package service_test
import (
. ""
scribeTypes ""
// TestIndexToBlock tests using an indexer for recording receipts and logs in a database.
func (s *ScribeSuite) TestIndexToBlock() {
// Get simulated blockchain, deploy the test contract, and set up test variables.
simulatedChain := geth.NewEmbeddedBackendForChainID(s.GetSuiteContext(), s.T(), big.NewInt(142))
simulatedClient, err := backend.DialBackend(s.GetTestContext(), simulatedChain.RPCAddress(), s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
simulatedChain.FundAccount(s.GetTestContext(), s.wallet.Address(), *big.NewInt(params.Ether))
testContract, testRef := s.manager.GetTestContract(s.GetTestContext(), simulatedChain)
transactOpts := simulatedChain.GetTxContext(s.GetTestContext(), nil)
// Set config.
contractConfig := config.ContractConfig{
Address: testContract.Address().String(),
StartBlock: 0,
simulatedChainArr := []backend.ScribeBackend{simulatedClient, simulatedClient}
chainConfig := config.ChainConfig{
ChainID: 142,
GetLogsBatchAmount: 1,
Confirmations: 0,
StoreConcurrency: 1,
GetLogsRange: 1,
ConcurrencyThreshold: 100,
Contracts: []config.ContractConfig{contractConfig},
chainIndexer, err := service.NewChainIndexer(s.testDB, simulatedChainArr, chainConfig, s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
// Emit events for the indexer to read.
tx, err := testRef.EmitEventA(transactOpts.TransactOpts, big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(3))
Nil(s.T(), err)
simulatedChain.WaitForConfirmation(s.GetTestContext(), tx)
tx, err = testRef.EmitEventA(transactOpts.TransactOpts, big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(3))
Nil(s.T(), err)
simulatedChain.WaitForConfirmation(s.GetTestContext(), tx)
tx, err = testRef.EmitEventB(transactOpts.TransactOpts, []byte{4}, big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(6))
Nil(s.T(), err)
simulatedChain.WaitForConfirmation(s.GetTestContext(), tx)
// Emit two logs in one receipt.
tx, err = testRef.EmitEventAandB(transactOpts.TransactOpts, big.NewInt(7), big.NewInt(8), big.NewInt(9))
Nil(s.T(), err)
simulatedChain.WaitForConfirmation(s.GetTestContext(), tx)
// Get the block that the last transaction was executed in.
txBlockNumber, err := testutil.GetTxBlockNumber(s.GetTestContext(), simulatedChain, tx)
Nil(s.T(), err)
// TODO use no-op meter
blockHeightMeter, err := s.nullMetrics.Metrics().NewHistogram(fmt.Sprint("scribe_block_meter", chainConfig.ChainID), "block_histogram", "a block height meter", "blocks")
Nil(s.T(), err)
contracts := []common.Address{common.HexToAddress(contractConfig.Address)}
indexer, err := indexer.NewIndexer(chainConfig, contracts, s.testDB, simulatedChainArr, s.nullMetrics, blockHeightMeter, false)
Nil(s.T(), err)
err = chainIndexer.IndexToBlock(s.GetTestContext(), uint64(0), nil, indexer)
Nil(s.T(), err)
// Get all receipts.
receipts, err := s.testDB.RetrieveReceiptsWithFilter(s.GetTestContext(), db.ReceiptFilter{}, 1)
Nil(s.T(), err)
// Check to see if 3 receipts were collected.
Equal(s.T(), 4, len(receipts))
// Get all logs.
logs, err := s.testDB.RetrieveLogsWithFilter(s.GetTestContext(), db.LogFilter{}, 1)
Nil(s.T(), err)
// Check to see if 4 logs were collected.
Equal(s.T(), 5, len(logs))
// Check to see if the last receipt has two logs.
Equal(s.T(), 2, len(receipts[0].Logs))
// Ensure last indexed block is correct.
lastIndexed, err := s.testDB.RetrieveLastIndexed(s.GetTestContext(), testContract.Address(), uint32(testContract.ChainID().Uint64()), scribeTypes.IndexingConfirmed)
Nil(s.T(), err)
Equal(s.T(), txBlockNumber, lastIndexed)
// TestChainIndexer tests that the ChainIndexer can index events from a chain.
func (s *ScribeSuite) TestChainIndexer() {
const numberOfContracts = 3
const desiredBlockHeight = 20
chainID := gofakeit.Uint32()
chainBackends := make(map[uint32]geth.Backend)
newBackend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackendForChainID(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), big.NewInt(int64(chainID)))
chainBackends[chainID] = *newBackend
// Create contract managers
managers := []*testutil.DeployManager{s.manager}
if numberOfContracts > 1 {
for i := 1; i < numberOfContracts; i++ {
managers = append(managers, testutil.NewDeployManager(s.T()))
testChainHandlerMap, chainBackendMap, err := testutil.PopulateChainsWithLogs(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), chainBackends, desiredBlockHeight, managers, s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
var contractConfigs []config.ContractConfig
addresses := testChainHandlerMap[chainID].Addresses
for i := range addresses {
contractConfig := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[i].String(),
contractConfigs = append(contractConfigs, contractConfig)
chainConfig := config.ChainConfig{
ChainID: chainID,
Confirmations: 0,
GetLogsBatchAmount: 1,
StoreConcurrency: 1,
GetLogsRange: 1,
Contracts: contractConfigs,
killableContext, cancel := context.WithTimeout(s.GetTestContext(), 20*time.Second)
defer cancel()
chainIndexer, err := service.NewChainIndexer(s.testDB, chainBackendMap[chainID], chainConfig, s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
_ = chainIndexer.Index(killableContext)
sum := uint64(0)
for _, value := range testChainHandlerMap[chainID].EventsEmitted {
sum += value
logs, err := s.testDB.RetrieveLogsWithFilter(s.GetTestContext(), db.LogFilter{}, 1)
Nil(s.T(), err)
Equal(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(logs)))
receipts, err := s.testDB.RetrieveReceiptsWithFilter(s.GetTestContext(), db.ReceiptFilter{}, 1)
Nil(s.T(), err)
Equal(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(receipts)))
// TestChainIndexerLivefill tests a ChainIndexer's ability to livefill and handle passing events from index to livefill.
// nolint:cyclop
func (s *ScribeSuite) TestChainIndexerLivefill() {
if os.Getenv("CI") != "" || !s.runVolumeTest {
s.T().Skip("This is a long running test")
const numberOfContracts = 5
currentBlockHeight := uint64(0) // starting with zero to emit events while indexing.
chainID := gofakeit.Uint32()
chainBackends := make(map[uint32]geth.Backend)
newBackend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackendForChainID(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), big.NewInt(int64(chainID)))
chainBackends[chainID] = *newBackend
// Create contract managers
deployManagers := []*testutil.DeployManager{s.manager}
if numberOfContracts > 1 {
for i := 1; i < numberOfContracts; i++ {
deployManagers = append(deployManagers, testutil.NewDeployManager(s.T()))
testChainHandlerMap, chainBackendMap, err := testutil.PopulateChainsWithLogs(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), chainBackends, currentBlockHeight, deployManagers, s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
addresses := testChainHandlerMap[chainID].Addresses
// Differing start blocks and refresh rates to test contracts reaching livefill at different times.
contractConfig1 := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[0].String(),
StartBlock: 0,
RefreshRate: 4,
contractConfig2 := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[1].String(),
StartBlock: 25,
RefreshRate: 1,
contractConfig3 := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[2].String(),
StartBlock: 30,
RefreshRate: 3,
contractConfig4 := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[3].String(),
StartBlock: 30,
RefreshRate: 1,
contractConfig5 := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[4].String(),
StartBlock: 0,
RefreshRate: 3,
contractConfigs := []config.ContractConfig{contractConfig1, contractConfig2, contractConfig3, contractConfig4, contractConfig5}
chainConfig := config.ChainConfig{
ChainID: chainID,
Confirmations: 0,
GetLogsBatchAmount: 1,
StoreConcurrency: 1,
GetLogsRange: 1,
// livefill threshold kept small to ensure that the indexer does not reach the head before the continuous event emitting starts
LivefillThreshold: 0,
Contracts: contractConfigs,
// Update start blocks
for i := range contractConfigs {
contract := contractConfigs[i]
contractAddress := common.HexToAddress(contract.Address)
testChainHandlerMap[chainID].ContractStartBlocks[contractAddress] = contract.StartBlock
chainIndexer, err := service.NewChainIndexer(s.testDB, chainBackendMap[chainID], chainConfig, s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
Equal(s.T(), 0, len(chainIndexer.GetLivefillContracts()))
currentBlockHeight = 30
emittingContext, cancelEmitting := context.WithTimeout(s.GetTestContext(), 60*time.Second)
defer cancelEmitting()
// Emit an event for every contract every second. This will terminate 20 seconds before indexing terminates.
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-emittingContext.Done():
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
currentBlockHeight += 2
emitErr := testutil.EmitEvents(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), newBackend, currentBlockHeight, testChainHandlerMap[chainID])
Nil(s.T(), emitErr)
<-time.After(40 * time.Second) // wait for 40 seconds before indexing to get some events on chain before indexing.
// Cap indexing for 30 seconds.
indexingContext, cancelIndexing := context.WithTimeout(s.GetTestContext(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancelIndexing()
// Check that the number of livefill contracts is correct.
numberLivefillContracts := 0
go func() {
currentLength := 0
for {
select {
case <-indexingContext.Done():
contracts := chainIndexer.GetLivefillContracts()
if currentLength != len(contracts) {
currentLength = len(contracts)
newContract := contracts[currentLength-1]
lastIndexed, indexErr := s.testDB.RetrieveLastIndexed(s.GetTestContext(), common.HexToAddress(newContract.Address), chainID, scribeTypes.IndexingConfirmed)
Nil(s.T(), indexErr)
numberLivefillContracts = len(contracts)
currentBlock, indexErr := newBackend.BlockNumber(s.GetTestContext())
Nil(s.T(), indexErr)
// Check to ensure last indexed is within reasonable range to have triggered livefill for that contract
GreaterOrEqual(s.T(), float64(7), math.Abs(float64(lastIndexed)-(float64(currentBlock)-float64(chainConfig.LivefillThreshold))))
// Index events
_ = chainIndexer.Index(indexingContext)
sum := uint64(0)
for _, value := range testChainHandlerMap[chainID].EventsEmitted {
sum += value
logs, err := testutil.GetLogsUntilNoneLeft(s.GetTestContext(), s.testDB, db.LogFilter{})
Nil(s.T(), err)
Equal(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(logs)))
receipts, err := testutil.GetReceiptsUntilNoneLeft(s.GetTestContext(), s.testDB, db.ReceiptFilter{})
Nil(s.T(), err)
Equal(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(receipts)))
Equal(s.T(), numberOfContracts, numberLivefillContracts)
// TestLargeVolume tests that the ChainIndexer can index a large volume of events from a chain.
func (s *ScribeSuite) TestLargeVolume() {
if os.Getenv("CI") != "" || !s.runVolumeTest {
s.T().Skip("This is a long running test")
const runtime = 100
desiredBlockHeight := uint64(1)
chainID := gofakeit.Uint32()
chainBackends := make(map[uint32]geth.Backend)
newBackend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackendForChainID(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), big.NewInt(int64(chainID)))
chainBackends[chainID] = *newBackend
// Create contract managers
managers := []*testutil.DeployManager{s.manager}
testChainHandlerMap, chainBackendMap, err := testutil.PopulateChainsWithLogs(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), chainBackends, desiredBlockHeight, managers, s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
var contractConfigs []config.ContractConfig
addresses := testChainHandlerMap[chainID].Addresses
for i := range addresses {
contractConfig := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[i].String(),
contractConfigs = append(contractConfigs, contractConfig)
chainConfig := config.ChainConfig{
ChainID: chainID,
Confirmations: 0,
GetLogsBatchAmount: 1,
StoreConcurrency: 1,
GetLogsRange: 2000,
Contracts: contractConfigs,
// emit events for <runtime> seconds
emittingContext, cancelEmitting := context.WithTimeout(s.GetTestContext(), runtime*time.Second)
defer cancelEmitting()
go func() {
for {
// repeat until emittingContext is canceled
select {
case <-emittingContext.Done():
desiredBlockHeight += 10
err = testutil.EmitEvents(emittingContext, s.T(), newBackend, desiredBlockHeight, testChainHandlerMap[chainID])
if err != nil {
// wait until done emitting
indexingContext, cancelIndexing := context.WithTimeout(s.GetTestContext(), 20*time.Second)
defer cancelIndexing()
chainIndexer, err := service.NewChainIndexer(s.testDB, chainBackendMap[chainID], chainConfig, s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
_ = chainIndexer.Index(indexingContext)
sum := uint64(0)
for _, value := range testChainHandlerMap[chainID].EventsEmitted {
sum += value
logs, err := testutil.GetLogsUntilNoneLeft(s.GetTestContext(), s.testDB, db.LogFilter{})
Nil(s.T(), err)
Equal(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(logs)))
receipts, err := testutil.GetReceiptsUntilNoneLeft(s.GetTestContext(), s.testDB, db.ReceiptFilter{})
Nil(s.T(), err)
Equal(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(receipts)))
// TestChainIndexerLivfillToTip tests that the ChainIndexer can livefill events to the head.
// nolint:cyclop
func (s *ScribeSuite) TestChainIndexerLivefillToTip() {
const numberOfContracts = 3
currentBlockHeight := uint64(10) // starting with zero to emit events while indexing.
chainID := gofakeit.Uint32()
chainBackends := make(map[uint32]geth.Backend)
newBackend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackendForChainID(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), big.NewInt(int64(chainID)))
chainBackends[chainID] = *newBackend
// Create contract managers
deployManagers := []*testutil.DeployManager{s.manager}
if numberOfContracts > 1 {
for i := 1; i < numberOfContracts; i++ {
deployManagers = append(deployManagers, testutil.NewDeployManager(s.T()))
testChainHandlerMap, chainBackendMap, err := testutil.PopulateChainsWithLogs(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), chainBackends, currentBlockHeight, deployManagers, s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
addresses := testChainHandlerMap[chainID].Addresses
// Differing start blocks and refresh rates to test contracts reaching livefill at different times.
contractConfig1 := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[0].String(),
StartBlock: 0,
RefreshRate: 4,
contractConfig2 := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[1].String(),
StartBlock: 25,
RefreshRate: 1,
contractConfig3 := config.ContractConfig{
Address: addresses[2].String(),
StartBlock: 30,
RefreshRate: 3,
contractConfigs := []config.ContractConfig{contractConfig1, contractConfig2, contractConfig3}
chainConfig := config.ChainConfig{
ChainID: chainID,
Confirmations: 30,
GetLogsBatchAmount: 1,
StoreConcurrency: 1,
GetLogsRange: 1,
LivefillThreshold: 0,
Contracts: contractConfigs,
// Update start blocks
for i := range contractConfigs {
contract := contractConfigs[i]
contractAddress := common.HexToAddress(contract.Address)
testChainHandlerMap[chainID].ContractStartBlocks[contractAddress] = contract.StartBlock
chainIndexer, err := service.NewChainIndexer(s.testDB, chainBackendMap[chainID], chainConfig, s.nullMetrics)
Nil(s.T(), err)
currentBlockHeight = 30
emittingContext, cancelEmitting := context.WithTimeout(s.GetTestContext(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancelEmitting()
// Emit an event for every contract every second. This will terminate 10 seconds before indexing terminates.
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-emittingContext.Done():
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
currentBlockHeight += 2
emitErr := testutil.EmitEvents(s.GetTestContext(), s.T(), newBackend, currentBlockHeight, testChainHandlerMap[chainID])
Nil(s.T(), emitErr)
<-time.After(20 * time.Second) // wait for 20 seconds before indexing to get some events on chain before indexing.
// Cap indexing for 30 seconds.
indexingContext, cancelIndexing := context.WithTimeout(s.GetTestContext(), 20*time.Second)
defer cancelIndexing()
// Index events
_ = chainIndexer.Index(indexingContext)
sum := uint64(0)
for _, value := range testChainHandlerMap[chainID].EventsEmitted {
sum += value
currentBlock, indexErr := newBackend.BlockNumber(s.GetTestContext())
Nil(s.T(), indexErr)
logs, err := testutil.GetLogsUntilNoneLeft(s.GetTestContext(), s.testDB, db.LogFilter{})
Nil(s.T(), err)
GreaterOrEqual(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(logs)))
receipts, err := testutil.GetReceiptsUntilNoneLeft(s.GetTestContext(), s.testDB, db.ReceiptFilter{})
Nil(s.T(), err)
GreaterOrEqual(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(receipts)))
for _, contract := range contractConfigs {
unconfirmedLogs, err := s.testDB.RetrieveLogsFromHeadRangeQuery(s.GetTestContext(), db.LogFilter{ChainID: chainID, ContractAddress: contract.Address}, 1, currentBlock, 1)
Nil(s.T(), err)
GreaterOrEqual(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(unconfirmedLogs)))
unconfirmedReceipts, err := s.testDB.RetrieveReceiptsFromHeadRangeQuery(s.GetTestContext(), db.ReceiptFilter{ChainID: chainID, ContractAddress: contract.Address}, 1, currentBlock, 1)
Nil(s.T(), err)
GreaterOrEqual(s.T(), sum, uint64(len(unconfirmedReceipts)))