package testhelper_test
import (
// TestHelperSuite defines the basic test suite.
type TestHelperSuite struct {
// testBackends contins a list of all test backends
testBackends []backends.SimulatedTestBackend
deployManager *testutil.DeployManager
// NewTestSuite creates a new test suite and performs some basic checks afterward.
// Every test suite in the synapse library should inherit from this suite and override where necessary.
func NewTestSuite(tb testing.TB) *TestHelperSuite {
return &TestHelperSuite{
TestSuite: testsuite.NewTestSuite(tb),
func (s *TestHelperSuite) SetupSuite() {
func (s *TestHelperSuite) SetupTest() {
s.deployManager = testutil.NewDeployManager(s.T())
// deploy the contract to all backends
s.deployManager.BulkDeploy(s.GetTestContext(), s.testBackends, testutil.TestContractType)
// SetupBackends sets up the test backends that are used for the tests. These need to be setup as embedded backends since
// scribe requires rpc addresses, so we employ some paraellism to speed up the test process.
// This can either be done per suite or per test. This is done per suite do to the cost of spinning up fake geth nodes.
func (s *TestHelperSuite) SetupBackends(ctx context.Context) {
// let's create 3 mock chains
chainIDs := []uint64{1, 2, 3}
// preallocate a slice for testbackends to the size of chainIDs
// this way we can avoid non-deterministic order + needing to acquire/release a lock
s.testBackends = make([]backends.SimulatedTestBackend, len(chainIDs))
// TODO: can we use a waitgroup here instead?
g, _ := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for i, chainID := range chainIDs {
pos := i // get position of chain id in array
chainID := chainID // capture func literal
g.Go(func() error {
// we need to use the embedded backend here, because the simulated backend doesn't support rpcs required by scribe
backend := geth.NewEmbeddedBackendForChainID(ctx, s.T(), new(big.Int).SetUint64(chainID))
// add the backend to the list of backends
s.testBackends[pos] = backend
return nil
// wait for all backends to be ready
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
func TestTestHelperSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, NewTestSuite(t))