package testhelper
import (
scribeAPI ""
var logger = log.Logger("scribe-testhelper")
// NewTestScribe creates a new scribe server with all the test backends passed in.
// all contracts in the registry will be tracked.
func NewTestScribe(ctx context.Context, tb testing.TB, deployedContracts map[uint32][]contracts.DeployedContract, backends ...backends.SimulatedTestBackend) string {
const db = "sqlite"
dbPath := filet.TmpDir(tb, "")
omnirpcURL := testhelper.NewOmnirpcServer(ctx, tb, backends...)
// don't use metrics on ci for integration tests
isCI := core.GetEnvBool("CI", false)
useMetrics := !isCI
metricsHandler := metrics.Null
if useMetrics {
localmetrics.SetupTestJaeger(ctx, tb)
metricsHandler = metrics.Jaeger
metricsProvider, err := metrics.NewByType(ctx, metadata.BuildInfo(), metricsHandler)
assert.Nil(tb, err)
eventDB, err := scribeAPI.InitDB(ctx, "sqlite", dbPath, metricsProvider, false)
assert.Nil(tb, err)
scribeClients := make(map[uint32][]backend.ScribeBackend)
var chainConfigs []config.ChainConfig
for i := range backends {
// this backends chain id
chainID := uint32(backends[i].GetChainID())
// create the scribe backend client
backendClient, err := backend.DialBackend(ctx, testhelper.GetURL(omnirpcURL, backends[i]), metricsProvider)
assert.Nil(tb, err)
// creat ethe scribe client for this chain
scribeClients[chainID] = []backend.ScribeBackend{backendClient}
// loop through all deployed contracts for this chainid adding them to our config
contractConfigs := getContractConfig(deployedContracts[chainID])
// add the chain config to the list
chainConfigs = append(chainConfigs, config.ChainConfig{
ChainID: uint32(backends[i].GetChainID()),
Contracts: contractConfigs,
scribeConfig := config.Config{
Chains: chainConfigs,
RPCURL: omnirpcURL,
scribe, err := service.NewScribe(eventDB, scribeClients, scribeConfig, metricsProvider)
assert.Nil(tb, err)
go func() {
err = scribe.Start(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("scribe errored: %v, note this is not necessarily an error with scribe and could indicate the test finished", err)
embedded := client.NewEmbeddedScribe(db, dbPath, metricsProvider)
go func() {
err = embedded.Start(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("embedded scribe errored: %v, note this is not necessarily an error with scribe and could indicate the test finished", err)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", embedded.URL, embedded.Port)
func getContractConfig(contracts []contracts.DeployedContract) (contractConfigs config.ContractConfigs) {
// loop through all deployed contracts for this chainid adding them to our config
for _, contract := range contracts {
contractConfigs = append(contractConfigs, config.ContractConfig{
Address: contract.Address().String(),
// Note: we could go ahead and get the deploy height
// from the receipt, but this is more trouble than it's worth
// considering everything goes through localhost and block numbers are
// near 0
StartBlock: 1,
return contractConfigs