package service
import (
otelMetrics ""
// Scribe is a live scribe that logs all event data.
type Scribe struct {
// eventDB is the database to store event data in.
eventDB db.EventDB
// clients is a mapping of chain IDs -> clients.
clients map[uint32][]backend.ScribeBackend
// chainIndexers are the indexers for the scribe.
chainIndexers map[uint32]*ChainIndexer
// config is the config for the scribe.
config config.Config
// handler is the metrics handler for the scribe.
handler metrics.Handler
// reorgMeters holds a otel counter meter for reorgs for each chain
reorgMeters map[uint32]otelMetrics.Int64Counter
// NewScribe creates a new scribe.
func NewScribe(eventDB db.EventDB, clients map[uint32][]backend.ScribeBackend, config config.Config, handler metrics.Handler) (*Scribe, error) {
chainIndexers := make(map[uint32]*ChainIndexer)
for i := range config.Chains {
chainConfig := config.Chains[i]
chainIndexer, err := NewChainIndexer(eventDB, clients[chainConfig.ChainID], chainConfig, handler)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create chain indexer: %w", err)
chainIndexers[chainConfig.ChainID] = chainIndexer
return &Scribe{
eventDB: eventDB,
clients: clients,
chainIndexers: chainIndexers,
config: config,
handler: handler,
reorgMeters: make(map[uint32]otelMetrics.Int64Counter),
}, nil
// Start starts the scribe. A chain indexer is spun up for each chain, and a indexer is spun up for
// each contract on that chain. There is an indexer for livefilling all contracts and indexer for livefilling at the tip as well.
func (s Scribe) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
g, groupCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
b := backoff.Backoff{
Factor: 2,
Jitter: true,
Min: 1 * time.Second,
Max: 10 * time.Second,
retryRate := time.Second * 0
for i := range s.config.Chains {
chainConfig := s.config.Chains[i]
chainID := chainConfig.ChainID
// Run chain indexer for each chain
g.Go(func() error {
// Each chain gets its own context so it can retry on its own if there is a fatal error.
// If the global scribe context fails, all chains will fail.
chainCtx, cancelChain := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancelChain()
for {
select {
case <-groupCtx.Done(): // Global context cancel, destroy all chain indexers.
cancelChain() // redundant, but clean.
return fmt.Errorf("global scribe context cancel %w", groupCtx.Err())
case <-chainCtx.Done(): // Chain level context cancel, retry and recreate context.
logger.ReportScribeError(fmt.Errorf("chain level scribe context cancel, %w", chainCtx.Err()), chainID, logger.ContextCancelled)
chainCtx, cancelChain = context.WithCancel(ctx)
retryRate = b.Duration()
case <-time.After(retryRate):
err := s.chainIndexers[chainID].Index(groupCtx)
if err != nil {
logger.ReportScribeError(fmt.Errorf("error running chain indexer %w", err), chainID, logger.FatalScribeError)
retryRate = b.Duration()
return nil // This shouldn't really ever be hit
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("scribe failed: %w", err)
return nil