStr += addresses[i].String() + ", "
return addressesStr